History Doctorates Awarded Since 1893

First Name Last Name Advisor Co-Advisor Degree Date Field Title PhDAcadYear
Hermann von Hesse Sweet, James H. 5/1/2021 African History Fortifications, Commerce, and Urban (In)security  on the 18th- and 19th-Century Gold Coast 2020-2021
David Bresnahan Kodesh, Neil 5/1/2018 African History "The Contours of Community on the East African Coast: A View from the Hinterlands, ca. 100-1850 CE" 2017-2018
Philip Janzen Sweet, James H. 5/1/2018 African History Atlantic Intermediaries: Empire and Black Internationalism between the Caribbean and Africa, 1880-1940 2017-2018
Stephen Pierce Kodesh, Neil 8/1/2018 African History "Charity, Cosmopolitanism, and the City in Coastal East Africa, 1750-1930s" 2017-2018
Patrick Otim Kodesh, Neil 8/1/2016 African History "Forgotten Voices of the Transition: Precolonial Intellectuals and the Colonial State in Northern Uganda, 1850-1950" 2015-2016
Sean Bloch Sweet, James H. 5/1/2015 African History "When Time Stopped: Violence, History, and the Political Imaginary in the Kenya-Somali Borderlands" 2014-2015
Bennett Cross Bernault, Florence 8/1/2014 African History "Conversations at the bin Laden Hotel:_x000D_ Nationalism, Islam, and Urban Life in the MalianDiaspora (Lagos 1960-2010)" 2013-2014
Jessica Krug Sweet, James H. 12/1/2012 African History "'They Glorify in a Certain Independence': The Politics of Identity in Kisama, Angola, and Its Diasporas in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries" 2012-2013
Lacy Ferrell Bernault, Florence 8/1/2013 African History "Fighting for the Future: A History of Education in Colonial Ghana, c. 1900-1940" 2012-2013
Nicole Eggers Kodesh, Neil 8/1/2013 African History "Kitawala in the Congo: Religion, Politics, and Healing in 20th-21st Century Central Africa" 2012-2013
Sarah Hardin Bernault, Florence 5/1/2013 African History "Developing the Periphery: Cotton Cultivation, Pesticide, and the Marginalization of the Fulbe of Southeastern Senegal over the Twentieth Century" 2012-2013
Paul Bjerk Spear, Thomas 12/1/2008 African History "Julius Nyerere and the Establishment of Sovereignty in Tanganyika" 2008-2009
Naaborko Sackeyfio Bernault, Florence 8/1/2008 African History "The Stool Owns the City: Ga Chieftaincy and the Politics of Land in Colonial Accra, 1920-1950" 2007-2008
Daniel Magaziner Spear, Thomas 8/1/2007 African History "From Students to Prophets: Writing a Political Faith in South Africa, 1968 - 1977" 2006-2007
Gary Marquardt Spear, Thomas 8/1/2007 African History "Open Spaces and Closed Minds: a Socio-Environmental History of Rinderpest in South Africa and Namibia, 1896-1897" 2006-2007
Ryan Ronnenberg Spear, Thomas 5/1/2007 African History "The Laughter on His Side: Mzee Punch and the Dialectic of the Foolish" 2006-2007
Dior Konate Bernault, Florence 8/1/2006 African History A History of the Penal State in Senegal. Repressive Architecture and the Life of Prison Detainees from the Nineteenth Century to the Present. 2005-2006
Ousman Kobo Bernault, Florence 12/1/2005 African History "Enjoy The Good and Forbid the Reprehensible: A Comparative_x000D_ Historical Study of Ahl-as-Sunna Islamic Reform Movements in Ghana and Burkina Faso, 1950-2000" 2005-2006
Stephen Volz Spear, Thomas 5/1/2006 African History " 'From the mouths of our countrymen': the careers and communities of Tswana evangelists in the nineteenth century" 2005-2006
Meredith Terretta Bernault, Florence 8/1/2004 African History The Fabrication of the Post-Colonial State of Cameroon: Village Nationalism and UPC's Fight for Nation, 1948-1971" 2003-2004
Robert Houle Spear, Thomas 12/1/2003 African History "'Today I am Delivered': Revival, Holiness, and the naturalization of Christianity in turn of the century colonial Natal" 2003-2004
Jeremiah Kitunda Spear, Thomas 8/1/2003 African History "The Spread of Water Hyacinth and Other Aquatic Weeds in the African Great Lakes: An Environmental History of Lake Victoria to 1999" 2002-2003
Sean Hanretta Spear, Thomas 8/1/2003 African History "Constructing A Religious Community in French West Africa: The Yacoubiste Sufi Order until 1960" 2002-2003
Susan O'Brien Spear, Thomas 8/1/2000 African History "Power and Paradox Hausa Bori: Discourses of Gender, Healing, and Islamic Tradition in Northern Nigeria, 1804-1998" 1999-2000
Erick Mann Spear, Thomas 5/1/1998 African History "The Schutztruppe and the Nature of Colonial Warfare During the Conquest of Tanganyika, 1889-1900" 1997-1998
Kathleen Smythe Spear, Thomas 8/1/1997 African History "Fipa Childhood: White Fathers' Missionaries and Social Change in Nkansi, Ufipa, 1910-1980" 1996-1997
Cathy Skidmore-Hess Vansina, Jan 8/1/1995 African History "Queen Njinga: Ritual, Power, and Gender in the Life of a Pre-colonial African Ruler, 1582-1663" 1994-1995
John Leaver Koehl, Robert 8/1/1995 African History "Black Talent, White Faith: Visionary Educational and Political Aspirations in Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe), 1923-1952" 1994-1995
Carolyn Keyes Vansina, Jan 12/1/1993 African History "Adire: Cloth, Gender, and Social Change in Southwestern Nigeria, 1841-1991" 1993-1994
Henry Bierwirth Green, Kathryn 5/1/1994 African History "Like a Fish in the Sea: The Lebanese Diaspora in Cote d'Ivoire, 1925-1990" 1993-1994
James Lindsay Vansina, Jan 5/1/1994 African History "Professors, Prophets, and Politicians: áli Ibn ásakir's Tárikh Madinat Dimashq" 1993-1994
Joe Lunn Vansina, Jan 8/1/1993 African History "Memoirs of the Maelstrom: A Senegalese Oral History of the First World War" 1992-1993
Joseph Alie Green, Kathryn 8/1/1993 African History "Agricultural Policies and Strategies in Southern Sierra Leone, 1945-1990" 1992-1993
Pier Larson Vansina, Jan 12/1/1992 African History "Making Ethnic Tradition in a Pre-Colonial Society: Culture, Gender, and Protest in the Early Merina Kingdom, 1750-1822" 1992-1993
Tefetso Mothibe Vansina, Jan 5/1/1993 African History "Organized African Labor and Nationalism in Colonial Zimbabwe, 1945-1971" 1992-1993
Nancy Hunt Vansina, Jan 8/1/1992 African History "Negotiated Colonialism: Domesticity, Hygiene, and Birth Work in the Belgian Congo" 1991-1992
Paul Landau Vansina, Jan 5/1/1992 African History "The Making of Christianity in a Southern African Kingdom: Gammangwato, 1870-1940" 1991-1992
Michele Wagner Vansina, Jan 5/1/1991 African History "Whose History is History?: A History of the Barangane People of Burgane, Southern Burundi, 1850-1932" 1990-1991
Kenneth Curtis Vansina, Jan 12/1/1989 African History "Capitalism Fettered: State, Merchant, and Peasant in Northwestern Tanzania, 1917-1960" 1989-1990
Renee Tantala Feierman, Steven 12/1/1989 African History "The Early History of Kitara in Western Uganda: Process Models of Religious and Political Change" 1989-1990
Jonathan Glassman Feierman, Steven 8/1/1988 African History "Social Rebellion and Swahili Culture: The Response to German Conquest of the Northern Mrima, 1888-1890" 1987-1988
Lynda Day Feierman, Steven 8/1/1988 African History "The Female Chiefs of the Mende: Tracing the Evolution of an Indigenous Political Institution, 1885-1977" 1987-1988
Tharcisse Nsabimana Vansina, Jan 8/1/1988 African History "Food Production History in Burundi, 1880-1945" 1987-1988
Elizabeth Eldredge Vansina, Jan 12/1/1986 African History "An Economic History of Lesotho in the 19th Century" 1986-1987
Elizabeth Schmidt Feierman, Steven 8/1/1987 African History "Ideology, Economics, and the Role of Shona Women in Southern Rhodesia, 1850-1939" 1986-1987
Joyce Kirk Feierman, Steven 5/1/1987 African History "The African Middle Class, Cape Liberalism, and Resistance to Residential Segregation at Port Elizabeth, South Africa, 1880-1910" 1986-1987
James Giblin Feierman, Steven 5/1/1986 African History "Famine, Authority and the Impact if Foreign Capital in Handeni District, Tanzania, 1840-1940" 1985-1986
Keletso Atkins Feierman, Steven 8/1/1986 African History "The Cultural Origins of an African Work Ethic and Practices: Natal, South Africa, 1843-1875" 1985-1986
Susan Grabler Vansina, Jan 5/1/1986 African History "From Concessionaire to Shaykh: The Shaping of Colonial Economic Policy in Sudan, 1898-1930" 1985-1986
Jacob Mohlamme Vansina, Jan 8/1/1985 African History "Black People in the Boer Republics during and in the Aftermath of the South African War of 1899-1902" 1984-1985
Bryant Shaw Vansina, Jan 8/1/1984 African History "Force Publique, Force Unique: The Military in the Belgian Congo, 1914-1939" 1983-1984
Carol Dickerman Feierman, Steven 5/1/1984 African History "Economic and Social Change in an African City: Bujumbura, Burundi, 1900-1962" 1983-1984
David Anthony Feierman, Steven 12/1/1983 African History "Culture and Society in a Town in Transition: A People's History of Dar es Salaam, 1865-1939" 1983-1984
Marc Dawson Feierman, Steven 12/1/1983 African History "Socio-Economic and Epidemiological Change in Kenya: 1880-1925" 1983-1984
Thomas Park Vansina, Jan Southall, Aidan W. 12/1/1983 African History "Administration and the Economy: Morocco 1880 to 1980, The Case of Essaquira" 1983-1984
Janet Ewald Brown, William A. 12/1/1982 African History "Leadership and Social Change on an Islamic Frontier: The Kingdon of Taqali, 1780-1900" 1982-1983
Bakonzi Agayo Vansina, Jan 5/1/1982 African History "The Gold Mines of Kilo-Moto in Northeastern Zaire, 1905-1960" 1981-1982
Mwelwa Musambachime Vansina, Jan 12/1/1981 African History "Development and Growth of the Fishing Industry in Mweru-Luapula, 1920-1964" 1981-1982
Ismail Abdalla Feierman, Steven 8/1/1981 African History "Islamic Medicine and Its Influence on Traditional Hausa Practitioners in Northern Nigeria" 1980-1981
Jeffrey Peires Feierman, Steven 12/1/1980 African History "A History of the Xhosa from 1600 to 1850" 1980-1981
David Newbury Vansina, Jan 5/1/1979 African History "Kings and Clans on Ijwi Island (Zaire), c. 1780-1840" 1978-1979
John Berntsen Feierman, Steven 5/1/1979 African History "Pastoralism, Raiding, and Prophets: Maasailand in the 19th Century" 1978-1979
Robert Harms Curtin, Philip D. 12/1/1978 African History "Comptetition and Capitalism: The Bobangi Role in Equatorial Africa's Trade Revolution, ca. 1750-1900" 1978-1979
Dennis Cordell Vansina, Jan 5/1/1977 African History "'DAR AL-KUTI': A History of the Slave Trade and State Formation on the Islamic Frontier in Northern Equatorial Africa (Central African Republic and Chad) in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries" 1976-1977
Henry Bucher Vansina, Jan 5/1/1977 African History "The Mpongwe of the Gabon Estuary: A History to 1860" 1976-1977
Monica Schuler Curtin, Philip D. 5/1/1977 African History "'Yerri, Yerri, Koongo': A Social History of Liberated African Immigration into Jamaica, 1841-1867" 1976-1977
Peter Koffsky Feierman, Steven 5/1/1977 African History "History of Takaungu (Kenya Coast)" 1976-1977
Randall Packard Feierman, Steven 12/1/1976 African History "The Politics of Ritual Control Among the Bashu of Eastern Zaire During the 19th Century" 1976-1977
Tom Shick Curtin, Philip D. 12/1/1976 African History "The Social and Economic History of Afro-American Settlers in Liberia, 1820-1900" 1976-1977
David Sandgren Feierman, Steven 5/1/1976 African History "The Kikuyu, Christianity and the African Inland Mission" 1975-1976
Philip Shea Vansina, Jan 12/1/1975 African History "The Development of an Export Oriented Dyed Cloth Industry in Kano Emirate in the Nineteenth Century" 1975-1976
Richard Sigwalt Vansina, Jan 12/1/1975 African History "The Early History of Bushi: An Essay in the Historical Use of Genesis Traditions" 1975-1976
Robert Schecter Vansina, Jan 5/1/1976 African History "History and Historiography on a Frontier of Lunda Expansion: The Origins and Early Development of the Kanongesha" 1975-1976
Adell Patton Curtin, Philip D. 5/1/1975 African History "The Ningi Chiefdom and the African Frontier: Mountaineers and Resistance to the Sokoto, ca. 1800-1908" 1974-1975
Kings Phiri Feierman, Steven 8/1/1975 African History "Chewa History in Central Malawi and the Use of Oral Tradition, 1600-1920" 1974-1975
(Helen) Claire Robertson Feierman, Steven 5/1/1974 African History "Social and Economic Change in Twentieth Century Accra: Ga Women" 1973-1974
Fred Berg Curtin, Philip D. 5/1/1974 African History "Mombasa Under the Busaidi Sultanate: The City and its Hinterlands in the 19th Century" 1973-1974
James Johnson Curtin, Philip D. 5/1/1974 African History "The Almamate of Futa Toro, 1770-1836: A Political History" 1973-1974
Joseph Irwin Curtin, Philip D. 12/1/1973 African History "An Emirate of the Niger Bend: A Political History of Liptako in the 19th Century" 1973-1974
Lee Cassanelli Feierman, Steven 12/1/1973 African History "The Benadir Past: Essays in Southern Somali History" 1973-1974
Shirin Walji Feierman, Steven 5/1/1974 African History "A History of the Ismaili Community in Tanzania" 1973-1974
Stephen Baier Curtin, Philip D. 5/1/1974 African History "African Merchants in the Colonial Period: A History of Commerce in Damagram, 1880-1960" 1973-1974
Thomas Spear Feierman, Steven 8/1/1974 African History "The Kaya Complex: A History of the Mijikenda Peoples of the Kenya Coast to 1900" 1973-1974
Allen Howard Curtin, Philip D. 12/1/1972 African History "Big Men, Traders, and Chiefs: Power, Commerce, and Spatial Change in the Sierra Leone-Guinea Plain, 1865-1895" 1972-1973
David Henige Curtin, Philip D. 5/1/1973 African History "Quest for a Chimera: The Chronology of Oral Tradition" 1972-1973
Iris Berger Vansina, Jan 5/1/1973 African History "The Kubandwa Religious Complex of Interlocutrice East Africa: An Historical Study, 1500-1900" 1972-1973
James Brown Curtin, Philip D. 12/1/1972 African History "Kumasi: Urban Africa During the Early Colonial Period, 1896-1923" 1972-1973
James Hubbard Curtin, Philip D. 5/1/1973 African History "Education under Colonial Rule, A History of Katsina College, 1921-1942" 1972-1973
Jeffrey Fadiman Vansina, Jan 5/1/1973 African History "Traditional Warfare among the Meru of Mt Kenya" 1972-1973
Joseph Lauer Vansina, Jan 12/1/1973 African History "Economic Innovations Among the Doo of Western Ivory Coast, 1900-1960" 1972-1973
Paul Lovejoy Curtin, Philip D. 5/1/1973 African History "The Hausa Kola Trade (1700-1900): A Commercial System in the Continental Exchange of West Africa" 1972-1973
Babatunde Agiri Vansina, Jan 5/1/1972 African History "Kola in Western Nigeria, 1850-1950: A History of the Cultivation of Cola Nitida in Egba-Owode, Ijebu-Remo, Iwo and Ota Areas" 1971-1972
John Works Curtin, Philip D. 5/1/1972 African History "Pilgrims in a Strange Land: The Hausa Communities in Chad, 1890-1970" 1971-1972
Joseph Miller Vansina, Jan 1/1/1972 African History "Kings & Kinsmen: The Imbangala Impact on the Mbundu of Angola" 1971-1972
Lucy Quimby Curtin, Philip D. 6/1/1972 African History "Transformations of Belief: Islam Among the Dyula of Kongbougou from 1880-1970" 1971-1972
Margaret Hay Curtin, Philip D. 1/1/1972 African History "Economic Change in Luoland: Kowe, 1890-1945" 1971-1972
Thomas Tlou Vansina, Jan 12/1/1971 African History "A Political History of Northwestern Botswana to 1906" 1971-1972
Kingsley Ogedengbe Vansina, Jan 1/1/1971 African History "The Aboh Kingdom of the Lower Niger, c. 1650-1900" 1970-1971
Myron Echenberg Curtin, Philip D. 5/1/1971 African History "African Reaction to French Conquest: Upper Volta in the late 19th Century" 1970-1971
Allen Isaacman Vansina, Jan 6/1/1970 African History "The Historical Development of the Prazos Da Coroa, 1750-1902" 1969-1970
Joseph Corry Curtin, Philip D. 12/1/1969 African History "The History of Agricultural Education in Kenya, 1922-1954" 1969-1970
John Davidson Vansina, Jan 12/1/1968 African History "Trade and Politics in the Sherbo Hinterland, 1849-1890" 1968-1969
Leo Spitzer Curtin, Philip D. 8/1/1969 African History "Sierra Leone Creole Reactions to Westernization, 1870-1925" 1968-1969
Patrick Manning Curtin, Philip D. 8/1/1969 African History "An Economic History of Southern Dahomey, 1880-1914" 1968-1969
Richard Davis Curtin, Philip D. 5/1/1969 African History "19th Century African Education in the Cape Colony: A Historical Analysis" 1968-1969
Ross Dunn Curtin, Philip D. 12/1/1968 African History "The Colonial Offensive in South Eastern Morocco: Patterns of Response, 1881-1912" 1968-1969
Victoria Coifman Vansina, Jan 5/1/1969 African History "History of the Wolof State of Jolof until 1860, Including Comparative Data from the Wolof State of Walo" 1968-1969
William Brown Curtin, Philip D. 8/1/1969 African History "The Caliphate of Hamdullahi: A Study in African History and Tradition, 1818-1864" 1968-1969
Bruce Fetter Vansina, Jan 5/1/1968 African History "Elizabethville and Lumbumbashi: The Segmentary Growth of a Colonial City, 1910-1945" 1967-1968
John Munro Vansina, Jan 8/1/1968 African History "The Machakos Kambu Under British Rule, 1889-1939: A Study of Colonial Contact in Kenya" 1967-1968
Raymond Kent Vansina, Jan 6/1/1967 African History "Early Kingdoms in Madagascar and the Birth of the Sakalava Empire, 1500-1700" 1966-1967
Andrew Roberts Vansina, Jan 8/1/1966 African History "A Political History of the Bemba (North-Eastern Zambia) to 1900" 1965-1966
Ebiegberi Alagoa Vansina, Jan 5/1/1966 African History "The Settlement of the Niger Delta: IJO Oral Tradition" 1965-1966
John Rowe Vansina, Jan 6/1/1966 African History "Revolution in Buganda: 1856-1900" 1965-1966
Julian Witherell Curtin, Philip D. 6/1/1964 African History "The Response of the Peoples of Cayor to French Penetration, 1850-1900" 1963-1964
Peter Rottier McDonald, David M. 8/1/2005 Central Asian History "Creating the Kazak Nation: The Intelligentsia's Quest for Acceptance in the Russian Empire, 1905-1920" 2004-2005
Brian Williams Karpat, Kemal H. 5/1/1999 Central Asian History "A Homeland Lost: Migration, The Diaspora, and the Forging of Crimean Tatar National Identity" 1998-1999
Ann Kalayil Elder, Joseph 8/1/1997 Central Asian History "British Relations with the Khanate of Kalat, Baluchistan, 1838-1882" 1996-1997
Stuart Grover Petrovich, Michael 6/1/1971 Central Asian History "Savva Mamontov & the Mamontov Circle 1870-1905: Art Patronage and the Rise of Nationalism in Russian Art" 1970-1971
Roderic Lacey Smail, John R. W. 5/1/1975 Comparative Tropical History "Oral Traditions as History: An Exploration of Oral Sources Among the Enga of the New Guinea Highlands" 1974-1975
Karen Leonard Frykenberg, Robert 8/1/1969 Comparative Tropical History "The Kayasths of Hyderabad City: Their Internal History and Their Role in Politics and Society from 1850 to 1900" 1968-1969
Frederick Lehmann Frykenberg, Robert 1/1/1967 Comparative Tropical History "The Eighteenth Century Transition in India: Responses of Some Bihar Intellectuals" 1966-1967
James Lockhart Phelan, John 1/1/1967 Comparative Tropical History "Spanish Peru, 1532-1560. A Portrait of Peruvian Colonial Society at its Origin" 1966-1967
Yuan Chang Murthy, Viren Ussishkin, Daniel 12/1/2017 Comparative World History “Xiong Shili, Qian Mu and Modern Chinese Conservatism” 2017-2018
James Tucci Wolpert, Andrew 12/1/2003 Comparative World History "Terra Marique: Amphibious Warfare in the Ancient World" 2003-2004
Timothy May Chamberlain, Michael 5/1/2004 Comparative World History The Mechanics of Conquest and Governance: The Rise and Expansion of the Mongol Empire, 1185-1265" 2003-2004
Adam Schesch Smail, John R. W. 5/1/1994 Comparative World History "Popular Mobilization During Revolutionary and Resistance Wars: Vietnam, China, Yugoslavia, Ireland, and Algeria" 1993-1994
Diane Jones Meisner, Maurice 5/1/1993 Comparative World History "A Comparative Study of the Social Visions of MK Gandhi and Mao Zedong" 1992-1993
Paul Stange Smail, John R. W. 12/1/1980 Comparative World History "The Sumarah Movement in Javanese Mysticism" 1980-1981
Hassan Mohamed Karpat, Kemal H. 1/1/1971 Comparative World History "The Growth of Nationalist Movements in the Sudan: 1919-1925" 1970-1971
