Kathryn McGarr’s new “City of Newsmen” in Louis Menand’s review in New Yorker

Book Cover: City of NewsmenIn his Feb. 6, 2023 critic-at-large book review for the New Yorker, “Making the News,” Louis Menand features affiliated faculty Kathryn McGarr‘s new book, City of Newsmen: Public Lies and Professional Secrets in Cold War Washington (University of Chicago Press).

Professor Kathryn McGarr is an assistant professor in the School of Journalism and Mass communication and is an affiliated professor in the Department of History. Her research is in twentieth-century U.S. political history, with a focus on gender, foreign policy, and the news media. Her book City of Newsmen: public Lies and Professional Secrets in Cold War Washington is an inside look at how midcentury DC journalists silenced their won skepticism and shaped public perceptions of the Cold War.