Declaring the History Major or Certificate is easy! To declare, please complete the brief electronic form linked below. You can use the same form to switch from the Certificate to the Major (or vice versa) or to cancel either one. Students are strongly encouraged to make an advising appointment after declaring, and a member of the History advising team will follow up with you via email to see if you have any immediate questions.
You can always use Starfish to make an in-person or remote appointment with the History advising team – you don’t need to declare before talking with us!
Students Not in the College of Letters & Science
If you are not a student in the College of Letters & Science, declaring History as an additional major is subject to the approval of your home school/college. After you complete the declaration form below, a member of the History advising team will initiate the process for requesting approval from your school/college and will follow up with you by email. Students in all schools and colleges may declare the History Certificate without seeking approval from their home school/college.