Professor Ashley Brown was recently interviewed by Smithsonian Magazine for an article about Althea Gibson, the subject of her upcoming book (in progress). In the year 1950, at age 23, Althea Gibson was the first …
Gender and Women’s History
Professor Mou Banerjee Featured for Excellent Teaching
UW-Madison News has featured Professor Mou Banerjee in a piece about pandemic pedagogy, and what meaningful connection with students looks like in a virtual classroom. At the end of the fall 2020 semester, Professor Banerjee’s …
Professor Pernille Ipsen Receives Major Danish Literature Prize
Professor Pernille Ipsen has received the Montana Prize for Literature, a major Danish literature prize, for her book Et Åbent Øjeblik: Da mine mødre gjorde noget nyt (An Open Moment: When My Mothers Did Something New)(Gyldendal, …
Leonora Neville Interviewed for Byzantium Podcast
Professor Leonora Neville was interviewed this month for The History of Byzantium, a podcast telling the story of the Roman Empire from 476 AD to 1453. The episode focused on “The Coup of Anna Komnene,” …
Students of Professor Banerjee’s History 200 Say “Thank You”
Professor Mou Banerjee got a surprise on Tuesday when students from her History 200 course on Gandhi, King, Mandela: Non-Violence in the World performed a coordinated thank you to Professor Banerjee over Zoom. Students turned …
Professor Gloria Whiting Publishes Article in William and Mary Quarterly
Professor Gloria Whiting recently published an article in the early American history journal, William and Mary Quarterly. Titled “Race, Slavery, and the Problem of Numbers in Early New England: A View from Probate Court,” the …
Professor Cheng Explains History of Discrimination Towards Asian Americans During Pandemics
As a response to the recent uptick in incidents of racism and discrimination towards Asian and Asian American individuals amidst COVID-19, Professor Cindy I-Fen Cheng spoke to a local Madison news station about the history …
Gloria Whiting publishes article in Slavery & Abolition
Professor Gloria Whiting recently published an article in Slavery & Abolition titled “Emancipation without the courts or constitution: the case of Revolutionary Massachusetts.” The essay rethinks the process by which freedom was inaugurated in Massachusetts, …
Professor Nan Enstad Receives AHA’s Beveridge Award for Cigarettes Inc.
Professor Nan Enstad has been awarded the prestigious Albert J. Beveridge Award from the American Historical Association for her recent book Cigarettes Inc.: An Intimate History of Corporate Imperialism (University of Chicago Press, 2018). The …
Professor Leonora Neville Featured in Byzantium & Friends Podcast
Professor and History Department Chair, Leonora Neville, has been featured on a podcast called Byzantium & Friends, a platform through which scholars and the general public can engage with all things related to Byzantine Studies. …