Yaowen Dong Murthy, Viren 12/1/2022 East Asian History "Constructing the Revolutionary Past: Mass Movements, Traditional Worldviews, and Cultural Memory in Mao’s China” 2022-2023
Jeffrey Guarneri Thal, Sarah 8/1/2022 East Asian History A Complicated Cosmopolitanism: Commerce, Crisis, and the_x000D_ Making of Civic Identities in Nagasaki, 1929-1941 2021-2022
Michael Hayata Young, Louise C. 8/1/2022 East Asian History The Politics of Ainu Production in the Japanese Empire, 1885-1937 2021-2022
Nicholas Zeller Murthy, Viren 5/1/2021 East Asian History A World Safe for Revolution: China and Anti-Imperialism in Southeast Asia 2020-2021
Galen Poor Chan, Pui Shan Shelly Hsia, Florence C. 8/1/2020 East Asian History "The Four Great Inventions: A Global History of Modern China" 2019-2020
Lin Li Murthy, Viren Chan, Pui Shan Shelly 8/1/2020 East Asian History "Remembering Japanese Military Sexual Slavery:  Gender, Trauma, and Nationalism" 2019-2020
Samuel Porter Young, Louise C. Thal, Sarah 8/1/2020 East Asian History "The Unfinished War: The Demobilization and Fate of Japan's Second World War Servicemen, 1945-1950" 2019-2020
Samuel Timinsky Young, Louise C. Thal, Sarah 8/1/2020 East Asian History "The Overwork System: Japanese Masculinity, Media, and High Growth in Postwar Japan" 2019-2020
Seungyop Shin Kim, Charles 8/1/2020 East Asian History "Mediating the New World: Modern Time and Social Change in Late Chosŏn and Colonial Korea" 2019-2020
Eunhee Park Kim, Charles 12/1/2018 East Asian History "Bittersweet Home: Women's Financial Strategies Facilitated the Elusive Goal of Homeownership in South Korea during the 1960s and 1970s" 2018-2019
Hye Eun Choi Kim, Charles 5/1/2018 East Asian History "The Making of the Recording Industry in Colonial Korea, 1910-1945" 2017-2018
James Homsey Young, Louise C. 12/1/2017 East Asian History “The Army In Interwar Japanese Society: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Economic, Intellectual and Political Interactions Between the Army and the Textile Industry, the Medical Community and the Suiheisha and Yūwa Movements” 2017-2018
Richard (Evan) Wells Young, Louise C. 8/1/2018 East Asian History "The Manchurian Bean: How the Soybean Shaped the Modern History of China’s Northeast, 1862-1945" 2017-2018
Daniel Kim Young, Louise C. 8/1/2017 East Asian History "Intelligentsia under Empire: Proletarian Authors, Socialist Feminists, and the Fate of Korean Intellectuals in Japan, 1920-1945" 2016-2017
Shuma Iwai Young, Louise C. 8/1/2017 East Asian History "Power and Money in Modern Japan: An Economic Perspective from Yamaji Aizan's Writings" 2016-2017
Jason Morgan Thal, Sarah 5/1/2016 East Asian History "Equity under Empire: Suehiro Izutarō and the Birth of the Law-and-Society Movement in Japan" 2015-2016
Anne Giblin Young, Louise C. 5/1/2015 East Asian History “From the Inside-out: Social Networks of Migration from Japan's Tohoku Region, 1872-1937” 2014-2015
Keh-chang Fu Lin, Yu-sheng 8/1/2005 East Asian History "Rural Factors in the Chinese Revolution: Theoretical Contributions from The Chinese Rural Economy Rearch Association, 1928-1935" 2004-2005
Shu-chin Wu Lin, Yu-sheng 8/1/2005 East Asian History "Li Dazhao and the Rise of Modern Chinese Radicalism" 2004-2005
Ya-pei Kuo Lin, Yu-sheng 8/1/2002 East Asian History "The Crisis of Culture in Modern Chinese Conservatism: The Case of the Critical Review" 2001-2002
Chuande Tu Meisner, Maurice 12/1/2000 East Asian History "The 1945-1946 GMD-CCP Peace Talks and the Origins of the Chinese Civil War" 2000-2001
Fang-yen Yang Lin, Yu-sheng 5/1/1999 East Asian History "Nation, People, Anarchy: Liu Shih-Péi and the Crisis of Order in Modern China" 1998-1999
Tina Chen Meisner, Maurice 5/1/1999 East Asian History "Re-forming the Chinese National Body: Emulation Campaigns, National Narrative, and Gendered Representation in the early Maoist Period" 1998-1999
Weiran Lin Meisner, Maurice 12/1/1996 East Asian History "An Abortive Chinese Enlightenment: The Cultural Revolution and the Class Theory" 1996-1997
Yann-iee Wang Meisner, Maurice 8/1/1997 East Asian History "The Chinese Idea: A study in Chinese Thought, Politics, and Intellectual History of Capitalism" 1996-1997
Daniel Meissner Meisner, Maurice 5/1/1996 East Asian History "Shanghai Success: A Study of the Development of the Chinese Mechanized Flour Milling Industry, 1900-1910" 1995-1996
Soo-young Kim Meisner, Maurice 5/1/1996 East Asian History "The Cominterm and the Far East Communist Movement in Shanghai: The Meaning of Internationalism, 1919-1922" 1995-1996
Thomas Lutze Meisner, Maurice 8/1/1996 East Asian History "New Democracy: Chinese Communist Relations with the Urban Middle Forces, 1931-1952" 1995-1996
Chi Kung Meisner, Maurice 8/1/1995 East Asian History "Intellectuals and the Masses: The Case of Qu Qiubai" 1994-1995
Lynn Lubkeman McCormick, Thomas 5/1/1995 East Asian History "Anna Loise Strong and the Stalinist Era" 1994-1995
Chen-te Yang Lin, Yu-sheng 8/1/1993 East Asian History "Hu Shih, Pragmatism, and the Chinese Tradition" 1992-1993
Catherine Lynch Meisner, Maurice 5/1/1989 East Asian History "Liang Shu-ming and the Populist Alternative in China" 1988-1989
Brenda Sansom Meisner, Maurice 5/1/1988 East Asian History "Min-sheng and National Liberation: Socialist Theory in the Guomindang, 1919-1931" 1987-1988
Teresa Kuskowski Meisner, Maurice 12/1/1987 East Asian History "The Writings of a Poet-Warrior: Hu-feng's Vision of Realism in China, 1928-1948" 1987-1988
David Reynolds Lin, Yu-sheng 8/1/1986 East Asian History "The Advancement of Knowledge and the Enrichment of Life: The Science Society of China and the Understanding of Science in the Early Republic, 1914-1930" 1985-1986
Laura Hein Dower, John 8/1/1986 East Asian History "Energy and Economic Policy in Postwar Japan, 1945-1960" 1985-1986
Steven Davidson Lin, Yu-sheng 5/1/1982 East Asian History "Tung Chung-shu and the Origins of Imperial Confucianism" 1981-1982
Kamal Sheel Meisner, Maurice 5/1/1980 East Asian History "Peasant Society and the Origin of the Hsinchiang Revolutionary Movement" 1979-1980
Joe Moore Dower, John 5/1/1978 East Asian History "Production Control and the Post-war Crisis of Japanese Capitalism, 1945-1946" 1977-1978
Lee Feigon Meisner, Maurice 12/1/1977 East Asian History "Chén Tu-hsiu and the Foundations of the Chinese Revolution" 1977-1978
Robert Marks Meisner, Maurice 5/1/1978 East Asian History "Peasant Society and Peasant Uprisings in South China: Social Change in Haifeng County, 1630-1930" 1977-1978
Sister Mary Schintz Boardman, Eugene 5/1/1978 East Asian History "An Investigation of the Modernizing Role of the Maryknoll Sisters in China" 1977-1978
Donald Roden Boardman, Eugene 12/1/1975 East Asian History "School-Days in Imperial Japan: A Study in Adolescence and Student Culture" 1975-1976
Carol Hamrin Meisner, Maurice 8/1/1975 East Asian History "Alternatives Within Chinese Marxism, 1955-1965: Yang Hsien-Chen's Theory of Dialectics" 1974-1975
Earl Kinmonth Dower, John 12/1/1974 East Asian History "The Self-Made Man in Jeiji Japanese Thought" 1974-1975
Isao Soranaka Dower, John 5/1/1974 East Asian History "Agrarian Growth and Social Change in Tokugawa Japan" 1973-1974
Paul Pickowicz Boardman, Eugene Meisner, Maurice 12/1/1973 East Asian History "Ch'u Ch'iu -Pai and the Origins of Marxist Literary Criticisim in China" 1973-1974
Patrick Scanlan Boardman, Eugene 5/1/1973 East Asian History "No Longer a Treaty Port: Paul S. Reinsch and China, 1913-1919" 1972-1973
Tony T' Eng Boardman, Eugene 12/1/1972 East Asian History "Prince Kung and the Survival of the Ch'ing Rule, 1858-1898" 1972-1973
Vivian Munson Boardman, Eugene 8/1/1968 East Asian History "American Merchants of Capital in China: The Second Chinese Banking Consortium" 1967-1968
Hsu Chang Boardman, Eugene 12/1/1966 East Asian History "The Kuomintang's Foreign Policy, 1925-1928" 1966-1967
Frank Wong Boardman, Eugene 6/1/1965 East Asian History "Liang Ch'I-Ch'Ao and the Conflict of Confucian and Constitutional Politics" 1964-1965
Richard Mitchell Boardman, Eugene Gordon, Leonard 6/1/1963 East Asian History "The Korean Minority in Japan, 1910-1963" 1962-1963
Daniel Ramsdell Boardman, Eugene 8/1/1961 East Asian History "Japan's China Policy, 1929-1931: A Fateful Failure" 1960-1961
Irene Jensen (Myint) Boardman, Eugene 8/1/1956 East Asian History "The Chinese in the Philippines" 1955-1956
Dun-jen Li Boardman, Eugene 8/1/1952 East Asian History "The Economic Development of British Malaya, 1895-1938. A Study of British Imperialism in the Far East" 1951-1952
Kwan-Wai So Boardman, Eugene 1/1/1951 East Asian History "Western Influence and the Chinese Reform Movement of 1898" 1950-1951
Sidney Brown Boardman, Eugene 5/1/1919 East Asian History "Kido Takayoshi and the Meiji Restoration" 1918-1919
Bailey Albrecht Young, Louise C. Thal, Sarah 5/1/2023 East Asian History The Forest or the Trees: Timber Trade and Aid Between Japan and Indonesia
Joseph Holwell Kleijwegt, Marc 5/1/2023 European History "Adoption and Innovation: Cultural Exchange and the Individual on Rome's German Frontier" 2022-2023
Abigail Lewis Boswell, Laird 8/1/2022 European History Double Exposure: French Photography and Everyday Choices from_x000D_ Nazi Occupation to Liberation, 1940-1950 2021-2022
Jennifer Gramer Roberts, Mary Louise 12/1/2021 European History “Monuments of German Baseness”: The Legacy of Nazi-Era Art in Germany and the United States from 1945 to the Present. 2021-2022
Kayci Harris Boswell, Laird 12/1/2021 European History Pas de Deux: Cold War Dance Tours and Franco-Soviet Cultural_x000D_ Interaction, 1953-1975 2021-2022
Robert Christl Chamedes, Giuliana Boswell, Laird 5/1/2022 European History Organizing Anarchy: Anarchist Worker-Intellectuals and the Struggle for Worker-_x000D_ Managed Socialism in Spain, 1917-1938 2021-2022
Sheena Finnigan Kleijwegt, Marc 8/1/2022 European History Working Women: Motherhood, Occupation, and Status in Roman Italy, 100 BC to 100 AD 2021-2022
Chad Gibbs Bitzan, Amos 8/1/2021 European History Against that Darkness: Perseverance, Resistance, and Revolt at Treblinka 2020-2021
Kilian Harrer Desan, Suzanne 5/1/2021 European History Places of Power and Peril: Reinventing Pilgrimage in Europe's Age of Revolution 2020-2021
Benjamin Shannon Dennis, Joe 8/1/2020 European History "From Christians to Socialists: The Political Night Prayer and the Politicization of Religion in West Germany during the 1960s" 2019-2020
Piotr Puchalski Ciancia, Kathryn 12/1/2019 European History “Beyond Empire: Interwar Poland and the Colonial Question, 1918-1939" 2019-2020
So Yeon Bae Kleijwegt, Marc 12/1/2019 European History "Rewriting Domitian's Tyranny" 2019-2020
Benjamin Raiklin Hirsch, Francine 5/1/2019 European History "The Making of a Documentary and Newsreel Colossus: Stalinist Documentary Filmmaking Efforts and Practices, 1926-1946" 2018-2019
Nicholas Jacobson Hsia, Florence C. Shoemaker, Karl B. 12/1/2018 European History "Trans-Mediterranean Networks of Calculation and the Rise of the Practical Moral Sciences in Latin Europe (ca. 1100 - 1300)" 2018-2019
John Boonstra Boswell, Laird Roberts, Mary Louise 8/1/2018 European History "A Mandate to Protect: Imperial Encounters and Affective Ideologies between France and Lebanon, 1860-1931" 2017-2018
Lane Sunwall Ussishkin, Daniel 5/1/2018 European History "Mission Aviation: Faith, Publicity, and Cultures of Technology (1908-9150)" 2017-2018
Alexander Olson Neville, Leonora 12/1/2016 European History "Between the Oak and the Olive: Environment and Society in Byzantium, 650-1150" 2016-2017
David Harrisville Koshar, Rudy J. 5/1/2017 European History "Fabricating a Righteous Cause: The Wartime Origins of the Wehrmacht Myth, 1941-1944" 2016-2017
Grace Allen Roberts, Mary Louise Boswell, Laird 8/1/2017 European History "Mass Marketing France: French Commercial Expositions from 1946-1968" 2016-2017
Jillian Slaight Desan, Suzanne 8/1/2017 European History "Seduction: Sexuality, Authority, and Enlightenment in Eighteenth-Century France" 2016-2017
Mayalisa Holzman Hirsch, Francine 12/1/2016 European History "The Front Within: The Soviet Partisan Movement, the Komsomol, and the Ideological War on the Eastern Front, 1941-1944" 2016-2017
Paul Grant Koshar, Rudy J. 5/1/2017 European History "Mutual Religious Change in an African-European Encounter: Ghanaian Christians and their Germans, 1835-1935" 2016-2017
Staci Duros Kleijwegt, Marc 5/1/2017 European History "Mourning an Emperor: The Sociopolitical Spectacle of Death, Dynasty, and the Funeral during the Transformation of the Roman Republic to Principate" 2016-2017
Terrance Mintner Wandel, Lee Palmer 12/1/2016 European History "Correcting Europe's Error: Venetian Cosmopolities on Turkish 'Literature'" 2016-2017
Charles Cahill Koshar, Rudy J. 5/1/2016 European History "Rescuing the Individual: The Kierkegaard Renaissance in Weimar Germany” 2015-2016
Matthew Cosby Sommerville, Johann P. 8/1/2016 European History "The Cambridge Platonists and the Pre-History of the Enlightenment" 2015-2016
Skye Doney Koshar, Rudy J. 5/1/2016 European History “Moving Toward the Sacred: German Pilgrimage Practices, 1832-1937” 2015-2016
Camarin Porter Shoemaker, Karl B. 5/1/2015 European History "De subiecto theologiae: Gerardus Odonis and the Nature of Theological Knowledge and Theological Authority in the Early Fourteenth Century" 2014-2015
Casey Stark Kleijwegt, Marc 12/1/2014 European History "Vesta, her Virgins and the Worship of her Cult during the Roman Imperial Period" 2014-2015
Irina Tamarkina Neville, Leonora 8/1/2015 European History "Memories of Authority and Community in Miaphysite & Chalcedonian Narratives of the 5-6th Centuries" 2014-2015
Javier Samper Vendrell Roberts, Mary Louise 8/1/2015 European History "Danger at the Newstand: Homosexuality, Youth, and Mass Culture in the Weimar Republic" 2014-2015
Jenna Schultz Sommerville, Johann P. 8/1/2015 European History "Erasing the Border: National Identity and the Anglo-Scottish Borderlands, 1552-1660" 2014-2015
Jessica Moore Kleijwegt, Marc 12/1/2014 European History "Procopius and Historical Memory in the 6th Century" 2014-2015
Katherine Guenoun Roberts, Mary Louise 8/1/2015 European History "Between Synagogue and Society: Jewish Women in Nineteenth-Century France" 2014-2015
Roberto Carmack Hirsch, Francine 8/1/2015 European History “'A Fortress of the Soviet Home Front'”: Mobilization and Ethnicity in Kazakhstan during World War II" 2014-2015
Terrence Peterson Boswell, Laird Roberts, Mary Louise 8/1/2015 European History "Counterinsurgent Bodies: Social Welfare and Psychological Warfare in French Algeria, 1956-1962" 2014-2015
Bradley Moore McDonald, David M. 12/1/2013 European History "Healthy Comrades: Czechoslovak Hygiene Services and the Pursuit of a Communist Modernity, 1948-1958" 2013-2014
Eric O'Connor Boswell, Laird 8/1/2014 European History "Democracy in the Dark: The Origins of Popular Participation in European Unity, 1949-1975" 2013-2014
James Coons Desan, Suzanne 8/1/2014 European History "The Grand Condé and the King: Absolutism, Rebellion, and the Evolution of Political Culture, 1643-1659" 2013-2014
Jeffrey Hobbs Desan, Suzanne 8/1/2014 European History "The Liberal Crucible: Provincial Rebellion, State Power, and the Origins of Liberal Democratic Culture in July Monarchy France, 1830-1835" 2013-2014
Katie Jarvis Desan, Suzanne 5/1/2014 European History "'Politics in the Marketplace': The Popular Activism and Cultural Representation of the Dames des Halles during the French Revolution" 2013-2014
Laura Wangerin Shoemaker, Karl B. 8/1/2014 European History "Tenth-Century Governance: A Comparative Study of the Ottonians and Anglo-Saxons" 2013-2014
Marin Cerchez Neville, Leonora 5/1/2014 European History "Religion in the Alexiad" 2013-2014
Mark Belson McDonald, David M. 12/1/2013 European History "Sharing the Burden: The Comparative Dynamics of Anglo-American Intervention in South Africa and the Philippines, 1899-1902" 2013-2014
Sara Brinegar Hirsch, Francine 5/1/2014 European History "Baku at All Costs: The Politics of Oil in the New Soviet State" 2013-2014
Ayten Kilic McDonald, David M. 12/1/2012 European History "Paved with Good Intentions: The Road to the 1877-78 Russo-Ottoman War, Diplomacy and Great Power Ideology" 2012-2013
Christine Fojtik Roberts, Mary Louise 5/1/2013 European History "Hunger and Hope: Fact, Fantasy, and Food in Occupied Germany, 1945-1949" 2012-2013
James Matenaer Shoemaker, Karl B. Courtenay, William J. 12/1/2012 European History "Postillators of Poverty and the Vita Apostolica: Matthean on Apostolic Poverty in the Middle Age of Pope John XXII" 2012-2013
Laura Weinstein Donnelly Jr., James S. Roberts, Mary Louise 5/1/2013 European History "Call It Rape: Sexual Assault Against Women in Twentieth Century Ireland" 2012-2013
Lesley Skousen Sommerville, Johann P. 5/1/2013 European History "Have Mercy upon Me O Lord: A History of Benefit of Clergy in Early Modern England" 2012-2013
Nikolas Hoel Neville, Leonora 8/1/2013 European History "Christian and Buddhist Monks and Nuns: A Comparison of Seventh- through Ninth- Century Latin, Greek, and Chinese Hagiography" 2012-2013
Erin Lambert Wandel, Lee Palmer 5/1/2012 European History "Resurrection and Devotional Identity in Sixteenth-Century Europe" 2011-2012
Hunter Martin Boswell, Laird 8/1/2012 European History "From Ideas to Icons: The Commodification of French Intellectual Culture, 1945-1990" 2011-2012
Lindsay Starkey Wandel, Lee Palmer 8/1/2012 European History "John Calvin and Natural Philosophy" 2011-2012
Mary Kirsh (Wunnenberg) Roberts, Mary Louise 5/1/2012 European History "The Lost Children of Europe: Narratives of the Rehabilitation of Child Holocaust Survivors in Great Britain and Israel" 2011-2012
Nadine Zimmerli Koshar, Rudy J. 12/1/2011 European History "The Rendezvous of All Nations: Cosmopolitan Encounters in the German City of Dresden Before World War I" 2011-2012
Sean Gillen McDonald, David M. 5/1/2012 European History "'A Foggy Youth': Faith, Reason, and Social Thought in the Young Vladimir Segeevich Solov’ev, 1853-1881" 2011-2012
David Gehring Sommerville, Johann P. 12/1/2010 European History "International Protestantism Unties 'The Catholique Knotte': Anglo-German Relations Under Elizabeth I" 2010-2011
Kerry Dobbins Sommerville, Johann P. 12/1/2010 European History "Infant Murder in Early Modern England: Realities and Perceptions" 2010-2011
Angela Ellis Sommerville, Johann P. 5/1/2010 European History "Life on the Margins: Early Modern Catholics Negotiating Gender, National Identity, and Religious Loyalities in the Southern Anglo-Welsh Borderlands" 2009-2010
Eric Platt Sommerville, Johann P. 12/1/2009 European History "The Course and Consequences of British Involvement in the Dutch Political and Religious Disputes of the Early Seventeenth Century" 2009-2010
Melissa Sartore Shoemaker, Karl B. 5/1/2010 European History "Outlawry, Law, and Governance in Medieval England" 2009-2010
Sarah Wobick-Segev Sorkin, David J. 5/1/2010 European History "Make Yourself at Home: Jewish Belonging and Sociability in Berlin, Paris and St. Petersburg, 1890-1950s" 2009-2010
Spencer Young Courtenay, William J. 12/1/2009 European History "Queen of the Faculties: Theology and Theologians at Paris, c. 1215 - c. 1250" 2009-2010
Susan Nelson Desan, Suzanne 5/1/2010 European History "Amazons, Intellectuals, and the Good Wife: Quarrels over Women in Early Eighteenth-Century France" 2009-2010
David Santschi Sommerville, Johann P. 12/1/2008 European History "Obedience and Resistance in England, 1536-1558" 2008-2009
Eric Goddard Courtenay, William J. 8/1/2009 European History "Norman Scholars at the University of Paris in the Later Middle Ages: A Study of Educational Institutions, Demographic Representation, and Political Engagement (c. 1360-c.1430)" 2008-2009
Ethan Katz Boswell, Laird Sorkin, David J. 5/1/2009 European History "Jews and Muslims in the Shadow of Marianne: Conflicting Identities and Republican Culture in France (1914-1975)" 2008-2009
