History Major Takes a Horticulture Class with Grandparents Who Audit

Danielle Wendricks with parentsDanielle Wendricks, a History major also studying Community and Nonprofit Leadership and Educational Policy at UW-Madison, took Horticulture 120 this semester with her grandparents, who audited the class as part of UW’s Senior Guest Auditor Program. The Senior Guest Auditor program allows Wisconsin residents 60 years of age and older to audit classes at the University free of charge! The Department of History also serves a large portion of the auditor population at UW. Each academic year, hundreds of spare seats in History classes are filled by a generation of Wisconsin residents interested in History! Of the experience taking a class with her grandparents, Wendricks says “My grandma grew up on a farm, so she has an understanding of plants that we are not really learning in the classroom.”

To read the full story, see UW-Madison News.