Graduate Program Administration

Charles Kim, Professor and Director of Graduate Studies (DGS) – oversees all aspects of the Graduate Program.

Susan Nelson, Graduate Program Manager – counsels graduate students about technical and substantive departmental and Graduate School degree requirements for all degree programs; helps students build appropriate course schedules; provides staff supervision of the assignment of teaching assistants (TAs) and project assistants (PAs); shares information about funding opportunities and supervises the distribution of graduate fellowships, assistantships, and prizes; assists in managing the Graduate Program’s various funds. Serves on the Graduate Council, JCOTA, the F&S Committee, and the Harassment and Discrimination Committee.

Lisa Normand, Graduate Advisor and Admissions Coordinator – coordinates the application and admissions process; plans and facilitates special events and assists with workshops; coordinates the administrative aspects of student appointments (TA/PA), manages TA/PA office assignments; oversees Reader/Grader appointments; schedules SYRs, Prelims, Prospectus, and Dissertation defenses; facilitates graduate level course permissions; provides administrative support to the Graduate Council;  and oversees the graduate newsletters for current students and alumni.

Lindsay Ehrisman and Emily Tran, Graduate Program Project Assistants – supports the Graduate Program staff with a variety of projects designed to enhance the Graduate Program, particularly regarding recruitment and retention, TA training, diversity workshops, and professional development.

Davis Fugate, Payroll and Benefits Specialist – handles payroll and benefits matters related to graduate fellowships, scholarships, TAships, PAships, and readerships; oversees the disbursement of graduate funds to international students.

Zach Fithian, Main Office Coordinator – greets visitors and manages department front office; answers numerous inquiries about a large variety of subjects both in person and on the telephone and directs people to the correct source for further information.

Administrative Bodies

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Graduate Council

Graduate Council (GC) – has overall responsibility for the graduate program and curriculum. It is chaired by the DGS and is composed of four other faculty members, appointed by the Department Chair, and four elected graduate student representatives. The Graduate Program Coordinator, Graduate Program Assistant, and Graduate Program Project Assistant serve ex officio.

Graduate Council Meeting Agendas and Minutes

Current Council Members

Fellowships and Scholarships

Fellowships and Scholarships Committee (F&S) – has principal responsibility for awarding fellowships, grants, and prizes. It is composed of the DGS (chair), three faculty members appointed by the chair, and the Graduate Program Coordinator.

Current Committee Members

Joint Committee on Teaching Assistants (JCOTA)

Joint Committee on Teaching Assistants (JCOTA) – supervises the hiring, training, and ongoing professional development and evaluation of teaching assistants and hears concerns relating to teaching assistantships. Its membership consists of one faculty member from the Undergraduate Council, one faculty member from the Graduate Council (who serves as chair), three elected graduate student representatives, the Graduate Program Coordinator, and the Graduate Program Project Assistants (ex officio).

Current Committee Members