Gregory Shealy Koshar, Rudy J. 5/1/2009 European History "The Mechanized Harvester in Imperial Germany: The Cultural Biography of a Transatlantic Commodity" 2008-2009
Holly Grout Boswell, Laird Roberts, Mary Louise 12/1/2008 European History "Beauty Marks: The Production, Practice, and Performance of Femininity in France, 1880-1939" 2008-2009
Mustafa Gokcek Karpat, Kemal H. 12/1/2008 European History "A Kazan Tatar Contribution to the Late Ottoman Debates on Nationalism and Islam: The Life and Works of Halim Sabit Sibay" 2008-2009
Sharon Cline Boswell, Laird 12/1/2008 European History "Feminite a la Francaise: Femininity, Social Change and French National Identity: 1945:1970" 2008-2009
Steven Turley Wandel, Lee Palmer 5/1/2009 European History "Franciscan Missions and Eremitic Spirituality in New Spain, 1524-1599" 2008-2009
William Meier Donnelly Jr., James S. 5/1/2009 European History "Thief's Progress: Crime and Society in Britain, 1865-2000" 2008-2009
Denise Kawasaki Courtenay, William J. 5/1/2008 European History "The Castilian Fathers at Council of Basel" 2007-2008
Laura Van Abbema Kleijwegt, Marc 5/1/2008 European History "The Autonomy and Influence of Roman Women in the Late First/Early Second Century CE: Social History and Gender Discourse" 2007-2008
Nicholas Wolf Donnelly Jr., James S. 8/1/2008 European History "Language Change and the Evolution of Religion, Community, and Culture in Ireland, 1800-1900" 2007-2008
Patrick Michelson McDonald, David M. 12/1/2007 European History "The First and Most Sacred Right": Religious Freedom and the Liberation of the Russian Nation, 1825-1905" 2007-2008
Eric Carlsson Dickey, Laurence W. 12/1/2006 European History "Johann Salomo Semler, the German Enlightenment, and Protestant Theology's Historical Turn." 2006-2007
Gillian Glaes Boswell, Laird 5/1/2007 European History "The Mirage of Fortune: West African Immigration to Paris and the Development of a Post-Colonial Immigrant Community, 1960-1981" 2006-2007
Robert Lewis Boswell, Laird 5/1/2007 European History "The Society of the Stadium: Urban Modernity, Sports Spectatorship and Mass Politics in France, 1893-1975" 2006-2007
Carl Scott Payne, Stanley G. 12/1/2005 European History "A Good Offense is the Best Defense:" Swedish Social Democracy, Europe, _x000D_ and the Vietnam War" 2005-2006
David Burrow McDonald, David M. 12/1/2005 European History "Russian Social Networks, Public Opinion, and Intelligentsia Identity in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century" 2005-2006
Mark Lacy Sommerville, Johann P. 12/1/2005 European History "Neither Joshua nor Cincinnatus: The Intellectual Origins of the Anglo-American Martial Synthesis, c. 1530-1700" 2005-2006
Catherine Plum Koshar, Rudy J. 8/1/2005 European History "Antifascist Resistance and The Soviet 'Liberation': the Building Blocks of Historical Identity in East German Youth Education, 1961-1989" 2004-2005
David Sheffler Courtenay, William J. 8/1/2005 European History "Schools and Schooling in Late-Medieval Regensburg" 2004-2005
Eric Zuelow Donnelly Jr., James S. 12/1/2004 European History "The Tourism Nexus: Tourism and National Identity since the Irish Civil War" 2004-2005
Robert Zens Karpat, Kemal H. 12/1/2004 European History "The Ayanlik and Pasvanoglu Osman Pasa of Vidin in the Age of Ottoman Social Change, 1791-1815" 2004-2005
Scott Moranda Koshar, Rudy J. 5/1/2005 European History "The Dream of a Therapeutic Regime: Nature Tourism in the German Democratic Republic, 1945-1978" 2004-2005
Andrew Hamilton Dickey, Laurence W. 5/1/2004 European History "Atlantic Cosmopolitanism and Nationalism: Benjamin Vaughan and the Limits of Free Trade in the 18th Century" 2003-2004
Bradley Kadel Donnelly Jr., James S. 5/1/2004 European History "Vintners and the Politics of the Public House in Ireland, 1860-1918" 2003-2004
Eli Rubin Koshar, Rudy J. 8/1/2004 European History "Plastics and Dictatorship in the German Democratic Republic: Towards an Economic, Consumer, Design and Cultural History." 2003-2004
Eric Ehrenreich Sorkin, David J. 8/1/2004 European History “Genealogy and Genocide: The Nazi 'Ancestral Proof' and the Holocaust” 2003-2004
Sasha Pack Payne, Stanley G. 8/1/2004 European History "Spain in the Age of Mass Tourism, Modernization, and Dictatorship, 1945-1975" 2003-2004
Alexander Maxwell McDonald, David M. 8/1/2003 European History "Choosing Slovakia: Slavic Hungary, the Czech Language, and Slovak Nationalism, 1795-1914" 2002-2003
Alison Schulz Sommerville, Johann P. 5/1/2003 European History "Patriarchal Political Argument in Late Stuart England" 2002-2003
Dale Streeter Courtenay, William J. 12/1/2002 European History "In Servitio Dei, The Bishops of France from 1305 to 1352: A Prosopographical Study" 2002-2003
David Ciarlo Koshar, Rudy J. 8/1/2003 European History "Visions of Colonialism and Images of Race in German Mass Culture, 1889-1914" 2002-2003
Erik Jensen Koshar, Rudy J. 8/1/2003 European History "Images of the Ideal: Sports, Gender, and the Emergence of the Modern Body in Weimar Germany" 2002-2003
James Lee Dickey, Laurence W. 5/1/2003 European History "Benjamin Constant: The Moralization of Modern Liberty" 2002-2003
Joshua Shanes Sorkin, David J. 12/1/2002 European History "National Regeneration in the Diaspora: Zionism, Politics and Jewish Identity in Late Habsburg Galicia, 1883-1907" 2002-2003
Mitchell Larson Zeitlin, Jonathan H. 8/1/2003 European History "Practically Academic: The Formation of the British Business School " 2002-2003
Patrick Tally Donnelly Jr., James S. 8/1/2003 European History "The Growth of the Dublin Weekly Press and the Development of Irish Nationalism, 1810-1879" 2002-2003
Benita Blessing Reese, William J. 12/1/2001 European History "The Antifascist Classroom: Education in the Soviet Occupation Zone of Germany, 1945-1949" 2001-2002
David Mayes Kingdon, Robert Wandel, Lee Palmer 5/1/2002 European History "Communal Christianity: Politics, and Religion in Rural Upper Hesse, 1527-1730" 2001-2002
Jordi Getman-Eraso Payne, Stanley G. 12/1/2001 European History "Rethinking the Revolution: Utopia and Pragmatism in Catalan Anarchosyndicalism, 1930-1936" 2001-2002
Mehmet Gurbuz Karpat, Kemal H. 5/1/2002 European History "An Overview of Turkish-American Relations and Impact on Turkish Military, Economy, and Democracy, 1945-1952" 2001-2002
Scott Breuninger Dickey, Laurence W. 8/1/2002 European History "Morals, the Market, and History: George Berkeley and Social Virtue in Early 18th Century Thought" 2001-2002
Alan Krinsky Desan, Suzanne Broman, Thomas 8/1/2001 European History "'Let them eat horsemeat!': Science, Philanthropy, State, and the Search for Complete Nutrition in Nineteenth-century France" 2000-2001
Charles Bashaw Courtenay, William J. 5/1/2001 European History "Montaigne and the Skeptical Tradition" 2000-2001
Daniel Kowalsky Payne, Stanley G. 5/1/2001 European History "The Soviet Union and the Spanish Republic: Diplomatic, Military, and Cultural Relations, 1936-1939" 2000-2001
Karen Spierling Kingdon, Robert 5/1/2001 European History "A Child's Place in the Community: Reformed Infant Baptism in 16th Century Geneva" 2000-2001
Kristen Walton Sommerville, Johann P. 8/1/2001 European History "Religion, Gender, and the Political Sphere: The Intellectual Debates Concerning Mary, Queen of Scots, 1561-1572" 2000-2001
Mark Peterson Mazzaoui, Maureen 12/1/2000 European History "Innovation, Investment, and the Development of Commercial Beer Brewing within the Wendish Towns of Late Medieval Germany" 2000-2001
Matthew O'Brien Donnelly Jr., James S. 8/1/2001 European History "Irish Cross-Channel and Transatlantic Migration Networks between 1920 and 1990" 2000-2001
Michael de Nie Donnelly Jr., James S. 5/1/2001 European History "The Eternal Paddy: Irish Identity and the British Press, 1798-1882"_x000D_ Identity and the British Press, 1798-1882" 2000-2001
Thea Lindquist Sommerville, Johann P. 5/1/2001 European History "The Politics of Diplomacy: The Palatinate Question and Anglo-Imperial Relations in the Thirty Years' War" 2000-2001
Timothy McMahon Donnelly Jr., James S. 5/1/2001 European History "The Social Bases of the Gaelic Revival, 1893-1910" 2000-2001
Brian Bunk Payne, Stanley G. 8/1/2000 European History "Historical Memory and the Spanish Revolution of October 1934: Cultural Representations of Martyrdom and Gender" 1999-2000
James Ford Kingdon, Robert 5/1/2000 European History "Wolfgang Musculus and the Struggle for Confessional Hegemony in Reformation Augsburg, 1531-1548" 1999-2000
Peter Thorsheim Donnelly Jr., James S. 5/1/2000 European History "Inventing Air Pollution: The Social Construction of Smoke in Britain, 1880-1920" 1999-2000
Robert Goodrich Koshar, Rudy J. 8/1/2000 European History "Yes 'Forward', Only First 'Go Back': Negotiating Modernity in Cologne's Working Men's Club, 1885-1914" 1999-2000
Sara Sewell Koshar, Rudy J. 8/1/2000 European History "From the Lives of Workers: Worker Correspondents in Cologne, 1924-1933" 1999-2000
Thomas Spring Koehl, Robert 12/1/1999 European History "The Nazi Resettlement Bureaucracy and the Baltic States of Estonia and Latvia" 1999-2000
Victoria Allred Sommerville, Johann P. 5/1/2000 European History "Blessed Virgin, Mother of God: The Virgin Mary in 17th Century England" 1999-2000
Andrew Larsen Courtenay, William J. 12/1/1998 European History "Popular and Academic Heresy in England before the Time of Wyclif" 1998-1999
Gregory Moule Courtenay, William J. 5/1/1999 European History "Canon Law, Corporate Theory and the Censure of Academic Heresy at the University of Paris in the 14th Century" 1998-1999
Kurt Gingrich Donnelly Jr., James S. 8/1/1999 European History "Pamphlet Representation of Great Britain's American Colonies in the Early 18th Century" 1998-1999
Kyle Fingerson Sacks, Kenneth 12/1/1998 European History "Smyrna 573: A Study in Hellenistic Civic Organization During the Third Syrian War, 246-241BC" 1998-1999
Robert Landrum Sommerville, Johann P. 8/1/1999 European History "Vast Visions and Intransigent Realities: The Anglo-Scottish Union of 1651-1660" 1998-1999
Thomas Lekan Koshar, Rudy J. 8/1/1999 European History "Imaging the Nation in Nature: Landscape Preservation and Germany Identity, 1890-1945" 1998-1999
Van Mobley Dickey, Laurence W. 5/1/1999 European History "The Consolidation of the First British Empire" 1998-1999
Caren Calendine Barker, John W. 5/1/1998 European History "Theosis and the Recognition of Saints in 10th Century Byzantium" 1997-1998
Jo Anne Le Page Desan, Suzanne 5/1/1998 European History "Politics and the Ideal Family in Early 19th Century France: The Public Debate Over Saint-Simonianism" 1997-1998
John Shean Clover, Frank M. 8/1/1998 European History "Militans Pro Deo: The Christianization of the Roman Army" 1997-1998
Luca De Caprariis Payne, Stanley G. 5/1/1998 European History "Fascism and Italian Foreign Policy, 1922-1928" 1997-1998
Paul Crawford Barker, John W. 5/1/1998 European History "An Institution in Crisis: The Military Orders, 1291-1310" 1997-1998
Stephanie Sechler Courtenay, William J. 12/1/1997 European History "Rectors of the 14th Century University of Paris: An Institutional and Prosopographical Study" 1997-1998
Steven Eardley Mazzaoui, Maureen 5/1/1998 European History "Italian Miscellanies and the Refabrication of Rome" 1997-1998
Susan Mobley Kingdon, Robert 5/1/1998 European History "Confessionalizing the Curriculum: The Faculties of Arts and Theology at the Universities of Tubingen and Ingolstadt in the Second Half of the 16th Century" 1997-1998
Susan Boettcher Kingdon, Robert 5/1/1998 European History "Martin Luther seliger gedechnis: The Memory of Martin Luther, 1546-1566" 1997-1998
Thomas Lambert Kingdon, Robert 5/1/1998 European History "Preaching, Praying, and Policing the Reform in 16th Century Geneva" 1997-1998
Brian Stezenski-Williams Boswell, Laird 8/1/1997 European History "The Sorbonne's Faculty of Letters: The Revival of the Humanities and French Society in Transition, 1877-1914" 1996-1997
John Murphy Sommerville, Johann P. 8/1/1997 European History ""Oliver Cromwell's Church: State and Clergy during the Protectorate" 1996-1997
Keiko Kiyotaki Karpat, Kemal H. 5/1/1997 European History "Ottoman Land Policies in the Province of Baghdad, 1831-1881" 1996-1997
Marshall Crossnoe Courtenay, William J. 12/1/1996 European History "Animarum Luca Querentes: The School of St Victor and the University of Paris in the 13th and 14th Centuries" 1996-1997
Michael Lynn Sella, Domenico 8/1/1997 European History "Enlightenment in the Republic of Science: The Popularization of Natural Philosophy in 18th Century France" 1996-1997
Mona Siegel Koshar, Rudy J. Boswell, Laird 12/1/1996 European History "Lasting Lessons: War, Peace, and Patriotism in French Primary Schools, 1914-1939" 1996-1997
Paul Mulkern Donnelly Jr., James S. 12/1/1996 European History "Irish Immigrants and Public Disorder in Mid-Victorian Britain, 1830-1880" 1996-1997
Sean Perrone Payne, Stanley G. 5/1/1997 European History "Charles V and the Castilian Assembly of the Clergy" 1996-1997
Susan Dinan Kingdon, Robert 12/1/1996 European History "Gender, Class, and Vocation: The Development of the Daughters of Charity in 17th Century France" 1996-1997
Alex Schiller Sacks, Kenneth 8/1/1996 European History "Political Territoriality of the Classical Athenians, 508-338 BC" 1995-1996
Ann McCormick Fishman, Sterling 5/1/1996 European History "Protestantism and Secularization in the Ruhr, 1871-1914" 1995-1996
Jeffrey Ford Kingdon, Robert 5/1/1996 European History "Conviction and Necessity in the Reform of Marital Law During the Era of the French Reformation and Wars of Religion" 1995-1996
Jonathan Grant McDonald, David M. 12/1/1995 European History "Between State and Market: A History of the Putilov Company in Late Imperial Russia, 1868-1917" 1995-1996
Kenneth Jassie Desan, Suzanne 8/1/1996 European History "Popular Attitudes Toward Authority and Justice during the Old Regime and the French Revolution: Paris, 1720-1794" 1995-1996
Lisa Stallbaumer Koehl, Robert 12/1/1995 European History Strictly Business?, The Flick Concern and 'Aryanizations': Corporate Expansion in the Nazi Era" 1995-1996
Sean Farrell Donnelly Jr., James S. 5/1/1996 European History "Conflicting Visions: Sectarian Violence in Ulster, 1784-1886" 1995-1996
Alexandra Lord Sommerville, Johann P. 8/1/1995 European History "'To Relieve Distressed Women': Teaching and Establishing the Scientific art of Midwifery or Gynecology in Edinburgh and London, 1720-1805" 1994-1995
Brian Hale Hamerow, Theodore 5/1/1995 European History "Lutherans, Calvinists, and Wettins: A History of the Reformation in Southeastern" 1994-1995
Clifford Wargelin Hamerow, Theodore 12/1/1994 European History "Bread, Peace, and Poland: The Economic, Political, and Diplomatic Origins of Hapsburg Policy at Brest-Litovsk, 1914-1918" 1994-1995
Craig Scott Hamerow, Theodore 8/1/1995 European History "Money Talks: The West German Currency Reform of 1948" 1994-1995
Franca Barricelli Desan, Suzanne 12/1/1994 European History "Civic Representations: Theatre, Politics, and Public Life in Venice, 1770-1806" 1994-1995
Frank Schuurmans Dickey, Laurence W. 5/1/1995 European History "State, Society, and the Market: Karl Sigmund Altenstein and the Langugae of Reform, 1770-1807" 1994-1995
Kathleen Comerford Kingdon, Robert 8/1/1995 European History "Education and the Catholic Reformation: The Diocesan Seminary of Fiesole, Italy, 1575-1675" 1994-1995
Kimberly Georgedes Courtenay, William J. 8/1/1995 European History "The Serpent in the Tree of Knowledge: Enjoyment and Use in 14th Century Theology" 1994-1995
Richard Ferraro Kingdon, Robert 12/1/1994 European History "The Nobility of Rome: A Study of Its Composition Wealth and Investments, 1560-1700" 1994-1995
Timothy Fehler Kingdon, Robert 5/1/1995 European History "Social Welfare in Early Modern Emden: The Evolution of Porr Relief in the Age of the Reformation and Confessionalization" 1994-1995
William Schara Courtenay, William J. 5/1/1995 European History "Reinventing the Soul: Ancient and Early Medieval Views on Disorders of the Imagination" 1994-1995
Brian Porter Senn, Alfred 8/1/1994 European History "Social Darwinism without Empiricism, Romanticism Without Ethics: Polish National Democracy and the Concept of 'The National', 1863-1905" 1993-1994
Darleen Pryds Courtenay, William J. 5/1/1994 European History "The Politics of Preaching in 14th Century Naples: Robert D'Anjou and his Sermons, 1309-1343" 1993-1994
Elizabeth Panzer Mazzaoui, Maureen 5/1/1994 European History "Cistercian Women and the Beguines: Interaction, Cooperation, and Interdependence" 1993-1994
Erhard Opsahl Barker, John W. 5/1/1994 European History "The Hospillers, Templars, and Teutonic Knights in the Morea after the Fourth Crusade" 1993-1994
Hans-Frederick Gustafson Kingdon, Robert 12/1/1993 European History "The Genesis of Cajetan's Exegesis: Motivation and Initial Quest" 1993-1994
Irene Whelan Donnelly Jr., James S. 5/1/1994 European History "Evangelical Religion and the Polarization of Protestant-Catholic Relations in Ireland, 1780-1840" 1993-1994
Jeffrey Lerner Clover, Frank M. 12/1/1993 European History "A Historical Perspective on the Graeco-Sogdian Kingdom of Euthydemus" 1993-1994
Kari Konkola Fishman, Sterling 5/1/1994 European History "Psychology of Emotions as Theology: The Meaning and Control of Sin in Early Modern English Religion" 1993-1994
Keith Gorman Gargan, Edward 5/1/1994 European History "Cults of the Dead: French Socialism and the Politics of Memory, 1914-1924" 1993-1994
Madge Klais Courtenay, William J. 12/1/1993 European History "The Royal Abbey of Fulda and the Politics of Carolingian Education" 1993-1994
Martin Dowling Donnelly Jr., James S. 5/1/1994 European History "Tenant Right: Agrarian Capitalism and Traditional Agriculture in Rural Ulster, 1600-1850" 1993-1994
Stephen Behrendt Koehl, Robert 12/1/1993 European History "Topics of Debate in the Historiography of the British Slave Trade, 1785-1807" 1993-1994
Thomas Gulley Sommerville, Johann P. 5/1/1994 European History "The General Baptists in Early Stuart and Revolutionary England" 1993-1994
Vincent Burns Clover, Frank M. 5/1/1994 European History "Romanization and Acculturation: The Rhineland Matronae" 1993-1994
David Newby Gargan, Edward 5/1/1993 European History "The Ideology of the Roman Feuilleton in the French Petite Presse: 1875-1885" 1992-1993
Dorothy Brown Sommerville, Johann P. 12/1/1992 European History "Evangelicals and Education in 18th Century Britain: A Study of Trevecca College, 1768-1792" 1992-1993
Kevin Stevens Kingdon, Robert 12/1/1992 European History "Printers, Publishers and Booksellers in Counter-Reformation Milan: A Documentary Study" 1992-1993
Mary Peckham Donnelly Jr., James S. 5/1/1993 European History "Catholic Female Congregations and Religious Change in Ireland, 1770-1870" 1992-1993
Marybeth Carlson Fishman, Sterling 8/1/1993 European History "Domestic Service in a Changing City Economy: Rotterdam, 1680-1780" 1992-1993
Glenn Sunshine Kingdon, Robert 5/1/1992 European History "From French Protestantism to the French Reformed Churches: The Development of Huguenot Ecclesiastical Institutions, 1559-1598" 1991-1992
Joseph Hatheway Koehl, Robert 5/1/1992 European History "The Ideological Origins of the Pursuit of Perfection Within the Nazi SS" 1991-1992
Margaret Mc Lane Koehl, Robert 5/1/1992 European History "Economic Expansionism and the Shape of Empire: French Enterprise in West Africa, 1850-1914" 1991-1992
David Wright Gargan, Edward 5/1/1991 European History "Socialist Municipal Politics and 20th Century Limoges, France" 1990-1991
Edmund Clingan Hamerow, Theodore 8/1/1991 European History "'To the Brink of Deficit': Fiscal Policy and Coalition Building in Weimar Germany, 1926-1927" 1990-1991
James Hickok Koehl, Robert 5/1/1991 European History "Anglo-French Military Cooperation, 1935-1940" 1990-1991
