Paige Glotzer Films an Episode of University Place for PBS Wisconsin

Paige Glotzer portraitProfessor Paige Glotzer discusses the history of housing segregation on PBS Wisconsin’s University Place. The episode is available to view online and will air on Monday, March 20th at 9:00 PM. Housing segregation is the subject of Professor Glotzer’s book, How the Suburbs Were Segregated: Developers and the Business of Exclusionary Housing, 1890-1960 (Columbia University Press, 2020).

How the Suburbs Were Segregated has recently received the Lewis Mumford Prize from the Society for America City and Regional Planning, as well as received an honorable mention from the International Planning History Society for its First Book Prize. It also won the 2021 Kenneth Jackson Award for Best Book in North American History and was a finalist for the 2021 Hagley Prize in Business History.