Program in Jewish History
2022-23 Teaching Assistant Award Winners in the Department of History
Two teaching assistants from the Department of History, Ludwig Decke and Emma Wathen, have received a Campus-Wide Teaching Assistant Awards. These awards recognize their excellence in teaching. Ludwig and Emma both received the Early Excellence …
Francine Hirsch’s Analysis of Russian Invasion in Ukraine
Professor Francine Hirsch is a historian of modern Europe with a specialization in Russia and the Soviet Union whose areas of expertise include comparative empires, the history of human rights, and Russian-American engagement. Since the Russian …
History Ph.D. Candidate Writes About Pandemic and Post-Combat Life
History Ph.D. candidate and U.S. Army veteran Chad Gibbs has an article published in Newsweek about how the end of the pandemic might feel, from the perspective of a combat veteran, and what to look …
Kathryn Ciancia publishes new book
Kathryn Ciancia’s new book, On Civilization’s Edge: A Polish Borderland in the Interwar World (Oxford University Press, 2020) is now available. Description: As a resurgent Poland emerged at the end of World War I, an …
Professor Emeritus David Sorkin Publishes New Book
David Sorkin, a historian of Jewish and European history, has published a new book titled Jewish Emancipation: A History Across Five Centuries (Princeton University Press, 2019). Sorkin is a Professor Emeritus of our department and …
Professor Lapina Interviewed on Wisconsin Public Radio
This past Sunday, December 8th, Professor Elizabeth Lapina was interviewed on Wisconsin Public Radio for a segment titled “Knightly Culture and the Crusades.” The host was Norman Gilliland, who co-produces the weekly WPR program “University …
Article – “Lessons from the Treblinka Archive: Transnational Collections and their Implications for Historical Research” by Chad S.A. Gibbs
In work for his 1979 book The Death Camp Treblinka, Alexander Donat began the process of locating survivors of the camp and recording their histories. In a telling testament to the lethality of this place, …
The Paul J. Schrag Lecture: Scott Spector
“Two Vultures? Freud’s Psychoanalysis between ‘Jewish Science’ and Humanism” Scott Spector – University of Michigan Professor of History and Germanic Languages and Literature Wednesday, April 14, 2018 4:00 – 5:30 PM Union South (1308 W …
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