Mark Gingerich Koehl, Robert 8/1/1991 European History "Toward a Brotherhood of Arms: Waffen SS Recruitment of Germanic Volunteers, 1940-1945" 1990-1991
Sirri Kirimli Karpat, Kemal H. 12/1/1990 European History "National Movements and National Identity Among the Crimean Tatars, 1905-1916" 1990-1991
David Meier Koehl, Robert 5/1/1990 European History "Managing the West Germans: The Occupation Statute of 1949 from Gestation to Burial, 1945-1955" 1989-1990
Kevin Smith Courtenay, William J. 8/1/1990 European History "Theories of Motion, Time, and Place in Mid-14th Century France: Gregory of Rimini, Hugolinus of Orvieto, and Peter Ceffons of Clairvaux" 1989-1990
Lizzette Ocasio-Campbell Payne, Stanley G. 12/1/1989 European History "Right and Might: Catholic Thought and Doctrine in Civil War Spain as Interpreted by Razon Y Fe, La Ciencia Tomista, Religion Y Cultura and Ecclesia, 1931-1943" 1989-1990
Michael Berkowitz Mosse, George 12/1/1989 European History "'Mind, Muscle, and Men': The Imagination of a Zionist National Culture for the Jews of Central and Western Europe, 1897-1914" 1989-1990
Michael Campbell Koehl, Robert 12/1/1986 European History "Triumph of the Word: The German Struggle to Maintain Spanish Neutrality During the First World War" 1989-1990
Michael Van Vleck Koehl, Robert 5/1/1990 European History "British Educational Policy in Egypt Relative to British Imperialism in Egypt, 1882-1922" 1989-1990
Peter Hubbard Mazzaoui, Maureen 8/1/1990 European History "The Evolution of the Patriciate in Regensburg, 1200-1350" 1989-1990
Rebecca Boehling Hamerow, Theodore 8/1/1990 European History "Socio-Political Democratization and Economic Recovery: The Development of German Self-Government Under US Military Occupation: Frankfurt, Munich, and Stuttgart" 1989-1990
Alfred Wainwright Donnelly Jr., James S. 8/1/1989 European History "The Role of South Asia in British Strategic Policy, 1939-1950" 1988-1989
Amy Burnett Kingdon, Robert 5/1/1989 European History "Penance and Church Discipline in the Thought of Martin Bucer" 1988-1989
Kathleen Alaimo Gargan, Edward 12/1/1988 European History "Adolescence in the Polar Milieu in France During the Early Third Republic: Efforts to Define and Shape a Stage of Life" 1988-1989
Bruce Campbell Koehl, Robert 5/1/1988 European History "From Landsknecht to Political Soldier: The Political and Military Development of the Highest Leaders of the SA" 1987-1988
Gary Reger Clover, Frank M. 12/1/1987 European History "Studies in the Demography and Economy of Delos in the Third Century BC" 1987-1988
Nancy Curtin Donnelly Jr., James S. 5/1/1988 European History "The Origins of Irish Republicanism: The United Irishmen in Dublin and Ulster, 1791-1798" 1987-1988
Susan Lentz McDonald, Michael 8/1/1988 European History "The Municipal Government of Dublin, Ireland during the Elizabethan and Early Stuart Periods" 1987-1988
Thomas Mockaitis Donnelly Jr., James S. 8/1/1988 European History "The British Experience in Counterinsurgency, 1919-1960" 1987-1988
Carol Adamson (Gilman) Hamalainen, Pekka 5/1/1987 European History "Sweden and the Ethiopian Crisis, 1934-1938" 1986-1987
Deborah Buffton Gargan, Edward 5/1/1987 European History "The Ritual of Surrender: Northern France Under Two Occupations, 1914-1944" 1986-1987
Fred Burkhard Gargan, Edward 12/1/1986 European History "Priests and Jesters: Henri Lefebvre, the 'Philosophies' Gang, and French Marxism between the Wars" 1986-1987
Jeffrey Watt Kingdon, Robert 5/1/1987 European History "Matrimonial Disputes in Early Modern Neuchatel, 1547-1806" 1986-1987
Martin Klauber Kingdon, Robert 5/1/1987 European History "The Context and Development of the Views of Jean-Alphonse Turrettini on Religious Authority, 1671-1737" 1986-1987
Paulis Lazda Petrovich, Michael 8/1/1987 European History "The Role of the Indigenous Latvian Population in the Struggle for Hegemony in the Baltic Provinces in the Russian Empire" 1986-1987
Steven Kale Gargan, Edward 5/1/1987 European History "Architects of Tradition: Legitimism and the Reconstruction of French Society, 1852-1883" 1986-1987
Ali Kholaif Karpat, Kemal H. 5/1/1986 European History "The Hijaz Viayet: The Sharifate, the Haji, and the Dedouins of the Hijaz, 1869-1908" 1985-1986
William Stacy McDonald, Michael 5/1/1986 European History "The Bill of Attainder in English History" 1985-1986
Bonnie Gordon Goldberg, Harvey 5/1/1985 European History "Phossy-Jaw and the French March Workers: Occupational Health and Women in the Third Republic" 1984-1985
Jane Crisler Gargan, Edward 12/1/1984 European History "'Saving the Seed': The Scientific Preservation of Children in France during the Third Republic" 1984-1985
Mark Miller Gargan, Edward 12/1/1984 European History "The Perennial Crisis of L'Education Morale: French Moral Instruction in the Lycee, 1880-1915" 1984-1985
Maureen Flynn Payne, Stanley G. 5/1/1985 European History "Confraternal Piety in Zamora in the Late Medieval and Early Modern Period" 1984-1985
Vernon Rood Koehl, Robert 8/1/1985 European History "The Hamburg Merchant Marine, 1866-1914" 1984-1985
William Haine Gargan, Edward 12/1/1984 European History "'I go to the Café to Create my Relations': Sociability and Strategy in Parisian Working Class, 1870-1890" 1984-1985
William Burgess Clover, Frank M. 5/1/1985 European History "The Isaurians in the 5th Century AD" 1984-1985
Joan Reinhardt Sella, Domenico 12/1/1983 European History "A French Town Under the Old Regime: Aumale in the 17th and 18th Centuries" 1983-1984
John Gerber Goldberg, Harvey 8/1/1984 European History "Anton Pannekoek and the Socialism of Workers' Self-Emancipation, 1873-1960" 1983-1984
Michael Share Petrovich, Michael 5/1/1984 European History "The Central Workers' Circle of St Petersburg: A Case Study of the 'Worker's Intelligentsia', 1889-1984" 1983-1984
Tyler Stovall Goldberg, Harvey 5/1/1984 European History "The Urbanization of Bobigny, 1900-1939" 1983-1984
Ann Walton Gargan, Edward 5/1/1983 European History "The Persistence of French Handicraft Industries and the Crystal Palace Exhibition of 1851" 1982-1983
Barry Fulks Mosse, George 12/1/1982 European History "Film Culture and Kultrurfilm: Walter Ruttman, the Avant-garde Film, and the Kulturfilm in Weimar Germany and the Third Reich" 1982-1983
Colin Winston Payne, Stanley G. 12/1/1982 European History "The Catholic Right and Social Conflict in Catalonia, 1900-1936" 1982-1983
James Krukones Petrovich, Michael 5/1/1983 European History "To the People: The Russian Government and the Newspaper Sel'skii Vestnik (Village Herald), 1881-1917" 1982-1983
James E. Sullivan Courtenay, William J. 12/1/1982 European History "Studia Monastica: Benedictine and Cluniac Monks at the University of Paris, 1129-1500" 1982-1983
Joseph Freedman Kingdon, Robert 12/1/1982 European History "The Life, Significance, and Philosophy of Clemens Timpler, 1563-1624" 1982-1983
Peter Wetzler Sella, Domenico 5/1/1983 European History "Provisioning the Sambre and Meuse Army: Military-Civilian Relations and the Occupation of Belgium and the Northern Rhineland in 1794" 1982-1983
Robert Otto Petrovich, Michael 5/1/1983 European History "Publishing for the People: The Firm Posrednik, 1885-1905" 1982-1983
Robert Frost Goldberg, Harvey 8/1/1983 European History "Alternating Currents: Technocratic Power and Workers' Resistance at Electricity de France, 1946-1970" 1982-1983
Ronald Weber Clover, Frank M. 5/1/1983 European History "Livy on the Illyrian Organization in the 2nd Century BC" 1982-1983
Shlomo Yotvat Koehl, Robert 5/1/1983 European History "British and American Attitudes and Disputes Concerning the Palestine Question, 1942-1947" 1982-1983
Diane Worzala Donnelly Jr., James S. 8/1/1982 European History "The Langham Place Circle: The Beginnings of the Organized Women's Movement in England, 1854-1870" 1981-1982
James Sadkovich Payne, Stanley G. 5/1/1982 European History "Italian Support for Croatian Separatism, 1927-1937" 1981-1982
Julia Werner Donnelly Jr., James S. 5/1/1982 European History "Getting Into Liberty: The Background and Early History of the Primitive Methodists' Connexion" 1981-1982
Kirk Willis Donnelly Jr., James S. 5/1/1982 European History "Bertrand Russell: A Intellectual Biography, 1872-1914" 1981-1982
Laura Gellott Hamerow, Theodore 5/1/1982 European History "The Catholic Church and the Authoritarian Regime in Austria, 1933-1938" 1981-1982
Susan Bachrach Goldberg, Harvey 12/1/1981 European History "The Feminization of the French Postal Service, 1750-1914" 1981-1982
Aryeh Shmuelevitz Karpat, Kemal H. 5/1/1981 European History "Administrative, Economic, Legal, and Social Relations in the Ottoman Empire in the Late 15th and 16th Centuries: The Case of the Jewish Community as Reflected in the Responsa" 1980-1981
Ellen Hadidian Petrovich, Michael 12/1/1980 European History "A Comparison of the Thought of Early Bulgarian and Serbian Radicals, 1867-1876" 1980-1981
James Cobb Hamerow, Theodore 12/1/1980 European History "The Forgotten Reforms: Non-Prussian Universities, 1797-1817" 1980-1981
Katherine Tachau Courtenay, William J. 5/1/1981 European History "Vision and Certitude in the Age of Ockham" 1980-1981
Leo Davis Courtenay, William J. 5/1/1981 European History "Man, Intellect, and Will, in the Writings of Gregory of Rimini" 1980-1981
Leslie Goldsmith Kingdon, Robert 12/1/1980 European History "Poor Relief and Reform in 16th Century Orleans" 1980-1981
Peggy Phillips Goldberg, Harvey 5/1/1981 European History "French Town Planning Since the Second World War: An Experiment in Corporatist Economics" 1980-1981
Thomas Safley Kingdon, Robert 12/1/1980 European History "Marital Disputes and Marital Litigation in Basel, Frieburg, and the Diocese of Constance: A Comparative Study, 1550-1600" 1980-1981
Darryl Holter Goldberg, Harvey 5/1/1980 European History "Miners Against the State: French Miners and the Nationalization of Coal-Mining, 1944-1949" 1979-1980
Dianne Farrell Petrovich, Michael 5/1/1980 European History "Popular Prints in the Cultural History of 18th Century Russia" 1979-1980
Gregory Sandford Hamerow, Theodore 12/1/1979 European History "The Commanding Heights: The Economic and Social Transformation of the Soviet Zone of Germany, 1945-1946" 1979-1980
Grethe Jacobsen Mazzaoui, Maureen 8/1/1980 European History "Guilds in Medieval Denmark: The Social and Economic Role of Merchants and Artisans" 1979-1980
Huricihan Ghaznavi (Islamoglu) Karpat, Kemal H. 12/1/1979 European History "Dynamics of Agricultural Production, Population Growth, and Urban Development: A Case Study in Northcentral Anatolia, 1520-1575" 1979-1980
John Rolling Hamerow, Theodore 12/1/1979 European History "Liberals, Socialists, and City Government in Imperial Germany: The Case of Frankfurt Am Main, 1900-1918" 1979-1980
Peter Murdza Koehl, Robert 12/1/1979 European History "The Tricolor and the Lonestar: A History of Franco-Liberian Relations, 1847-1930" 1979-1980
Peter Baugher Gargan, Edward 5/1/1980 European History "The Contradiction of Colonialism: The French Experience in Indochina, 1860-1940" 1979-1980
Robert Ivany Hamerow, Theodore 5/1/1980 European History "The Exploited Emigres: The Hungarians in Europe, 1853-1861" 1979-1980
Steven Aschheim Mosse, George 8/1/1980 European History "Strange Encounter: The East European Jew in German and German Jewish Consciousness, 1800-1923" 1979-1980
Svein Myklebust Hamalainen, Pekka 5/1/1980 European History "The Greatest Deception in the History of Warfare: Hitler's Deceptive Operations in the Months Prior to the Attack on Russia in June 1941" 1979-1980
Thomas Scott Sella, Domenico 12/1/1979 European History "The Cathedral Chapter of Lucca, 901-1200: Economic and Religious Developments" 1979-1980
Constance Berman Mazzaoui, Maureen 12/1/1978 European History "The Cistercians in the County of Toulouse: The Order's Foundations and Land Acquisition, 1132-1249" 1978-1979
David Steinberg Senn, Alfred 5/1/1979 European History "Sport Under Red Flags: The Relations Between the Red Sport International and the Socialist Workers' Sport International, 1920-1939" 1978-1979
Joel Bender Courtenay, William J. 8/1/1979 European History Nicholas Aston: A Study in Oxford Thought After the Black Death" 1978-1979
Merry Wood Kingdon, Robert 5/1/1979 European History "Birth, Death, and the Pleasure of Life: Working Women in Nuremburg, 1480-1620" 1978-1979
Peter Krug Petrovich, Michael 5/1/1979 European History "Russian Public Physicians and Revolution: The Pirogov Society, 1917-1920" 1978-1979
Ralph Mathisen Clover, Frank M. 5/1/1979 European History "The Ecclesiastical Aristocracy of Fifth Century Gaul: A Regional Analysis of Family Structure" 1978-1979
Roy Heath Petrovich, Michael 5/1/1979 European History "The Establishment of the Bulgarian Ministry of Public Instruction and Its Role in the Development of Modern Bulgaria, 1878-1885" 1978-1979
Thomas August Mosse, George 12/1/1978 European History "Colonial Policy and Propaganda: The Popularization of the 'Idee Coloniale' in France" 1978-1979
Victor Treschan (Treszczan) Mosse, George 12/1/1978 European History "The Struggle for Integration: The Strasburg Jewish Community, 1818-1850" 1978-1979
William Trakas Hamerow, Theodore 5/1/1979 European History "Particularism in Bavaria and Wurttemberg, 1866-1870" 1978-1979
Carol Bargeron Courtenay, William J. 8/1/1978 European History "The Concept of Causality in Abu Hamid Muhammad Al-Ghazali's Tahafut Al-falasifah" 1977-1978
Gary Cross Goldberg, Harvey 12/1/1977 European History "The Structure of Labor Immigration into France between the Wars" 1977-1978
Penny Fortier (Gilbert) Courtenay, William J. 5/1/1978 European History "Collate: A System to Aid in the Preparation of Critical Editions" 1977-1978
Peter Williams Sella, Domenico 12/1/1977 European History "The Construction of Versailles, 1661-1715" 1977-1978
Richard Dougherty Fishman, Sterling 12/1/1977 European History "Eros, Youth Culture and Geist: The Ideology of Gustav Wyneken and its Influence Upon the German Youth Movement" 1977-1978
Stewart Karren Edson, Charles 5/1/1978 European History "Near Eastern Culture and Hellenic Paedeia in Damascius' 'Life of Isidore'" 1977-1978
A Turgay Karpat, Kemal H. 12/1/1976 European History "International Politics, Economic Development and Social Change in Trabzon in the 19th Century" 1976-1977
Carla Messman Hamerow, Theodore 5/1/1977 European History "Volkisch Paramilitarism in the Weimar Republic: A Case Study in Power Relationships" 1976-1977
Carolyn Henderson Hamerow, Theodore 5/1/1977 European History "Heinrich Leo: A Study in German Conservatism" 1976-1977
Charles Bacheller Hamerow, Theodore 12/1/1976 European History "Class and Conservatism: The Changing Social Structure of the German Right, 1900-1928" 1976-1977
Domenico Mastrangelo Gargan, Edward 5/1/1977 European History "Bologna, 1889-1914: The Metamorphosis of a City and the Making of its Working Class" 1976-1977
James Stevenson Goldberg, Harvey 8/1/1977 European History "Daniel DeLeon: The Relationship of Socialist Labor Party and European Marxism, 1890-1914" 1976-1977
James Weinlader Sachse, William 5/1/1977 European History "The Peace of Amiens: Its Justification in Relation to Empire, 1801-1802" 1976-1977
Joel Fishman Sachse, William 8/1/1977 European History "Edward Stillingfleet, Bishop of Worcester: Anglican Bishop and Controversialist, 1635-1699" 1976-1977
John Hoffman Sachse, William 5/1/1977 European History "John Cosin, 1595-1672: Bishop of Durham and Champion of the Caroline Church" 1976-1977
John Thorn Donnelly Jr., James S. 12/1/1976 European History "An Unexplored Chapter in Recent English Histoiry: Distributism and the Distributist League, 1910-1936" 1976-1977
Nancy Aumann Hamerow, Theodore 5/1/1977 European History "From Legality it Illegality: The Communist Party of Germany in Transition, 1930-1933" 1976-1977
Stephen Bensman Petrovich, Michael 5/1/1977 European History "The Constitutional Ideas of the Russian Liberation Movement: The Struggle for Human Rights During the Revolution" 1976-1977
Steven Coffey Petrovich, Michael 12/1/1976 European History "A.I. Koshelev and the Emancipation of the Russian Serfs, 1847-1862" 1976-1977
Albert Smith Courtenay, William J. /Lindberg 8/1/1976 European History "Witelo on the Principles of Reflection: A Critical Addition of English Translations, with Notes and Commentary on Book V of Witelo's 'Perspectiva'" 1975-1976
Alfred Kelly Mosse, George 12/1/1975 European History "Between Poetry and Science: Wilhelm Bolsche as Scientific Popularizer" 1975-1976
Allan Sharlin Mosse, George 8/1/1976 European History "Social Structure and Politics: A Social History of Frankfurt am Main, 1815-1864" 1975-1976
Ann Lane (Jakubiak) Petrovich, Michael 8/1/1976 European History "Nietzsche in Russian Thought 1890-1917" 1975-1976
Azade-ayse Rorlich Petrovich, Michael 5/1/1976 European History "Transition into the Twentieth Century: Reform and Secularization Among the Volga Tatars" 1975-1976
Brian Peterson Koehl, Robert 5/1/1976 European History "The Social Bases of Working-Class Politics in the Weimar Republic: The Reichstag Election of December 1924" 1975-1976
Carol Gold Gargan, Edward 12/1/1975 European History "The Danish Reform Era 1784-1800" 1975-1976
Cheryl Flood Hamerow, Theodore 5/1/1976 European History "The Ambassadorship of Paul van Volff-Metternich: Anglo-German Relations, 1901-1912" 1975-1976
Dale Tomich Goldberg, Harvey 5/1/1976 European History "Prelude to Emancipation: Sugar and Slavery in Martinique, 1830-1848" 1975-1976
David Holden Donnelly Jr., James S. 5/1/1976 European History "The First New Left in Britain, 1956-1962" 1975-1976
David Barry Clover, Frank M. 5/1/1976 European History "The Patriarchate of Jerusalem in the Fifth and Sixth Centuries" 1975-1976
Esther Kanipe Gargan, Edward 5/1/1976 European History "The Family, Private Property and the State in France, 1870-1914" 1975-1976
Francis Feeley Goldberg, Harvey 5/1/1976 European History "A Study of French Primary School Teachers, The Conditions and Events Which Led a Group of Them in the Revolutionary Syndicaliste Movement, 1880-1919" 1975-1976
Margaret Steneck Sachse, William 12/1/1975 European History "The Authority of the Crown, 1678-1681: Aspects of the Problem as Seen in Pamphlet Literature" 1975-1976
Mohammed Jerary Edson, Charles 5/1/1976 European History "The Luwata: Prolegomena, Source Book and Primary Study" 1975-1976
Paul Breines Mosse, George 5/1/1976 European History "Lukas & Korsch: A Study of the Genesis and Impact of Geschichte Und Klassenbewusstsein and Marxismus Und Philosophie, 1910-1932" 1975-1976
Philip Utley Mosse, George 5/1/1975 European History "Siegfried Bernfield: Left-Wing Youth Leader, Psychoanalyst and Zionist, 1910-1918" 1975-1976
Siegmar Hellerich Hamerow, Theodore 5/1/1976 European History "The Grossdeutsch Conception of Germany, 1859-1866" 1975-1976
Simon Karter Koehl, Robert 5/1/1976 European History "Coercion and Resistence--Dependence and Compliance: The Germans, Vichy, and the French Economy" 1975-1976
Timothy Nugent Hamerow, Theodore 12/1/1975 European History "The Bourgeoisie Awakes: Socio-Economic Interest Groups in Germany, 1909-1914" 1975-1976
Todd Phillips Sachse, William 5/1/1976 European History "Politics and the Episcopal Bench in the Struggle for Religious Toleration in England, 1688-1714" 1975-1976
Wayne De John Gargan, Edward 12/1/1975 European History "The Dreyfus Affair and the Chamber of Deputies: An Analytical and Interpretive Study, 1897-1899" 1975-1976
William McMechan Goldberg, Harvey 12/1/1975 European History "The Building Trades of France, 1907-1914: An Exploration of Revolutionary Syndicalism" 1975-1976
Alexander Orbach Petrovich, Michael 5/1/1975 European History "The Russian Jewish Press of Odessa, 1860-1871: Towards the Secularization of Jewish Culture in Tsarist Russia" 1974-1975
Christopher Browning Koehl, Robert 5/1/1975 European History "Referat D III of Abteilung Deutschland and the Jewish Policy of the German Foreign Office, 1940-1943" 1974-1975
