The Department of History at UW-Madison is consistently ranked among the very best in the nation. The Department offers graduate degrees in History and in the History of Science, Medicine, and Technology. In the History program, training is available in an extensive array of transnational fields, with interdisciplinary strengths across global regions. We offer the option to concentrate your studies thematically in one of our formal programs: the Program in Gender and Women’s History, the Program in Jewish History, and the War in Society and Culture Program. Our faculty also have a variety of thematic strengths, such as borderlands and diasporas; environmental, intellectual, and cultural history; labor and political economy; race, ethnicity, and indigeneity; and religion and ritual. Other degree options include our Bridge Program with the Department of African American Studies and a Joint PhD, e.g., with Educational Policy Studies.
For a full introduction to our graduate program, consult Fields & Programs, the menu links to the right, and the curent edition of our Graduate Program Handbook.