The graduate program in History of Science, Medicine, and Technology welcomes all interested parties to participate in its intellectual network by attending its two series.
The HSMT Brown Bag meets every Friday during the semester from noon to 1 pm in the Curti Lounge. This is our signature community gathering. Over self-provided lunch, program faculty, graduate students, and friends of the history of science, medicine, and technology meet to discuss work in progress, practice conference talks, learn from other HSMT-interested folk on campus about their work, and chew over current issues. See HSMT Brown Bag on the History Department Events Calendar for details.
The History of Science Colloquium series meets irregularly over the year in the late afternoon as a forum for outside scholars and final-year Ph.D. candidates in the program to present a formal 45-minute lecture on their research, followed by 45 minutes of discussion. See HSMT Colloquium on History Department Events Calendar for details.
All are invited to attend these events; HSMT program faculty and graduate students are expected to attend. First-year HSMT graduate students are strongly encouraged to take History of Science 950 for 0-1 credit for attending Brown Bag and Colloquium. It may be taken by others with permission of instructor. Check My UW.