Clifford Dull Edson, Charles 5/1/1975 European History "A Study of the Leadership of the Boiotian League from the Invasion of the Boiotoi to the King's Peace" 1974-1975
David Rosen Hamerow, Theodore 5/1/1975 European History "German Social Democracy Between Bismarck and Bernstein: Georg Von Vollmar and the Reformist Controversy, 1890-1895" 1974-1975
Dennis Day Gargan, Edward 5/1/1975 European History "Auguste Sabatier: Origins of Philosophical Theology in French Protestantism" 1974-1975
Eleanor Turk Hamerow, Theodore 5/1/1975 European History "The Political Press and the People's Rights: The Role of the Political Press in the Debates Over the Association Right in Germany, 1894-1899" 1974-1975
Eric Weissman Kingdon, Robert 5/1/1975 European History "Francois de la Mothe le Vayer: Sceptic and Statist" 1974-1975
Garry De Rose Hamerow, Theodore 5/1/1975 European History "The Prussian Government and Social Management, 1848-1858" 1974-1975
Gerald Max Clover, Frank M. 5/1/1975 European History "Majorian Augustus" 1974-1975
Laurence Stoll Gargan, Edward 5/1/1975 European History "The 'Bureau Politique' and the Management of the Popular Press: A Study of the Second Directory's Attempt to Develop a Directorial Ideology and Manipulate the Newspapers" 1974-1975
Lawrence Baron Mosse, George 12/1/1974 European History "The Eclectic Anarchism of Erich Musham" 1974-1975
Milenko Karanovich Petrovich, Michael 12/1/1974 European History "The Development of Education in Serbia, 1838-1858" 1974-1975
Morris Beatus Fishman, Sterling 5/1/1975 European History "Academic Proletariat: The Problem of Overcrowding in the Learned Professions and Universities during the Weimar Republic, 1918-1933" 1974-1975
Paul Lachance Mosse, George 12/1/1974 European History "The Imagery of Generations in French Public Opinion on the Eve of World War I" 1974-1975
Ronald Fullerton Hamerow, Theodore 5/1/1975 European History "The German Book Markets, 1815-1888" 1974-1975
Shannon Fleming Payne, Stanley G. 12/1/1974 European History "Primo de Rivera and Abd-el Krim: The Struggle in Spanish Morocco, 1923-1927" 1974-1975
Thomas Trice Payne, Stanley G. 12/1/1974 European History "Spanish Liberalism in Crisis: A Study of the Liberal Party During Spain's Parliamentary Collapse, 1913-1923" 1974-1975
Timothy Keck Mosse, George 5/1/1975 European History "Kant and Socialism: The Marburg School in Wilhelmian Germany" 1974-1975
William Timchek Hamerow, Theodore 12/1/1974 European History "The Struggle of Throne and Altar: Church Against State in Austria, 1848-1874" 1974-1975
Arye Carmon Mosse, George 5/1/1974 European History "The University of Heidelberg and National Socialism, 1930-1935" 1973-1974
Charles Sowerwine Goldberg, Harvey 12/1/1973 European History "Women and Socialism in France: Socialist Women's Groups from Leonie Riuzade to Luise Saumoneau, 1871-1921" 1973-1974
David Fisher Mosse, George 12/1/1973 European History "Romain Rolland and the Question of the Intellectual" 1973-1974
Dieter Wuerth Koehl, Robert 5/1/1974 European History "The Politics and Sociology of Organized Labor in a Middle-Sized German Town: Goppingen, 1910-1919" 1973-1974
Edward Rice Goldberg, Harvey 8/1/1974 European History "The French Left and Indochina, 1945-1954" 1973-1974
Hester Gelber Courtenay, William J. 8/1/1974 European History "Logic and the Trinity: A Clash of Values in Scholastic Thought, 1300-1335" 1973-1974
Jon Berlin Hamerow, Theodore 5/1/1974 European History "The Burgenland Question: From the Collapse of Austria-Hungary to the Treaty of Trianon, 1918-1920" 1973-1974
Kofi Owusu-Mensah Koehl, Robert 5/1/1974 European History "Prince Owusu-Ansa and Asante-British Diplomacy, 1841-1884" 1973-1974
Larry Ceplair Goldberg, Harvey 12/1/1973 European History "The Education of a Revolutionary Labor Union Minority: The French Railroad Workers and the CGT, 1890-1922" 1973-1974
Lazar Brkich Petrovich, Michael 5/1/1974 European History "D.V. Venevitinov: Poet-Thinker of the Liubomudry Circle, 1805-1827" 1973-1974
Luther Peterson Kingdon, Robert Courtenay, William J. 5/1/1974 European History "The Philippist Theologians and the Interims of 1548: Soteriological, Ecclesiastical, and Liturgical Compromises and Controversies Within German Lutheranism" 1973-1974
Marc Lagana Goldberg, Harvey 5/1/1974 European History "Eugene Etienne and the Strategy of Capitalist Expansion: Colonialism and Militarism in the Third Republic, 1881-1918" 1973-1974
Marshall Lee Hamerow, Theodore 5/1/1974 European History "Failure in Geneva: The German Foreign Ministry and the League of Nations, 1926-1933" 1973-1974
Nancy Conradt Kingdon, Robert 5/1/1974 European History "John Calvin, Theodore Beza and the Reformation in Poland" 1973-1974
Nathan Witham Koehl, Robert 12/1/1973 European History "Germans Workers Insurance, 1869-1914" 1973-1974
Nelson Duran de la Rua Payne, Stanley G. 12/1/1973 European History "The Liberal Union in Spanish Politics, 1854-1868" 1973-1974
Peter McCandless Carr, Wendall 5/1/1974 European History "Insanity and Society: A Study of the English Lunacy Reform Movement, 1815-1870" 1973-1974
Ronald Berger Sachse, William 5/1/1974 European History "The Organization of the Mercury Trade in Coventry, 1560-1640" 1973-1974
Stephen Smiley Goldberg, Harvey 8/1/1974 European History "Pierre-Gaspard Chaumette and the Popular Movement in Paris during the French Revolution, 1790-1794" 1973-1974
Thomas Meininger Petrovich, Michael 5/1/1974 European History "The Formation of a Nationalist Bulgarian Intelligentsia, 1835-1878" 1973-1974
Timothy Glines Sachse, William 5/1/1974 European History "Politics and Government in the Borough of Colchester, 1660-1693" 1973-1974
Anson Rabinbach Mosse, George 8/1/1973 European History "Ernst Fischer and the Left Opposition in Austrian Social Democracy: The Crisis of Austrian Socialism, 1927-1934" 1972-1973
Curtis Dittbrenner Sachse, William 5/1/1973 European History "The Poor Law and the Treatment of Poverty in Norwich and Norfolf, 1660-1760" 1972-1973
Daniel Silverfarb Koehl, Robert 12/1/1972 European History "British Relations with Ibn Saud of Najd, 1914-1919" 1972-1973
David Klinck Mosse, George 5/1/1973 European History "The Development of Traditionalist Natural Law in France During the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries" 1972-1973
David Applebaum Gargan, Edward 5/1/1973 European History "The Juges de Paix and the Provisional Government of 1848 in France" 1972-1973
Edward Gingold Payne, Stanley G. 5/1/1973 European History "Melquiades Alvarez and the Reformist 1972-1973
Frank Morton Kingdon, Robert 5/1/1973 European History "The Bianchi Movement of 1399: Its Individual Characteristics and Chronology" 1972-1973
Harold Goldberg Senn, Alfred 5/1/1973 European History "The Anarchists View the Bolshevik Regime, 1918-1922" 1972-1973
James Tent Hamerow, Theodore 5/1/1973 European History "Eugen Richter: Manchester Liberal and German Statesman" 1972-1973
John Nesbitt Barker, John W. 12/1/1972 European History "Mechanisms of Agricultural Production on the Estates of the Byzantine Praktika" 1972-1973
John Owens Sella, Domenico 12/1/1972 European History "Despotism, Absolutism, & the Law in Renaissance Spain: Toledo vs. The Counts of Belalcazar (1445-1574)" 1972-1973
John Muendel Sella, Domenico 12/1/1972 European History "The Mills and Millers of Medieval Pistoia" 1972-1973
Malcolm Thorp Sachse, William 5/1/1972 European History "The English Government and the Huguenot Settlement, 1680-1702" 1972-1973
Marlene Struger Senn, Alfred 5/1/1973 European History "Nikolai Nikolaievich Krestinsky and Soviet-German Relations, 1921-1930" 1972-1973
Oliver Hayward Petrovich, Michael 5/1/1973 European History "Official Russian Policies Concerning Industrialization During the Finance Ministry of M. KH. Reutern, 1862-1878" 1972-1973
Raymond Mentzer Kingdon, Robert 5/1/1973 European History "Heresy Proceedings in Languedoc, 1500-1560" 1972-1973
Richard McLaughlin Herlihy, David 12/1/1972 European History "The Church and Commune in Medieval Asti: Political, Social, and Economic Change in the Astigiana, Ninth to Thirteenth Centuries" 1972-1973
Robert Cromey Edson, Charles 5/1/1973 European History "The Alkmeonid Inheritance in Kleisthenes' Reforms" 1972-1973
Robert Richgels Kingdon, Robert 5/1/1973 European History "Robert Bellarmine's Use of Calvin in the Controversies: A Quantitative Analysis" 1972-1973
Robert Kolb Kingdon, Robert 5/1/1973 European History "Nikolaus Von Amsdorf, Knight of God and Exile of Christ: Piety and Polemic in the Wake of Luther" 1972-1973
Steven Werner Sachse, William 5/1/1973 European History "Reason and Reform: The Social Thought of Leonard T Hobhouse" 1972-1973
Thomas Telzrow Gargan, Edward 5/1/1973 European History "The 'Watchdogs': French Academic Philosophy in the 19th Century, The Case of Paul Janet" 1972-1973
Wolfram Haller Hamerow, Theodore 5/1/1973 European History "Hans Viktor von Unruh: A Study of a Prussian Liberal" 1972-1973
Amy McCandless (Thompson) Harrison, John C. 8/1/1972 European History "The Last of the Benthamites: A Study of the Parliamentary Career of Robert Lowe" 1971-1972
Ann Healy (Erickson) Petrovich, Michael 1/1/1972 European History "The Russian Autocracy in Crisis: Tsarism and the Opposition from 1905-1907" 1971-1972
Arnold Levine Harrison, John C. 1/1/1972 European History "The Politics of Taste: The Science and Art Department of Great Britain, 1852-1873" 1971-1972
Benjamin Harrison Gargan, Edward 8/1/1972 European History "Gabriel Monod and the Professionalization of History in France: 1844-1912" 1971-1972
Clarence Davis Koehl, Robert 5/1/1972 European History "The Defensive Diplomacy of British Imperialism in the Far East: Japan and US as Partners and Rivals, 1915-1922" 1971-1972
Donald Schilling Koehl, Robert 6/1/1972 European History "British Policy for African Education in Kenya, 1895-1939" 1971-1972
Edmund Jacobitti Mosse, George 6/1/1972 European History "Benedetto Croce and the Italian Culture (1893-1915): A Reappraisal" 1971-1972
Edward Duggan Rothstein, Morton 5/1/1972 European History "The Impact of Industrialization on an Urban Labor Market: Birmingham, England, 1770-1860" 1971-1972
Emily Coleman Herlihy, David 12/1/1971 European History "The Serfs of St. Germain-des-Pres: A Social and Demographic Study" 1971-1972
Eugene Newman Hamerow, Theodore 1/1/1972 European History "Robert Blum: Saxon Republican, German Revolutionary, Parliamentary Leader of the Left" 1971-1972
Evaggelos Vallianatos Koehl, Robert 5/1/1972 European History "Adamantios Koraes and the Modernization of Greek Education, 1782-1821" 1971-1972
Frank Lennox Hamerow, Theodore 6/1/1972 European History "Socialism of the Chair in the 1870s: A Study of the Theory and Practice of Social Reform in Germany" 1971-1972
Frederic Miller Harrison, John C. 8/1/1972 European History "Work or Maintenance? Unemployment Policy in Great Britain, 1931-1936" 1971-1972
Frederic Baumgartner Kingdon, Robert 5/1/1972 European History "The Political Thought of the Radicals of the Catholic League of Paris, 1584-1594" 1971-1972
George Robertson Hill, Henry Bertram 8/1/1972 European History "The Society of the Cordeliers and the French Revolution, 1790-1794" 1971-1972
Jay Smith Goldberg, Harvey 6/1/1972 European History "Village Revolution: Agricultural Workers of Cruzy (Herault) 1850-1910" 1971-1972
Jean Richter Hill, Henry Bertram 6/1/1972 European History "Currents of Spirituality in 18th Century France: Nuns, Sisters, and 'Philosophes'" 1971-1972
Joan Skurnowicz Senn, Alfred 1/1/1972 European History "The Polish National Idea in the Life and Works of Joachim Lelewel" 1971-1972
John Donnelly Kingdon, Robert 12/1/1971 European History "Peter Martyr on Fallen Man: A Protestant Scholastic View" 1971-1972
Julius Leberstein Mosse, George 1/1/1972 European History "Revolutionary Education: French Libertarian Theory and Experiments, 1895-1915" 1971-1972
Paul Robertson Cameron, Rondo Emmett 8/1/1972 European History "The Management of Manpower in British Shipbuilding, 1870-1914: A Study in the Organization of Human Resources Under Conditions of Changing Technology" 1971-1972
Richard Ring Herlihy, David 1/1/1972 European History "The Lands of Farfa: Studies in Lombard and Carolingian Italy" 1971-1972
Robert Dockhorn Hamerow, Theodore 5/1/1972 European History "The Wilhelmstrasse and the Search for a new Diplomatic Order, 1926-1930" 1971-1972
Robert Shalka Koehl, Robert 6/1/1972 European History "The 'General-SS' in Central Germany, 1937-1939; A Social and Institutional Study of SS-Main Sector Fulda-Werra" 1971-1972
Roy Van Neste Courtenay, William J. 12/1/1971 European History "The Epistenology of John of Mirecourt in Relation to 14th Century Thought" 1971-1972
Thomas Bates Gargan, Edward 12/1/1971 European History "The Political Thought of Antonio Gramsci" 1971-1972
Thomas Adams Hill, Henry Bertram 8/1/1972 European History "An Approach to the Problem of Beggary in 18th Century France: The Depots de Mendicite" 1971-1972
Angela Pienkos (Mischke) Petrovich, Michael 6/1/1971 European History "Grand Duke Constantine Pavlovich: A Study in Early Nineteenth Century Russo-Polish Relations, 1815-1831" 1970-1971
Arnold Schuetz Hamerow, Theodore 6/1/1971 European History "Johann Jacoby--A Prussian Democrat: The Years 1847-1877" 1970-1971
Austin Martin Kingdon, Robert 6/1/1971 European History "Henry III and the Jesuit Politicians" 1970-1971
Charles Hyde Cameron, Rondo Emmett 8/1/1971 European History "Technological Change and the Development of the British Iron Industry, 1700-1870" 1970-1971
Charles Barber Koehl, Robert 5/1/1971 European History "Wehrmachts-Abteilung and Ministeramt: The political and Social Ambitions of Kurt Von Schliecher, 1926-1932" 1970-1971
Clifford Maas Kingdon, Robert 6/1/1971 European History "The German Community in Renaissance Rome: 1378-1523" 1970-1971
David Hackett Koehl, Robert 1/1/1971 European History "The Nazis in the Reichstag Election of 1930" 1970-1971
David Weinberg Goldberg, Harvey 8/1/1971 European History "The Paris Jewish Community in the 1930's: A Case Study in the Attitudes and Behavior of Pre-War European Jewry" 1970-1971
Edward Hawes Hamerow, Theodore 1/1/1971 European History "Publicists, Professors, Policy Makers: The Transformation of Central European Agriculture, 1750-1880" 1970-1971
Gary Hanson Petrovich, Michael 6/1/1971 European History "A.P. Shchapov: Historian of Russian Social Democracy" 1970-1971
Gerhard Rempel Koehl, Robert 6/1/1971 European History "The Misguided Generation: Hitler Youth and S.S., 1933-1945" 1970-1971
Jerome Friedman Kingdon, Robert 12/1/1970 European History "Michael Servetus: The Theology of Optimism" 1970-1971
John Lampe Cameron, Rondo Emmett 8/1/1971 European History "Financial Structure and the Economic Development of Serbia, 1878-1912" 1970-1971
John Coverdale Payne, Stanley G. 5/1/1971 European History "Italian Intervention in the Spanish Civil War, July 1936-March 1937" 1970-1971
John Reinertson Krosby, H. Peter 1/1/1971 European History "Colonel House, Woodrow Wilson and European Socialism, 1917-1919" 1970-1971
Joseph Neville Hamerow, Theodore 6/1/1971 European History "Count Ernst Reventlow: Revolutionary Conservatism and the Weimar Republic" 1970-1971
Marion Gray Hamerow, Theodore 6/1/1971 European History "Theodor von Schon and Prussian Reforms 1806-1808" 1970-1971
Martin Fine Goldberg, Harvey 8/1/1971 European History "Toward Corporatism: The Movement for Capital-Labor Collaboration in France, 1914-1936" 1970-1971
Michael Soper Hamerow, Theodore 6/1/1971 European History "The Lausanne Conference of 1932: A Political and Diplomatic History" 1970-1971
Peter Arum Goldberg, Harvey 5/1/1971 European History "Georges Dumoulin: Biography of a Revolutionary Syndicalist, 1877-1923" 1970-1971
Robert Strayer Koehl, Robert 6/1/1971 European History "The Church Missionary Society in Eastern and Central Kenya, 1875-1935: A Mission Community in a Colonial Society" 1970-1971
Stephen Beaumont Sachse, William 5/1/1971 European History "Science and Navigation in England, 1660-1714" 1970-1971
Thomas Schweitzer Goldberg, Harvey 8/1/1971 European History "The French Colonialist Lobby in the 1930s: The Economic Foundations of Imperialism" 1970-1971
William Morse Senn, Alfred 6/1/1971 European History "Leonid Borisovich Krasin, Soviet Diplomat, 1918-1926" 1970-1971
William Orr Mosse, George 6/1/1971 European History "The Foundation of the Kreuzzeitung Party in Prussia 1848-1850" 1970-1971
William Fox Hamerow, Theodore 5/1/1971 European History "Friedrich Dahlmann, Historian and Politician" 1970-1971
Arnold Krammer Senn, Alfred 6/1/1970 European History "Soviet Bloc Relations with Israel, 1947-1953" 1969-1970
Barbara Kreutz Herlihy, David 6/1/1970 European History "Amalfi and Salerno in the Early Middle Ages: A Regional Profile" 1969-1970
Daniel Toft Mosse, George 5/1/1970 European History "Shadow of kings: The Political Thought of David Pareus, 1548-1622" 1969-1970
David Hosford Sachse, William 6/1/1970 European History "The Revolution of 1688 in the Counties of Derby and Nottingham" 1969-1970
David Wollman Sachse, William 5/1/1970 European History "Parliament and Foreign Affairs, 1697-1714" 1969-1970
Egmont Lee Setton, Kenneth 1/1/1970 European History "Sixtus IV and Men of Letters" 1969-1970
Francis Hartigan Herlihy, David 6/1/1970 European History "The Foundations of Church Reform in Poitou, 900-1100" 1969-1970
Gary Owens Sachse, William 6/1/1970 European History "Norfolk, 1620-1641: Local Government and Central Authority in an East Anglian County" 1969-1970
George Kren Mosse, George 6/1/1970 European History "The Image of the Middle Class in the German Novel, 1774-1855" 1969-1970
Harold Drake Edson, Charles 5/1/1970 European History "'SEMPER VICTOR ERIS': Evidence for the Policy and Belief of Constantine I contained in Eusebius" 1969-1970
John Campbell Sachse, William 5/1/1970 European History "The Walloon Community in Canterbury, 1625-1649" 1969-1970
John Cranston Hamerow, Theodore 12/1/1969 European History "German Unification and the Liberal Ideal in the Preussische Jahrbucher, 1858-1877" 1969-1970
John Knipe Harrison, John C. 6/1/1970 European History "The Justice of the Peace in Yorkshire, 1820-1914: A Social Study" 1969-1970
John Nott Harrison, John C. 6/1/1970 European History "The Artisan as Agitator: Richard Carlisle, 1816-1843" 1969-1970
Julian Archer Hill, Henry Bertram 5/1/1970 European History The First International and the Lyon Revolutionary Movements, 1864-1871" 1969-1970
Kenneth Jones Hamerow, Theodore 6/1/1970 European History "Stresmann and the Diplomacy of the Ruhr Crisis, 1923-1924" 1969-1970
Larry Jones Hamerow, Theodore 6/1/1970 European History "The Dying Middle: Weimar Germany and the Failure of Bourgeois Unity, 1924-1930" 1969-1970
Lilian Shiman Harrison, John C. 6/1/1970 European History "Crusade Against Drink in Victorian England" 1969-1970
Maryanne Horowitz Kingdon, Robert 6/1/1970 European History "The Origin of Pierre Charron's Concept of Natural Law in Man" 1969-1970
Michael Boll Petrovich, Michael 12/1/1969 European History "The Social and Political Philosophy of Semen L. Frank: A Study in Pre-Revolutionary 20th Century Russian Liberalism" 1969-1970
Nicholas Steneck Courtenay, William J. 6/1/1970 European History "The Problem of the Internal Senses in the 14th Century" 1969-1970
Norbert Gaworek Senn, Alfred 6/1/1970 European History "Allied Economic Warfare Against Soviet Russia from November 1917 to March 1921" 1969-1970
Norman Sobiesk Herlihy, David 1/1/1970 European History "The Crisis of 1051: A Study in English Political History" 1969-1970
Ralph Desmarais Harrison, John C. 5/1/1970 European History "The Supply and Transport Committee: A Study of the British Government's Method of Handling Emergencies Stemming from Industrial Disputes, 1919-1926" 1969-1970
Richard Reed Sachse, William 6/1/1970 European History "Sir Robert Cecil and the Diplomacy of the Anglo-Spanish Peace, 1603-1604" 1969-1970
Richard Bazillion Hamerow, Theodore 5/1/1970 European History "Karl Biedermann: The Making of a National Liberal, 1837-1871" 1969-1970
