Kate Brown
Professor of History
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Friday, March 4, 2016
4:30 – 6:00 PM
Wisconsin Historical Society
Opening Talk
Paul Robbins, Director of the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies:
A Vocabulary for the Repressed: Native Presence, American Trauma, and John Muir’s Wisconsin
Sponsored by: Department of Geography, Harvey Goldberg Center for Contemporary History, Center for Russia, East Europe, and Central Asia, Department of History, Department of English, Department of Anthropology, Holtz Center for Science and Technology Studies, Department of Community & Environmental Sociology, Department of Medical History and Bioethics, Department of History of Science, Medicine, and Technology, Department of Comparative Literature & Folklore Studies, Department of Gender and Women’s Studies, and Wisconsin Historical Society
Free public lecture part of the E is for Environment Symposium.