Robert Frankle Sachse, William 5/1/1970 European History "Parliament Crown and Reform, 1689-1701" 1969-1970
Robert Dreher Mosse, George 5/1/1970 European History "Arthur de Gobineau: An Intellectual Portrait" 1969-1970
Ronald Smelser Koehl, Robert 6/1/1970 European History "'Volkstumspolitik' and the Formulation of Nazi Foreign Policy: The Sudeten Problem, 1933-1938" 1969-1970
William Cohn Goldberg, Harvey 12/1/1969 European History "Paul Lafarge: Marxist Disciple and French Revolutionary Socialist" 1969-1970
Barbara Frankle Harrison, John C. 5/1/1969 European History "The Genteel Family: High Victorian Conceptions of Domesticity and Good Behavior" 1968-1969
Beth Lewis Mosse, George 8/1/1969 European History "Art and Politics in the Weimar Republic" 1968-1969
Charles Bertrand Goldberg, Harvey 5/1/1969 European History "Revolutionary Syndicalism in Italy, 1912-1922" 1968-1969
David De Giustino Harrison, John C. 5/1/1969 European History "Phrenology in Britain: A Study of George Combe and his Circle, 1815-1855" 1968-1969
David Sabean Mosse, George 1/1/1969 European History "The Social Background to the Peasants' War of 1525 in Southern Upper Swabia" 1968-1969
David Gross Mosse, George 6/1/1969 European History "Heinrich Mann: The Writer and Society, 1890-1920: A Study of Literary Politics in Germany" 1968-1969
Felix Ekechi Koehl, Robert 5/1/1969 European History "Missionary Enterprise in Igboland, 1857-1914" 1968-1969
Frank Melton Sachse, William 6/1/1969 European History "London and Parliament: An Analysis of a Constituency, 1661-1702" 1968-1969
Issac Schottenstein Petrovich, Michael 1/1/1969 European History "The Russian Conquest of Kamchatka, 1697-1731" 1968-1969
Jane Beitscher Herlihy, David 8/1/1969 European History "Feudal Society in the Limousin, 850-1124" 1968-1969
Jane Schulenburg (Tibbetts) Herlihy, David 8/1/1969 European History "Savigny in the Lyonnais ca. 825-1138: An Analysis of a Rural Society" 1968-1969
Jesse Silverglate Koehl, Robert 1/1/1969 European History "The Role of the Conspiracy Doctrine in the Nuremburg War Crimes Trials" 1968-1969
Joan Scott Goldberg, Harvey 8/1/1969 European History "Les Verriers De Carmaux, 1850-1914" 1968-1969
John Block Hamerow, Theodore 5/1/1969 European History "British Opposition of Prussian Policy, 1854-1866" 1968-1969
Jonathan Wagner Hamerow, Theodore 6/1/1969 European History "The Political Evolution of Gervinus" 1968-1969
Konrad Jarausch Hamerow, Theodore 1/1/1969 European History "The Enigmatic Chancellor: A Political Biography of Theobald von Bethman Hollweg, 1856-1921" 1968-1969
Manfred Jankowski Lampard, Eric E. 1/1/1969 European History "Prussian Policy and the Development of the Ruhr Mining Region, 1766-1865" 1968-1969
Michael Ledeen Mosse, George 8/1/1969 European History "Fascimo Universale: The Theory and Practice of the Fascist International, 1928-1936" 1968-1969
Nicholas Papayanis Goldberg, Harvey 8/1/1969 European History "Alphonse Merrheim and Revolutionary Syndicalism" 1968-1969
Patrick Hutton Hill, Henry Bertram 8/1/1969 European History "The Boulangist Movement in Bordeaux Politics" 1968-1969
Richard Goodrum Hamerow, Theodore 6/1/1969 European History "German Social Democracy and the Unification Movement, 1858-1871" 1968-1969
Robert Nye Hill, Henry Bertram 8/1/1969 European History "An Intellectual Portrait of Gustave Lebon: A Study of the Development and Impact of a Social Scientist and His Historical Setting 1968-1969
Stanley Grossman Mosse, George 8/1/1969 European History "Neo-Socialsim: A French Attempt at Political Renewal in the 1930's" 1968-1969
Stephen Weinberger Herlihy, David 8/1/1969 European History "Social and Economic Development in Provence, 972-1094" 1968-1969
Barry Rothaus Hill, Henry Bertram 6/1/1968 European History "The Emergence of Legislative Control Over Foreign Policy in the Constituent Assembly (1789-1791)" 1967-1968
Christopher Johnson Hill, Henry Bertram 1/1/1968 European History "Etienne Cabet and the Icarian Communist Movement in France 1839-1848" 1967-1968
Daniel Callahan Herlihy, David 8/1/1968 European History "Benedictine Monasticism in Aquitaine, 935-1030" 1967-1968
Eugene Andriette Sachse, William 12/1/1967 European History "The Counties of Devon and Exeter in the Civil War Period, 1640-1646" 1967-1968
Fred Carrier Goldberg, Harvey 8/1/1968 European History "Jacques Doriot: A Political Biography" 1967-1968
George Browder Koehl, Robert 8/1/1968 European History "Sipo and SD: Formation of an Instrument of Power, 1931-1940" 1967-1968
Henry Misbach Herlihy, David 8/1/1968 European History "Genoese Trade and the Flow of Gold, 1154- 1253" 1967-1968
James Harris Hamerow, Theodore 1/1/1968 European History "Eduard Lasker, 1829-1884, German Liberal Parlimentarian" 1967-1968
James Long Senn, Alfred 6/1/1968 European History "The Economics of the Franco-Russian Alliance, 1904-1906" 1967-1968
Linda Fowler Herlihy, David 8/1/1968 European History "Suspect and Incapable Judges in Civilian and Canonist Thought" 1967-1968
Noel Richards Harrison, John C. 6/1/1968 European History "The Political and Social Impact of British Nonconformity in the Late Nineteenth Century 1870-1902" 1967-1968
Richard Stremski Koehl, Robert 1/1/1968 European History "Britain's China Policy, 1920-1928" 1967-1968
Richard Rudolph Cameron, Rondo Emmett 1/1/1968 European History "The Role of Financial Institutions in the Industrialization of the Czech Crownlands, 1880-1914" 1967-1968
Richard Orr Harrison, John C. 6/1/1968 European History "In Durance Vile: Attitudes Towards Imprisonment in England During the Du Cane Regime, 1877-1895" 1967-1968
Robert McJimsey Sachse, William 6/1/1968 European History "The Englishman's Choice. English Opinion and the War of King William III, 1689-1697" 1967-1968
Samuel Scott Hill, Henry Bertram 1/1/1968 European History "A Sociological and Demographic Study of the French Revolutionary Armies" 1967-1968
Stanley Zucker Hamerow, Theodore 1/1/1968 European History "Ludwig Bamberger and the Crisis of German Liberalism" 1967-1968
Werner Braatz Koehl, Robert 12/1/1968 European History "Neo-Conservatism in Crisis at the End of the Weimar Republic: Franz von Papen and the Rise and Fall of the 'New State', June, 1932- December, 1932" 1967-1968
William Shorrock Hamerow, Theodore 6/1/1968 European History "France in Syria and Lebanon 1901-1914" 1967-1968
Arthur Smith Sachse, William 1/1/1967 European History "London and the Crown, 1681-1685" 1966-1967
Carl Granquist Hill, Henry Bertram 6/1/1967 European History "The Diffusion of Democracy as Reflected in the Demands of the General and Parish Cahiers of 1789" 1966-1967
Howard Holter Petrovich, Michael 1/1/1967 European History "A. V. Lunacharskii and the Soviet Formulation of a Policy Toward the Arts in the RSFSR, 1921-1927" 1966-1967
James Hertzler Sachse, William 1/1/1967 European History "The Reform of Imprisonment for Debt During the Interregnum and Later Stuart Period" 1966-1967
James Weingartner Koehl, Robert 8/1/1967 European History "The Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler 1933-1945" 1966-1967
John McGovern Reynolds, Robert 1/1/1967 European History "The Language of the Genoese Notaries at the Beginning of the Thirteenth Century" 1966-1967
Larry Thompson Koehl, Robert 8/1/1967 European History "Nazi Administrative Conflict: The Struggle for Executive Power in the General Government of Poland, 1939-1943" 1966-1967
Ray Cubberly Hill, Henry Bertram 5/1/1967 European History "The Committee of General Security during the Reign of Terror" 1966-1967
Valerie Quinney Hill, Henry Bertram 1/1/1967 European History "The Committee on Colonies of the French Constituent Assembly, 1789-1791" 1966-1967
William Bonds Herlihy, David 12/1/1967 European History "Money and Prices in Medieval Genoa, 1155-1255" 1966-1967
Alauddin Samarrai Reynolds, Robert 6/1/1966 European History "Europe in Medieval Arabic Sources" 1965-1966
David Ringrose Cameron, Rondo Emmett 6/1/1966 European History "Land Transportation in Eighteenth Century-Century Castile" 1965-1966
Elliot Benowitz Petrovich, Michael 5/1/1966 European History "B.N. Chicherin: Rationalism and Liberalism in 19th Century Russia" 1965-1966
Father Anthony Via Barker, John W. 8/1/1966 European History "The Conflict in South Italy Between Byzantium and the West in the Late Tenth and Early Eleventh Centuries" 1965-1966
J Osen Hill, Henry Bertram 1/1/1966 European History "The Revival of the French Reformed Church 1830-1852" 1965-1966
Michael Landon Sachse, William 1/1/1966 European History "The Political Role of the Whig Lawyers 1678-1689" 1965-1966
Richard Kressel Herlihy, David Barker, John W. 8/1/1966 European History "The Administration of Caffa Under the Uffizio de San Giorgio" 1965-1966
Ronald Zupko Reynolds, Robert 6/1/1966 European History "A Dictionary of Medieval English Weights and Measures" 1965-1966
Thomas Resovich Hamerow, Theodore 1/1/1966 European History "France in Transition: Pre-Vichy Diplomatic and Political Realignments May 10 to June 25, 1940" 1965-1966
Glenn Olsen Post, Gaines 6/1/1965 European History "The Legal Definition of the Ecclesiastical Benefice During the Period of Appearance of Papal Provisioning (1140-1230)" 1964-1965
James McKnight Petrovich, Michael 1/1/1965 European History "Admiral Ushakov and the Ionian Republic. The Genesis of Russia's First Balkan Satellite" 1964-1965
John Hirsch Mosse, George 6/1/1965 European History "Radical Anti-Fascism: Origins and Politics of the Italian Action Party" 1964-1965
Michael Curran Petrovich, Michael 5/1/1965 European History "Vladimir Stasov and the Development of Russian National Art" 1964-1965
Robert Pois Mosse, George 6/1/1965 European History "Friedrich Meinecke and German Politics in the 20th Century" 1964-1965
Bruce Eastwood Post, Gaines 6/1/1964 European History "The Geometrical Optics of Robert Grosseteste" 1963-1964
Daniel Kelly Hill, Henry Bertram 6/1/1964 European History "Ultra-Royalism: Ideology and Politics Under the Bourbon Restoration" 1963-1964
Jack Porter Mosse, George 6/1/1964 European History "Bernhard Rothmann 1495-1535. Royal Orator of the Munster Anabaptist Kingdom" 1963-1964
John Davis Easum, Chester V. 6/1/1964 European History "Hitler and the Versailles Settlement" 1963-1964
John Perrin Post, Gaines 8/1/1964 European History "Legatus in Roman Law and the Legists" 1963-1964
Paul Grendler Mosse, George 8/1/1964 European History "Anton Francesco Doni: Cinquencento Critic" 1963-1964
Paul Scherer Easum, Chester V. 1/1/1964 European History "British Policy with Respect to the Unification of Germany, 1848-1871" 1963-1964
Paulin Blecker Post, Gaines 5/1/1964 European History "The Two Laws and Benedictine Monasticism: A Study on Benedictine Government, 1198-1216" 1963-1964
Ronald Steckling Post, Gaines 8/1/1964 European History "Jean Lemoine as Canonist and Political Thinker" 1963-1964
Alfred Lever Easum, Chester V. 8/1/1963 European History "The British Empire and the German Colonies, 1914-1919" 1962-1963
Frederick Dumin Easum, Chester V. 5/1/1963 European History "Background of the Austro-German Anschluss Movement" 1962-1963
Harry Dell Edson, Charles 5/1/1963 European History "The Illyrian Frontier to 229 BC" 1962-1963
Jane Leake Reynolds, Robert 6/1/1963 European History "The Geats of Beowulf: A Study in the Geographical Mythology of the Middle Ages" 1962-1963
John Williams Curtin, Philip D. 8/1/1963 European History "Maori Society and Politics 1891-1909" 1962-1963
Robert Soucy Mosse, George 8/1/1963 European History "The Image of the Hero in the Works of Maurice Barres and Pierre Drieu La Rochelle" 1962-1963
William Brynteson Post, Gaines 5/1/1963 European History "Roman Law and Legislation in the Middle Ages" 1962-1963
George Stagakis Edson, Charles 8/1/1962 European History "Institutional Aspects of the Hetairos Relation" 1961-1962
John Livingston Post, Gaines 1/1/1962 European History "Infamia in the Decretists from Rufinus to Johannes Teutonicus" 1961-1962
Jonathan Spurgeon Sachse, William 1/1/1962 European History "London During the Commonwealth 1649-1653" 1961-1962
Clarke Garrett Hill, Henry Bertram 8/1/1961 European History "French Nationalism on the Eve of the French Revolution" 1960-1961
Donald Frank Post, Gaines 1/1/1961 European History "Twelfth Century Naturalism and Troubadour Ethic" 1960-1961
Hugh Boyle Easum, Chester V. 5/1/1961 European History "Weimar Defense Minister: Between Government and Reichswehr" 1960-1961
John Thayer Mosse, George 8/1/1961 European History "Italy: The Post Risorgimento and the 'Great War'" 1960-1961
Leonard Swidler Mosse, George 6/1/1961 European History "The History of the Una Sancta Movement in Germany" 1960-1961
Mary Pickard Sachse, William 8/1/1961 European History "Symon Patrick (1626-1707), Bishop of Ely, Divine, Theologian, Ecclesiastical Statesman" 1960-1961
Norman Coombs Mosse, George 5/1/1961 European History "The Doctrine of the Incarnation and Christian Socialism" 1960-1961
Charles Sidman Easum, Chester V. 1/1/1960 European History "Political History of Land Wurttemberg, 1918-1932" 1959-1960
Donald White Reynolds, Robert 1/1/1960 European History "The Saxon Shore" 1959-1960
John Vignery Hill, Henry Bertram 8/1/1960 European History "Jacobin Educational Theories and Policies in the French National Convention, 1792-1794" 1959-1960
Margaret Donovan Mosse, George 5/1/1960 European History "The Role of Russian Religious Thought in the Writings of Nicolas Aleksandrovich Berdiaev, 1874-1948" 1959-1960
Richard Soloway Mosse, George 1/1/1960 European History "The Onslaught of Respectability--A Study of English Moral Thought During the French Revolution, 1789-1802" 1959-1960
Ronald Ware Reynolds, Robert 1/1/1960 European History "Prolegomena to the Anglo-Saxon Charters" 1959-1960
Seymour Drescher Mosse, George 5/1/1960 European History "Alexis de Tocqueville and England Small Groups" 1959-1960
Sterling Fishman Mosse, George 8/1/1960 European History "Prophets, Poets, and Priests: A Study of the Men and Ideas that made the Bavarian Revolution of 1918" 1959-1960
Vsevolod Slessarev Reynolds, Robert 6/1/1960 European History "Prester John: The Letter and the Legend" 1959-1960
Albert Hayden Sachse, William 6/1/1959 European History "Governmental Assistance to Immigration to New South Wales, 1856-1950" 1958-1959
Andrew Spiegel Sachse, William 8/1/1959 European History "Sir Matthew Hale and the English Law" 1958-1959
Betty Silvestro (Mack) Petrovich, Michael 6/1/1959 European History "Western European Travelers to Mainland Greece, 1700-1800" 1958-1959
Danila Spielman Sachse, William 6/1/1959 European History Impeachments and the parliamentary opposition in England, 1621-1641 1958-1959
Floyd Watts Curtin, Philip D. 1/1/1959 European History "The Imperial Conference of 1911" 1958-1959
Gerald Straka Sachse, William 8/1/1959 European History "The Anglican Reaction to the Revolution, 1688-1702" 1958-1959
Richard Kay Post, Gaines 6/1/1959 European History "The Making of Statutes in French Provincial Councils, 1029-1305" 1958-1959
William Kaldis Easum, Chester V. 8/1/1959 European History "John Capodistrias and the Modern Greek State" 1958-1959
Boris Blick Higby, Chester 5/1/1958 European History "Waldeck-Rousseau, 1894-1904" 1957-1958
Herbert Curry Curtin, Philip D. 5/1/1958 European History "Federation of the British West Indies" 1957-1958
Orville Rook Easum, Chester V. 6/1/1958 European History "Friedrich Ebert, First President of the German Weimar Republic" 1957-1958
Samuel Portnoy Easum, Chester V. 2/1/1958 European History "The Peace Question in German Politics" 1957-1958
Victor Arnold Easum, Chester V. 5/1/1958 European History "The Little Entente and the Revisionists" 1957-1958
Carolyn Andervont 8/1/1957 European History "The Parliamentary Challenge to the Royal Prerogative, 1600-1685" 1956-1957
David Rogers Hill, Henry Bertram Farmer, Paul 6/1/1957 European History "The Campaign for the French National Economic Council 1918-1925" 1956-1957
Edward Grant Post, Gaines Clagett, Marshall 6/1/1957 European History "The Mathematical Theory of Proportionality of Nicole Oresme (Ca. 1320-1382)" 1956-1957
Elmer Herr Sachse, William 2/1/1957 European History "The House of Lords under Charles II" 1956-1957
James Patrick Sachse, William 2/1/1957 European History "The Privy Council and Trade and Industry 1588-1603" 1956-1957
Jerome Shneidman Post, Gaines 2/1/1957 European History "The Jew as Royal Bailiff in Aragon" 1956-1957
John Spielman Easum, Chester V. 8/1/1957 European History "Christoral de Roxas y Spinola" 1956-1957
Richard Face Reynolds, Robert 2/1/1957 European History "Caravan Merchants and the Fairs of Champagne: A Study in the Techniques of Medieval Commerce" 1956-1957
Alexander Berkis Higby, Chester 5/1/1956 European History "The Reign of Duke James of Courland, 1638-1682" 1955-1956
Carleton Curran Higby, Chester 5/1/1956 European History "Reforms of Joseph II in Belgium" 1955-1956
Gerald De Jong Higby, Chester 5/1/1956 European History "Leicester's Administration in the Netherlands" 1955-1956
Oscar Rosen Higby, Chester 8/1/1956 European History "German-Japanese Relations, 1894-1902: A Study of European Imperialism in the Far East" 1955-1956
Alfred Wolf Hill, Henry Bertram Farmer, Paul 6/1/1955 European History "Ultra-Royalist Thought and Politics" 1954-1955
Brison Gooch Higby, Chester 1/1/1955 European History "French Leadership in the Crimean War" 1954-1955
Clinio Duetti Farmer, Paul 5/1/1955 European History "Work, Noble and Ignoble: An Introduction to the History of the Modern Idea of Work" 1954-1955
Daniel Hosler Knaplund, Paul A. 8/1/1955 European History "The British Conservatives: Their Attitude toward the Empire and Imperial Policy, 1870-1895" 1954-1955
Edwin Hall Post, Gaines 8/1/1955 European History "Theory and Practice of Papal Mediation and Arbitration in the Reign of Gergory IX" 1954-1955
Howard Evans Higby, Chester 6/1/1955 European History "The Life and Political Thought of William Augustine Miles During the Period of the French Revolution" 1954-1955
Jane Wilde Knaplund, Paul A. 6/1/1955 European History "British Legislation Concerning Shipping and Safety at Sea 1803-1894" 1954-1955
John Mahar Knaplund, Paul A. 8/1/1955 European History "History of Trinidad" or "Trinidad under British Rule 1797-1950" 1954-1955
Louise Robbert Reynolds, Robert 1/1/1955 European History "Genoese Enterprises, 1186-1211" 1954-1955
Robert Rieke Higby, Chester 6/1/1955 European History "The Political Role of the German Universities 1810-1848" 1954-1955
Bentley Gilbert Knaplund, Paul A. 6/1/1954 European History "The British Government and the Nation's Health" 1953-1954
David Heenan Higby, Chester 1/1/1954 European History "Deism in France, 1789-1799" 1953-1954
Donald Queller Post, Gaines 6/1/1954 European History "Administration of Inter-Governmental Relations: France and Flanders in the Thirteenth Century" 1953-1954
Jack Clarke Higby, Chester 5/1/1954 European History "The Churches of the Desert or Calvinism in France, 1685-1787" 1953-1954
John Schroeder Sachse, William 6/1/1954 European History "London and the Civil Wars" 1953-1954
Karl Meyer Easum, Chester V. 1/1/1954 European History "Karl Liebknecht, Man Without a Country -- His Political Record" 1953-1954
Robert Johnson Post, Gaines 8/1/1954 European History "The Archbishopic of Armagh in the Late Fourteenth Century" 1953-1954
Walter Simon Sachse, William 8/1/1954 European History "The Bishops and the Anglican Establishment, 1660-1685" 1953-1954
Carl Schuler Edson, Charles 8/1/1953 European History "The Provincial Assembly of the Macedonians" 1952-1953
Edward Moritz Knaplund, Paul A. 6/1/1953 European History "Winston Churchill and Social Reform 1908-1912" 1952-1953
Edward Peterson Easum, Chester V. 6/1/1953 European History "Hjalmar Schacht, Banker in Politics" 1952-1953
Helmut Haeussler Easum, Chester V. 8/1/1953 European History "General Groener, Imperial German Army" 1952-1953
Kimon Giocarinis Post, Gaines 8/1/1953 European History "Analysis of an Unpublished Late Thirteenth Century Extreme Aristotelism Commentary on the Nicomacheon Ethics of Aristotle" 1952-1953
Lawrence Peterson Farmer, Paul 1/1/1953 European History "Saute-Beuve's Social Thought" 1952-1953
Robert Delk Higby, Chester 5/1/1953 European History "Reforms in Asia Minor in the 19th Century" 1952-1953
Vernon Snow Sachse, William 8/1/1953 European History "The Public Career of Edmund Ludlow, 1642-1660" 1952-1953
Earl Ziemke Easum, Chester V. 2/1/1952 European History "The Ambassadors and the German Foreign Office in the Twentieth Century" 1951-1952
Ernest Fisher Easum, Chester V. 6/1/1952 European History "Road to Rapallo. A Study of Walther Rathenau and German Foreign Policy, 1919-1922" 1951-1952
George Bearce Knaplund, Paul A. 5/1/1952 European History "British Attitudes toward India, 1813-1858" 1951-1952
Hope Lumpkin Edson, Charles 2/1/1952 European History "The Hypasphists" 1951-1952
Hugh Bonar Higby, Chester 5/1/1952 European History "Joachim Murat, Soldier of the Republic" 1951-1952
Jurgen Roetter Higby, Chester 2/1/1952 European History "Russian Attitudes Toward Peter the Great and his Reforms Between 1725 and 1910" 1951-1952
Kemp Gillum Knaplund, Paul A. 2/1/1952 European History "Leading Schools of Political Conservatism in England from 1838 to 1848" 1951-1952
Robert Schwartz Reynolds, Robert 2/1/1952 European History "Rabbinical Response as Sources for Medieval Business History" 1951-1952
Vincent Jones Higby, Chester 2/1/1952 European History "Austrian Social and Labor Legislation in the Era of Taaffe, 1879-1893" 1951-1952
Carl Hein Higby, Chester 6/1/1951 European History "Representative German Historians and the Issue of Imperialism in the German Empire, 1890-1916" 1950-1951
Dirk Jellema Reynolds, Robert 8/1/1951 European History "Frisian Trade to 1100" 1950-1951
Harvey Goldberg Higby, Chester 1/1/1951 European History "Jaures and French Foreign Policy" 1950-1951
John Jacques Knaplund, Paul A. 1/1/1951 European History "British Policy and Public Opinion Toward the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939" 1950-1951
Ralph Lynn Higby, Chester 8/1/1951 European History "The Picture of Louis-Phillippe in French Historiography" 1950-1951
Richard Wilde Knaplund, Paul A. 6/1/1951 European History "Joseph Chamberlain and South Africa, 1895-1903" 1950-1951
Robert Gordon Knaplund, Paul A. 6/1/1951 European History "Mohandas Gandhi: Politician and Statesman - A Political Biography, 1869-1922" 1950-1951
William Dodge Easum, Chester V. 5/1/1951 European History "Abolitionist Sentiment in Russia, 1762-1855" 1950-1951
Ambrose Saricks Higby, Chester 6/1/1950 European History "Pierre Samuel de Nemours and the French Revolution" 1949-1950
Carleton Ames Knaplund, Paul A. 5/1/1950 European History "Impacts of British Rule in Burma" 1949-1950
George Taylor Higby, Chester 8/1/1950 European History "Business Enterprise and the French Revolution" 1949-1950
Marjorie Morse Higby, Chester 6/1/1950 European History "The Political Career of Paul Nikolaevich Miliukov, 1905-1917" 1949-1950
Nils Orvik Harrington, Fred Harvey Easum, Chester V. 6/1/1950 European History "The Changing Concept of Neutrality" 1949-1950
Robert Killingsworth Knaplund, Paul A. 8/1/1950 European History "Egyptian Financial Difficulties and British Intervention 1876-1885" 1949-1950
Theodore Sands Higby, Chester 8/1/1950 European History "Corporatism in French Agriculture: 1884-1940" 1949-1950
Albert Daeley Higby, Chester 1/1/1949 European History "The Continental System in France as Illustrated by American Trade" 1948-1949
Bernard Logan Higby, Chester 8/1/1949 European History "French Railroad Development, 1852-1859" 1948-1949
Clifford Montgomery Knaplund, Paul A. 8/1/1949 European History "The External Policy of the Australian Commonwealth" 1948-1949
Donald Penn Higby, Chester 8/1/1949 European History "The Dreyfus and Millerand Crises and the French Socialist Party" 1948-1949
Katherine Lindley Higby, Chester 6/1/1949 European History "The Rise of the Dutch Patriots and the Revolution of 1787" 1948-1949
Lowell Blaisdell Higby, Chester 5/1/1949 European History "Jules Ferry and the Government of National Defense" 1948-1949
Ralph Goodwin Knaplund, Paul A. 8/1/1949 European History "Aspects of Anglo-Egyptian Relations, 1919-1942" 1948-1949
Alvin Proctor Knaplund, Paul A. 6/1/1948 European History "Gladstone and the British Constitution" 1947-1948
Garland Parker Knaplund, Paul A. 8/1/1948 European History "British Native Policy in Kenya and Uganda, 1885-1939" 1947-1948
Albertus (Sister) McGrath Knaplund, Paul A. 1/1/1947 European History "The History of the Anglo-Catholic Movement, 1850-1875" 1946-1947
Colin Lovell Knaplund, Paul A. 5/1/1947 European History "Hertzog and the South Africa Nationalist Party" 1946-1947
Ernest McDonnell Reynolds, Robert 6/1/1947 European History "Jacob van Maerlant: A Study in Social and Intellectual History of Thirteenth Century Flanders" 1946-1947
Margaret Shen (Kuo) Knaplund, Paul A. 6/1/1947 European History "British Trade in China, 1894-1914" 1946-1947
Father Leo Rummell Higby, Chester 5/1/1945 European History "The Third French Republic and the Religious Associations" 1944-1945
Franze Lund Knaplund, Paul A. 1/1/1945 European History "The British Chartered Companies, 1877-1900" 1944-1945
Richard Gustafson Higby, Chester 5/1/1945 European History "Louis Blanc and the Revolution of 1848" 1944-1945
Duane Koenig Higby, Chester 2/1/1943 European History "The Napoleonic Regime in Tuscany, 1807-1814" 1942-1943
Mary Juday Post, Gaines Reynolds, Robert 6/1/1942 European History "The Cornhills and the Nevilles: A Study in Early Angevin Administrative History" 1941-1942
Robert Lopez Reynolds, Robert 6/1/1942 European History "State Colleges, Public Monopolies and 'Regalia' in the Roman and Byzantine Empires" 1941-1942
Charles Monroe Higby, Chester 6/1/1941 European History "The Origins of the French Prefectural System" 1940-1941
Charles Forman Knaplund, Paul A. 6/1/1941 European History "Science for Empire: Britain's Development of the Empire Through Scientific Research, 1895-1940" 1940-1941
Oscar Hammen Higby, Chester 6/1/1941 European History "Separate Tendencies in the Rhine Province, 1815-1850" 1940-1941
Robert Holtman Higby, Chester 6/1/1941 European History "The Use of Propaganda by Napoleon" 1940-1941
Charles Morley (Moszczynski) Knaplund, Paul A. 6/1/1940 European History "The Origin of Modern Administration in Poland: A Study of the Napoleonic Administration System in the Ducy of Warsaw, 1807-1813" 1939-1940
Theodore Thelander Post, Gaines 6/1/1940 European History "University, Papacy, and Nationalism at the end of the Middle Ages: The University of Paris and the French Monarchy" 1939-1940
Reverend Morris Wee Knaplund, Paul A. 6/1/1939 European History "Great Britain and the Armenian Question, 1879-1914" 1938-1939
Roland Ruppenthal Higby, Chester 6/1/1939 European History "Denmark and the Continental System" 1938-1939
Herbert Wood Easum. Chester 6/1/1938 European History "Prologue to War, Anglo-Chinese Conflict, 1800-1834" 1937-1938
James (Father) McCormick Reynolds, Robert 6/1/1938 European History "Clergymen and Clerical Bodies as Factors in the Business Life of Genoa in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries" 1937-1938
Kostis Argoe Vasiliev, Alexander 5/1/1938 European History "John Kyriotes Geometres: A Tenth Century Byzantine Writer" 1937-1938
Ruth Britton Reynolds, Robert 5/1/1938 European History "Genoese Trade with Provence, Languedoc, Spain, and the Balearics in the 12th Century" 1937-1938
George Woodbridge Higby, Chester 6/1/1937 European History "La Roche-sur-Yon, 1804-1814: An Experiment in Town Planning under Napoleon" 1936-1937
Jason Easton Higby, Chester 5/1/1937 European History "The Social and Economic Reforms of Count Rumford in Bavaria" 1936-1937
John Harrison Higby, Chester 6/1/1937 European History "The Continental System in Italy as Revealed by American Commerce" 1936-1937
John Cochran Knaplund, Paul A. 5/1/1936 European History "Sir Arthur Gordon's Administration of Fiji: A Study in Native Policy" 1935-1936
Lee Lawrence Knaplund, Paul A. 6/1/1936 European History "The British Administration of Cyprus, 1878-1914" 1935-1936
Ronald Sires Knaplund, Paul A. 6/1/1936 European History "Jamaica in Decline, 1834-1856" 1935-1936
Sister Mary Altenhofen Higby, Chester 5/1/1936 European History "The Continental System in Spain as Illustrated by American Trade" 1935-1936
Albert Schwarting Higby, Chester 6/1/1935 European History "Northwest Germany, 1789-1815" 1934-1935
Donald Nicholson Knaplund, Paul A. 6/1/1935 European History "History of the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan" 1934-1935
Dora Gunderson Knaplund, Paul A. 6/1/1935 European History "The Development of the Cotton Industry in India" 1934-1935
Elizabeth Chapin (Furber) Reynolds, Robert 6/1/1935 European History "The towns of the fairs of Champagne from their origins until the beginning of the 14th Century" 1934-1935
Ernest Thedinga Higby, Chester 6/1/1935 European History "Secularization in Bavaria during the Napoleonic Era" 1934-1935
Henry Onsgard Higby, Chester 6/1/1935 European History "The Influence of the French Revolution on Baden during the Napoleonic Period" 1934-1935
Margaret Knowles Knaplund, Paul A. 6/1/1935 European History "The Expansion of British Influence in the Malay Peninsula, 1867-1885: A Study in Nineteenth Century Imperialism" 1934-1935
Peter Charanis Vasiliev, Alexander 5/1/1935 European History "The Religious Policy of Anastasius I: Emperor of a Later Roman Empire, 491-518" 1934-1935
Robert Dunbar Higby, Chester 5/1/1935 European History "The Napoleonic Regime in Piedmont and Liguria, 1801-1814" 1934-1935
Sinclair Armstrong Higby, Chester 5/1/1935 European History "Social-Democrats and the International Relations of Germany in the Time of Bismarck" 1934-1935
Theodore Bauer Higby, Chester 5/1/1935 European History "The Introduction of Conscription in Germany during the Napoleonic Period" 1934-1935
Ewart Lewis Sellery, George Clark 6/1/1934 European History "Personality in the Chansons de Geste" 1933-1934
Nels Bailkey Vasiliev, Alexander 5/1/1934 European History "The Rise and Development of Individualism in Sumerian Civilization: A Contribution to the History of Education" 1933-1934
Paul Sweet Higby, Chester 6/1/1934 European History "Friedrich von Gentz and the Austrian State" 1933-1934
Harold Vedeler Higby, Chester 6/1/1933 European History "Religious Toleration in Bavaria during the Napoleonic Period" 1932-1933
Hazel Ramsay Vasiliev, Alexander 6/1/1933 European History "The 'Scriptous Augustae': A Critical Study of the Reliability as a Source of the 'Vita Alexandri Severi'" 1932-1933
Henry Hill Higby, Chester 6/1/1933 European History "The French Influence upon the Constitutions of Europe, 1795-1799" 1932-1933
Margaret Cole Reynolds, Robert 5/1/1933 European History "Aspects of Medieval Credit Operations: A Study Based on the Genoese Notarial Records of the Late 12th and Early 13th Centuries" 1932-1933
Coen Pierson Knaplund, Paul A. 6/1/1932 European History "Anglo-Russian Rivalry in Persia, 1878-1914" 1931-1932
Hilmar Krueger Reynolds, Robert 6/1/1932 European History "The Commercial Relations Between Genoa and Northwest Africa in the Twelfth Century" 1931-1932
Mary Bradshaw Higby, Chester 5/1/1932 European History "The Illyrian Provinces" 1931-1932
Newton Sappington Higby, Chester 6/1/1932 European History "The Cisalpine Republic" 1931-1932
Edward Evans Knaplund, Paul A. 6/1/1931 European History "From Peel to Chamberlain: A Study of British Intra-Imperial Tariff Relations from 1846-1914" 1930-1931
John Schneider Vasiliev, Alexander 6/1/1931 European History "The Scope and Content of and Some Reflections upon the Papyui for the Period of Diocletian as Found in the Oxyrhyinchus Collection" 1930-1931
Lyman Harris Knaplund, Paul A. 6/1/1931 European History "Anglo-French Relations, 1856-1860" 1930-1931
Howard Blackenburg Higby, Chester 5/1/1931 European History "The Extension of the Code: Napoleon into Germany" 1930-1031
Edgar Erickson Knaplund, Paul A. 6/1/1930 European History "History of Indian Coolie Labor in the British West Indies" 1929-1930
Giovanni Costigan Higby, Chester 5/1/1930 European History "A Soldiers of Fortune in the Napoleonic Wars: A Study of the Career of Sir Robert Wilson, 1794-1815" 1929-1930
Kenneth Bjork Knaplund, Paul A. 5/1/1930 European History "Count George Herbert Munster and Anglo-German Relations, 1873-1885" 1929-1930
Chester Easum Paxson, Frederick Logan 6/1/1928 European History "The Americanization of Carl Schurz" 1927-1928
Robert Reynolds Byrne, Eugene Hugh 6/1/1928 European History "The Trans-Alpine Commerce of Genoa, 1179-1200, According to the Notarial Archives of the City" 1927-1928
Walter Livingston Root, Winfred Trexler 6/1/1927 European History "The Evolution of Responsible Government in Nova Scotia" 1926-1927
Rolf Johannesen Rostovtzeff, Michael I. 6/1/1923 European History "Timgad: A Study in the Social and Economic History of a Roman Provincial Town in Africa" 1922-1923
Charles Oldfather Rostovtzeff, Michael I. 6/1/1922 European History "The Greek Literary Papyri from Greco-Roman Egypt. A Study in the History of Civilization" 1921-1922
John Nash Knaplund, Paul A. 6/1/1922 European History "British Policy in the Near East, 1830-1841" 1921-1922
Thomas Van Cleve Sellery, George Clark 6/1/1921 European History "A Study of the Sources of the 'De Sphacra Mundi' of Joannes De Sacrobosco or John Halywood" 1920-1921
Maud Titus (Mendenhall) Advisor Unknown 6/1/1920 European History "Mineral Resources of the Roman Empire, Sources of Information and Places of Deposits" 1919-1920
Paul Knaplund Advisor Unknown 6/1/1919 European History "The Defense Question in the British Colonies with Emphasis on 1859-1914" 1918-1919
John Custer Advisor Unknown 6/1/1917 European History "The Constitutional Act of 1791: A Study in British Colonial Policy for the Period from 1774 to 1791" 1916-1917
Milton Gutsch Munro, Dana Carlson 6/1/1916 European History "Preparations for the Fourth Crusade" 1915-1916
Herbert Wing Advisor Unknown 6/1/1915 European History "The Financial Relations of Athens to her Allies in the Fifth Century" 1914-1915
August Krey Munro, Dana Carlson 6/1/1914 European History "The Latin Patri-archate in the Kingdom of Jerusalem" 1913-1914
Jonathan Scott Advisor Unknown 6/1/1913 European History "Some Phases of the History of the English Apprenticeship System" 1912-1913
Allen West Advisor Unknown 6/1/1912 European History "The History of the Chalcidian League" 1911-1912
Bernadotte Schmitt Advisor Unknown 6/1/1910 European History "British Policy and the Execution of the Treaty of Berlin, 1878-1887" 1909-1910
Richard Scholz Advisor Unknown 6/1/1910 European History "Municipal and Feudal Tendencies in Roman Imperial Government and Administration" 1909-1910
Frederic Duncalf Monroe, Charles Rexford 6/1/1909 European History "The Peasant's Crusade" 1908-1909
James Tuthill Advisor Unknown 6/1/1908 European History "The Popes and the Crusades, 1073-1198" 1907-1908
Clarence Crawford Hart, E. B. 6/1/1906 European History "The Suspension of the Habeus Corpus Act in England" 1905-1906
Laurence Larson Advisor Unknown 6/1/1902 European History "The Household of the English Kings before the Norman Conquest" 1901-1902
Adela Cedillo Iber, Patrick Stern, Steve J. 5/1/2019 Latin America and Caribbean History "Intersections Between the Dirty War and the War on Drugs in Northwestern Mexcio (1969-1985)" 2018-2019
Bridgette Werner Stern, Steve J. Mallon, Florencia E. 5/1/2018 Latin America and Caribbean History "'To make rivers of blood flow': Agrarian Reform, Rural Warfare, and State Expansion in Post-Revolutionary Bolivia, 1952-1974" 2017-2018
Alberto Ortiz Scarano, Francisco A. 5/1/2017 Latin America and Caribbean History "Redeeming Bodies and Souls: Penitentiary Science and Spirituality in Twentieth-Century Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic" 2016-2017
Elena McGrath Mallon, Florencia E. 12/1/2016 Latin America and Caribbean History "Drinking and Dynamite: Revolution and Social Struggle in a Bolivian Mining Town, 1900-1992" 2016-2017
Jacob Blanc Mallon, Florencia E. 5/1/2017 Latin America and Caribbean History "The Price of Peace: Itaipu and the Meanings of Land and Opposition in Brazil, 1957-1984" 2016-2017
Marcelo Casals Stern, Steve J. 5/1/2017 Latin America and Caribbean History "Middle Class and Dictatorship in Chile: Consent, Negotiation, and Crisis, 1970-1983" 2016-2017
Vikram Tamboli Stern, Steve J. Mallon, Florencia E. 12/1/2017 Latin America and Caribbean History "Black Powers and Bush Talk: Histories of Race, Radicalism, and Violence in Twentieth-Century Guyana" 2016-2017
Ingrid Bolivar Ramirez Mallon, Florencia E. Stern, Steve J. 5/1/2016 Latin America and Caribbean History "El Oficio de los Futbolistas Columbianos en Los Anos 60 Y 70: Re-Creacion de las Regiones, Juegos de Masculinidad y Vida _x000D_ Sentimental” 2015-2016
Jessica Kirstein Mallon, Florencia E. Stern, Steve J. 12/1/2015 Latin America and Caribbean History "Making Their Place: Jews, Immigrants, and the Politics of Alternative Workers’ Citizenship in Argentina, 1900-1922" 2015-2016
Valeria Navarro Rosenblatt Stern, Steve J. Mallon, Florencia E. 8/1/2016 Latin America and Caribbean History “Jewish Communists in Chile: Experience and Memory in the Life Stories of Dora Guralnik and Carlos Berger, 1930-1990" 2015-2016
Genevieve Dorais Mallon, Florencia E. Stern, Steve J. 12/1/2014 Latin America and Caribbean History "Indo-America and the Politics of APRA Exile, 1918-1945" 2014-2015
Tamara Feinstein Stern, Steve J. Mallon, Florencia E. 5/1/2013 Latin America and Caribbean History "How the Left Was Lost: Remembering Izquierda Unida and the Legacies of Political Violence in Peru" 2012-2013
Yesenia Pumarada-Cruz Scarano, Francisco A. Mallon, Florencia E. 5/1/2013 Latin America and Caribbean History "Othering Modernization: the Nasa Margins of Colombia (1890-1930s)" 2012-2013
Julie Gibbings Mallon, Florencia E. 5/1/2012 Latin America and Caribbean History "Another Race More Worthy of the Present: Race and Progress in Alta Verapaz Guatemala, 1860-1961" 2011-2012
Carolyne Ryan Mallon, Florencia E. Stern, Steve J. 5/1/2011 Latin America and Caribbean History "Indigenous Possessions: Anthropology, Museums, and Nation-Making in Argentina, 1862-1943" 2010-2011
Andres Matias-Ortiz Scarano, Francisco Stern, Steve J. 12/1/2009 Latin America and Caribbean History "Evolutionary Populism in the Place Where Nothing Happens: Coamo, Puerto Rico, 1930-1969" 2009-2010
Erica Nelson Stern, Steve J. 12/1/2008 Latin America and Caribbean History "Birth Rights: Bolivia's Politics of Race, Region, and Motherhood, 1964-2005" 2008-2009
Gladys McCormick Mallon, Florencia E. Stern, Steve J. 8/1/2009 Latin America and Caribbean History "The Political Economy of Desire in Rural Mexico: Revolutionary Change and the Making of a State, 1935-1965" 2008-2009
Marc Hertzman Mallon, Florencia E. Stern, Steve J. 5/1/2008 Latin America and Caribbean History "Surveillance and Difference: The Making of Samba, Race, and Nation in Brazil (1880s-1970s)" 2007-2008
Ponciano del Pino Huaman Stern, Steve J. 5/1/2008 Latin America and Caribbean History "'En busca del gobierno': Communidad, politica y la produccion de la memoria y los silencios en Ayacucho, Peru, siglo XX" 2007-2008
Ana Schaposchnik Stern, Steve J. 8/1/2007 Latin America and Caribbean History "Under the Eyes of the Inquisition. Crypto-Jews in the Ibero-American World (Peru, 1600s)" 2006-2007
Molly Todd Stern, Steve J. 5/1/2007 Latin America and Caribbean History "Salvadorans by Flight: Peasants and Citizen Action on the El Salvador-Honduras Border, 1960-1990" 2006-2007
Solsiree del Moral Scarano, Francisco Stern, Steve J. 12/1/2006 Latin America and Caribbean History "Race, Science, and Nation: The Cultural Politics of Schools in _x000D_ Colonial Puerto Rico, 1917-1938" 2006-2007
Elisabeth Kuenzli Mallon, Florencia E. Stern, Steve J. 12/1/2005 Latin America and Caribbean History "The Evolution of the Liberal Revolution: From Aymara Liberals to Inca Citizens" 2005-2006
Jaymie Heilman Mallon, Florencia E. Stern, Steve J. 5/1/2006 Latin America and Caribbean History "By Other Means: Politics in Rural Ayacucho Before Peru's Shining Path War, 1879-1980." 2005-2006
Ileana Rodriguez-Silva Scarano, Francisco Stern, Steve J. 8/1/2004 Latin America and Caribbean History "A Conspiracy of Silence: Blackness, Class, and Nation in Post-emancipation Puerto Rico, 1850-1920" 2003-2004
Claudio Barrientos Mallon, Florencia E. Stern, Steve J. 8/1/2003 Latin America and Caribbean History "Emblems and Narratives of the Past: The Cultural Construction of Memories and Violence in the Peasant Communities of Southern Chile, 1970-2000" 2002-2003
Cynthia Milton Stern, Steve J. 5/1/2002 Latin America and Caribbean History "The Many Meanings of Poverty: Colonial Compacts and Social Assistance in Urban Quito" 2001-2002
Leo Garofalo Stern, Steve J. 8/1/2001 Latin America and Caribbean History "The Ethno-Economy of Food, Drink, and Stimulants: The Making of Race in Colonial Lima and Cuzco" 2000-2001
Lillian Guerra Scarano, Francisco Stern, Steve J. 5/1/2000 Latin America and Caribbean History "Crucibles of Liberation in Cuba: Jose Marti, Conflicting Nationalisms and the Search for Social Unity, 1895-1933" 1999-2000
Patrick McNamara Mallon, Florencia E. Stern, Steve J. 12/1/1999 Latin America and Caribbean History "Sons of the Sierra: Memory, Patriarchy, and Rural Political Culture in Mexico, 1855-1911" 1999-2000
Rene Reeves Stern, Steve J. 12/1/1999 Latin America and Caribbean History "Liberals, Conservatives, and Indigenous Peoples: The Subaltern Roots of National Politics in 19th Century Guatemala" 1999-2000
Anne Macpherson Scarano, Francisco Stern, Steve J. 12/1/1998 Latin America and Caribbean History "'Those Men Were So Coward': The Gender Politics of Social Movements and State Formation in Belize, 1912-1982" 1998-1999
Nancy Appelbaum Stern, Steve J. 12/1/1997 Latin America and Caribbean History "Remembering Riosucio: Race, Region, and Community in Colombia, 1850-1950" 1997-1998
Roger Kittleson Stern, Steve J. 12/1/1997 Latin America and Caribbean History "The Problem of the People: Popular Classes and the Social Construction of Ideas in Porto Alegre, Brazil, 1846-1893" 1997-1998
Gregory Crider Mallon, Florencia E. Stern, Steve J. 5/1/1996 Latin America and Caribbean History "Material Struggles: Workers' Strategies During the 'Institutionalization of the Revolution' in Atlixco, Puebla, Mexico, 1930-1942" 1995-1996
Karin Rosemblatt Mallon, Florencia E. Stern, Steve J. 5/1/1996 Latin America and Caribbean History "Gendered Compromises: Political Cultures, Socialist Politics, and the State in Chile, 1920-1950" 1995-1996
Sinclair Thomson Stern, Steve J. 8/1/1996 Latin America and Caribbean History :Colonial Crisis, Community, and Andean Self-Rule: Aymara Politics in the Age of Insurgency, 18th Century La Paz" 1995-1996
Andrew Daitsman Mallon, Florencia E. Stern, Steve J. 8/1/1995 Latin America and Caribbean History "The People Shall Be All: Liberal Rebellion and Popular Mobilization in Chile, 1830-1860" 1994-1995
Eileen Findlay Mallon, Florencia E. Stern, Steve J. 8/1/1995 Latin America and Caribbean History "Domination, Decency, and Desire: The Politics of Sexuality in Ponce, Puerto Rico, 1870-1920" 1994-1995
Theresa Veccia Mallon, Florencia E. Stern, Steve J. 8/1/1995 Latin America and Caribbean History "Family and Factory: Textile Work and Women's Lives in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1880-1940" 1994-1995
Ana Alvarenga Mallon, Florencia E. Stern, Steve J. 5/1/1994 Latin America and Caribbean History "Reshaping the Ethics of Power: A History of Violence in Western Rural El Salvador, 1880-1932" 1993-1994
James Krippner-Martinez Stern, Steve J. 5/1/1993 Latin America and Caribbean History "Images of Conquest: Text and Context in Colonial Mexico" 1992-1993
Sarah Chambers Stern, Steve J. 12/1/1992 Latin America and Caribbean History "The Many Shades of the White City: Urban Society and Culture in Arequipa, Peru, 1780-1854" 1992-1993
Luis Figueroa Stern, Steve J. 12/1/1991 Latin America and Caribbean History "Facing Freedom: The Transition from Slavery to Free Labor in Guayama, Puerto Rico, 1860-1898" 1991-1992
Dario Euraque Stern, Steve J. 8/1/1990 Latin America and Caribbean History "Merchants and Industrialists in Northern Honduras: The Making of a National Bourgeoisie in Peripheral Capitalism, 1870-1972" 1989-1990
Joel Wolfe Skidmore, Thomas 5/1/1990 Latin America and Caribbean History "The Rise of Brazil's Industrial Working Class: Community, Work, and Politics in Sao Paulo, 1900-1955" 1989-1990
Robert Cope Skidmore, Thomas Stern, Steve J. 12/1/1987 Latin America and Caribbean History "The Limits of Racial Domination: Plebeian Society in Colonial Mexico City, 1660-1720" 1987-1988
Todd Diacon Skidmore, Thomas Stern, Steve J. 5/1/1987 Latin America and Caribbean History "Capitalists and Fanatics: Brazil's Contestado Rebellion, 1912-1916" 1986-1987
Tico Braun Skidmore, Thomas 5/1/1983 Latin America and Caribbean History "The Pueblo and the Politicians of Colombia: The Assassination of Jorge Eliecer Gaitan and the Bogotazo" 1982-1983
Rámon Gutiérrez Smith, Peter H. Stern, Steve J. 12/1/1980 Latin America and Caribbean History "Marriage, Sex and the Family: Social Change in Colonial New Mexico, 1690-1846" 1980-1981
Patricia Seed Smith, Peter H. Stern, Steve J. 8/1/1980 Latin America and Caribbean History "Parents Versus Children: Marriage Oppositions in Colonial Mexico, 1610-1779" 1979-1980
George Andrews Smith, Peter H. 5/1/1978 Latin America and Caribbean History "Forgotten But Not Gone: The Afro-Argentines of Buenos Aires, 1800-1900" 1977-1978
Susan Ramirez-Horton Smith, Peter H. 12/1/1977 Latin America and Caribbean History "Land Tenure and the Economics of Power in Colonial Peru" 1977-1978
Peter De Shazo Skidmore, Thomas 5/1/1977 Latin America and Caribbean History "Urban Workers and Labor Unions in Chile, 1902-1927" 1976-1977
Christopher Lutz Phelan, John 5/1/1976 Latin America and Caribbean History "Santiago de Guatemala, 1541-1773: The Socio-Demographic History of a Spanish American Colonial City" 1975-1976
Allen Woll Phelan, John 5/1/1975 Latin America and Caribbean History "A Functional Past: The Politics of History in 19th Century Chile" 1974-1975
David Sweet Phelan, John 12/1/1974 Latin America and Caribbean History "A Rich Realm of Nature Destroyed: The Middle Amazon Valley, 1640-1750" 1974-1975
Jay Lehnertz Phelan, John 12/1/1974 Latin America and Caribbean History "Lands of the Infidels: The Franciscans in the Central Montana of Peru, 1709-1824" 1974-1975
Thomas Holloway Skidmore, Thomas 8/1/1974 Latin America and Caribbean History "Migration and Mobility: Immigrants as Laborers and Landowners in the Coffee Zone of Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1886-1934" 1973-1974
Wadsworth Douglas Phelan, John 5/1/1974 Latin America and Caribbean History "Patterns of Indian Warfare in the Province of Santa Marta" 1973-1974
Gary Graff Phelan, John 5/1/1973 Latin America and Caribbean History "Confradias in the New Kingdom of Granada: Lay Fraternities in a Spanish-American Frontier Society, 1600-1755" 1972-1973
Mary Vaughan Phelan, John 5/1/1973 Latin America and Caribbean History "Schools for Social Control: Mexican Educational Policy and Programs, 1880-1928" 1972-1973
Dieter Berninger Phelan, John 12/1/1971 Latin America and Caribbean History "Mexican Attitudes Toward Immigration, 1821-1857" 1971-1972
Dominic Nwasike Phelan, John 8/1/1972 Latin America and Caribbean History "Mexico City Town Government, 1590-1650: A Study in Aldermanic Background and Performance" 1971-1972
Mary Karasch Skidmore, Thomas 6/1/1972 Latin America and Caribbean History "Slave Life in Rio de Janiero, 1808-1850" 1971-1972
Vera Reber Phelan, John 6/1/1972 Latin America and Caribbean History "British Mercantile Houses in Buenos Aires, 1810-1880" 1971-1972
Stephanie Blank Phelan, John 5/1/1971 Latin America and Caribbean History :Social Integration and Social Stability in a Colonial Spanish American City, Caracas, 1595-1627" 1970-1971
Colin Palmer Phelan, John 6/1/1970 Latin America and Caribbean History "Negro Slavery in Mexico, 1570-1650" 1969-1970
Peter Marzahl Phelan, John 6/1/1970 Latin America and Caribbean History "The Cabildo of Popayan in the Seventeenth Century: The Emergence of a Creole Elite" 1969-1970
Franklin Knight Phelan, John 1/1/1969 Latin America and Caribbean History "Cuban Slave Society on the Eve of Abolition, 1838-1880" 1968-1969
Jane Loy Phelan, John 1/1/1969 Latin America and Caribbean History "Modernization and Educational Reform in Colombia, 1863-1886" 1968-1969
Berke Torunoglu McDonald, David 5/1/2018 Middle Eastern History "Comparative Imperiology: Autocracy, Citizenship, and Subjecthood in Ottoman and Russian Empires, 1856-1876" 2017-2018
Scott Trigg Chamberlain, Michael 8/1/2016 Middle Eastern History "From Samarqand to Istanbul: Astronomy and Scientific Education in the Commentaries of Fatḥallāh al-Shirwānī" 2015-2016
Gregory Aldous Morgan, David O. Neville, Leonora 5/1/2013 Middle Eastern History "Qizilbash Tribalism and Royal Authority in Early Safavid Iran, 1524–1534" 2012-2013
Danielle Ross McDonald, David M. 12/1/2011 Middle Eastern History "From the Minbar to the Barricades: the Transformation of the Volga-Ural into a Revolutionary Intelligentsia, (1865-1918)" 2011-2012
John Bragg Karpat, Kemal H. 8/1/2010 Middle Eastern History "The A'Yan-Esraf Notables and the Formation of an Ottoman Provincal Middle Class in Later Tanzimat-era Tokat, 1858-1876" 2009-2010
Molly Patterson Morgan, David O. 8/1/2009 Middle Eastern History "South Arabian Maritime Expansion and the Origins of East African Islam: 1200-1500" 2008-2009
Ovamir Anjum Chamberlain, Michael 12/1/2008 Middle Eastern History "Reason and Politics in Medieval Islamic Thought: The Taymiyyan Moment" 2008-2009
Brian Ulrich Chamberlain, Michael 5/1/2008 Middle Eastern History "Constructing al-Azd: Tribal Identity and Society in the Early Islamic Centuries" 2007-2008
Kaan Durukan Karpat, Kemal H. 8/1/2007 Middle Eastern History "Ideology and Historiography: State, Society and Intellectuals in Modern Turkey" 2007-2008
Sefika Zorlu Karpat, Kemal H. 12/1/2006 Middle Eastern History "The Ideological Pillars of Turkish Education: Emergent Kemalism and _x000D_ the Zenith of Single-Party Rule". 2006-2007
A. Deniz Balgamis Karpat, Kemal H. 8/1/2000 Middle Eastern History "Origins and Developments of Kazakh Intellectuals in Pre-Revolutionary Period" 1999-2000
Farid Mahdavi-Izadi Karpat, Kemal H. 5/1/2000 Middle Eastern History "A New Perspective on True Islam: A Conceptual Foundation on Ali Shari'ti's Thoughts and Views on the Role on Iranian Enlightened Thinkers" 1999-2000
Annamarie Edelen Karpat, Kemal H. 8/1/1999 Middle Eastern History "The Muslim Brotherhood's Quiet Revolution" 1998-1999
Rosa Johnson Karpat, Kemal H. 5/1/1994 Middle Eastern History "A Portrait of Al-jaza'ir: A Study of 18th Century Al-Jaza'ir based on a Defter from the Bayt Al-Mal for years, 1772-1773" 1993-1994
Adeeb Khalid Karpat, Kemal H. 5/1/1993 Middle Eastern History "The Politics of Muslim Cultural Reform: Jaddism in Tsarist Central Asia" 1992-1993
Ilan Karmi Karpat, Kemal H. 8/1/1990 Middle Eastern History "The Transformation of the Jewish Community of Istanbul in the 19th Century" 1989-1990
James Sowerwine Karpat, Kemal H. 5/1/1987 Middle Eastern History "Dynamics of Decision-Making in Turkish Foreign Policy, 1961-1980" 1986-1987
Mehrdad Kia Karpat, Kemal H. 8/1/1986 Middle Eastern History "Toward a Theory of Intellectual Formation: The Case of Iranian Intellectuals, 1850-1900" 1985-1986
Aghil Barbar Karpat, Kemal H. 12/1/1980 Middle Eastern History "The Tarabulus (Libyan) Resistance to the Italian Invasion, 1911-1920" 1980-1981
Mohammad Faghfoory Karpat, Kemal H. 5/1/1978 Middle Eastern History "The Role of the Ulama in 20th Century Iran with Particular Reference to Ayatullah Haj Sayyid Abul-Qasim Kashani" 1977-1978
Malcolm Bannerman Karpat, Kemal H. 5/1/1976 Middle Eastern History "Unity and Disunity in Oman, 1895-1920" 1975-1976
Scott Savran Morgan, David O. 5/1/2011 Middle Eastern History "Eloquent Tribesmen, Dignified Sheikhs, and Pompous Kings: Conceptualizing Early Islamic Historical Accounts of Arab-Sasanian Encounters in the Context of the 'Abbasid High Culture'"
H William Warner Wink, Andre 8/1/2017 South Asian History "Mobility and Muscle: Afghan Migration and the Frontiers of British India, c. 1800-1947" 2016-2017
Nicholas Abbott Wink, Andre 5/1/2017 South Asian History “Household, Family, and State: Negotiating Sovereignty and Sarkar in the Awadh Nawabi, 1775-1840” 2016-2017
Dana Lightstone Wink, Andre 5/1/2009 South Asian History "Caste and Legislation in Colonial India: 1772-1883" 2008-2009
Christopher Chekuri Wink, André 5/1/2005 South Asian History "Between Family and Empire: Nayaka Strategies of Rule at Vijayanagara, 1400-1700" 2004-2005
Ian Wendt Wink, André 5/1/2005 South Asian History "The Social Fabric: Textile Industry and Community in Early Modern South India" 2004-2005
Brendan Larocque Wink, André 5/1/2003 South Asian History "Trade, State, and Religion in Early Modern India: Devotionalism and the Market Economy in the Mughal Empire" 2003-2004
Benjamin Cohen Frykenberg, Robert 5/1/2002 South Asian History "Hindu Rulers in a Muslim State: Hyderabad, 1850-1949" 2001-2002
Chandra Mallampalli Frykenberg, Robert 12/1/2000 South Asian History "Contending with Marginality: Christians and the Public Sphere in Colonial South India, 1863-1937" 2000-2001
Kevin Downey Wink, Andre 5/1/2009 South Asian History "Religious Revival and Peasant Activism in Bengal: Agrarian Society and the Trajectory of the Fara'izi Movement 1820-1947" 2000-2001
James Hoover Frykenberg, Robert 5/1/2000 South Asian History "The Vellore Mutiny: Discipline and Discontent in the Madras Army, 1806-1807" 1999-2000
Scott Levi Wink, André 5/1/2000 South Asian History "The Indian Diaspora in Central Asia and its Trade, 1550-1900" 1999-2000
Sayeeda Saikia Elder, Joseph 5/1/1999 South Asian History "A Name without a People: Searching to be Tai-Ahom in Modern India" 1998-1999
John Roosa Frykenberg, Robert 8/1/1998 South Asian History "The Quandary of the Quam: Indian Nationalism in a Muslim State, Hyderabad, 1850-1948" 1997-1998
Peter Schmitthenner Frykenberg, Robert 12/1/1991 South Asian History "Charles Philip Brown, 1796-1884: The Legacy of an East India Company Servant and Scholar of South India" 1991-1992
Zalmay Gulzad Elder, Joseph 8/1/1991 South Asian History "A History of the Delimitation of Afghanistan's Boundaries and the Consolidation of the Afghan State, 1838-1898" 1990-1991
Cynthia Talbot Narain, A. K. 12/1/1988 South Asian History "Gifts to Gods and Brahmins: A Study of Religious Endowments in Medieval Andhra" 1988-1989
Catherine Meschievitz Frykenberg, Robert 5/1/1986 South Asian History "Civil Litigation and Judicial Policy in the Madras Presidency, 1800-1843" 1985-1986
John Paul Frykenberg, Robert 8/1/1986 South Asian History "Vakils of Madras: The Rise of the Modern Legal Profession in South India, 1802-1928" 1985-1986
Naimur Farooqi Frykenberg, Robert 5/1/1986 South Asian History "Mughal-Ottoman Relations: A Study of Political and Diplomatic Relations Between Mughal India and the Ottoman Empire, 1556-1748" 1985-1986
Bruce Robert Frykenberg, Robert 5/1/1982 South Asian History "Agrarian Organization and Resource Distribution in South India: Bellary District, 1800-1979" 1981-1982
John Deyell Narain, A. K. 5/1/1982 South Asian History "Living without Silver: The Monetary History of Early Medieval North India" 1981-1982
Henrietta Sender Frykenberg, Robert 8/1/1981 South Asian History "The Kashmiri Brahmins (Pandits) up to 1930: Cultural Change in the Cities of North India" 1980-1981
Peter Wood Frykenberg, Robert 5/1/1981 South Asian History "Vassal State in the Shadow of Empire: Palmer's Hyderabad, 1799-1867" 1980-1981
Alice Clark Frykenberg, Robert 5/1/1979 South Asian History "Central Gujarat in the 19th Century: The Integration of an Agrarian System 1978-1979
Loren Michael Frykenberg, Robert 5/1/1979 South Asian History "Water Resource Management in South India: Irrigation and Hydroelectric Power in the Cauvery River Basin, 1878-1939" 1978-1979
Pamela Price Frykenberg, Robert 8/1/1979 South Asian History "Resources and Rule in Zamindari South India, 1802-1903: Sivagangai and Ramnad as Kingdoms Under the Raj" 1978-1979
Carol Breckenridge Frykenberg, Robert 12/1/1976 South Asian History "The Sri Minaksi Sundarevarar Temple: Worship and Endowments in South India, 1833-1925" 1976-1977
James Roseberry Frykenberg, Robert 8/1/1977 South Asian History "The Administration of Multan, 1818-1881: A Study of Local Society and Imperial Rule in Punjab" 1976-1977
Joseph Brennig Richards, John F. 5/1/1975 South Asian History "The Textile Trade of 17th Century Northern Coromandel: A Study of a Pre-Modern Asian Export Industry" 1974-1975
Christopher King Frykenberg, Robert 5/1/1974 South Asian History "The Nagari Pracharini Sabha (Society for the Promotion of the Nagari Script and Language) of Benares 1893-1914: A Study in the Social and Political History of the Hindi Language" 1973-1974
Richard Eaton Richards, John F. 12/1/1972 South Asian History "The Sufis of Bijapur, 1300-1700" 1972-1973
Edwin Hurschmann Frykenberg, Robert 1/1/1972 South Asian History "The Ilbert Bill Controversy as a Crisis in Imperial Relationships" 1971-1972
Michael Adas Frykenberg, Robert 12/1/1970 South Asian History "Agrarian Development and the Plural Society in Lower Burma, 1852-1941" 1970-1971
Donald Gustafson Frykenberg, Robert 1/1/1969 South Asian History "Mysore: 1881-1902 The Making of a Model State" 1968-1969
Bawa Singh Frykenberg, Robert 8/1/1966 South Asian History "Gulab Singh of Jammu, Ladakh, and Kashmir, 1792-1846" 1965-1966
Philip Cerepak McCoy, Alfred W. 5/1/2023 Southeast Asian History “A Commodity History of Coconuts: Science, Philippine Political Economy, and Global Trade, 1880 – 1986" 2022-2023
Royce Novak McCoy, Alfred W. 8/1/2022 Southeast Asian History Prison Islands in the Making of Modern Indonesia and Vietnam: 1862-1979 2021-2022
Catriona Miller Hansen, Anne R. 5/1/2021 Southeast Asian History Women Don't Understand Politics at All: Gender and Decolonization in Cambodia (1900-1970) 2020-2021
Erin Cantos Reese, William J. Nelson, Adam R. 8/1/2021 Southeast Asian History "Revolutionary Teachers: Colonial Schooling and Nationalism in Nineteenth-Century Spanish Philiippines" 2020-2021
Brett Reilly McCoy, Alfred W. 8/1/2018 Southeast Asian History "The Origins of the Vietnamese Civil War and the State of Vietnam" 2017-2018
Ryan Wolfson-Ford McCoy, Alfred W. 5/1/2018 Southeast Asian History "Ideology in the Royal Lao Government era (1945-1975): A Thematic Approach" 2017-2018
William Noseworthy Hansen, Anne R. Winichakul, Thongchai 12/1/2017 Southeast Asian History "Khik Agam Cam: Caring for Cham Religions in Mainland Southeast Asia, 1651-1969" 2017-2018
Anthony Medrano McCoy, Alfred W. 5/1/2017 Southeast Asian History "Following Fish: Science, Industry, and the Asian Marine Environment, 1822 -1941" 2016-2017
Maureen Justiniano McCoy, Alfred W. 8/1/2016 Southeast Asian History "Navigating Manila’s Labyrinth: Nineteenth-Century Colonial Manila in the Making of a Revolution" 2015-2016
Melissa Anderson Winichakul, Thongchai 5/1/2015 Southeast Asian History "The Love of Order:" Race, Violence, and the French Colonial Police in Vietnam, 1860s-1920s" 2014-2015
Sinae Hyun Winichakul, Thongchai 12/1/2014 Southeast Asian History "Indigenizing the Cold War: Nation-Building by the Border Patrol Police of Thailand, 1945-1980" 2014-2015
Joshua Gedacht McCoy, Alfred W. 12/1/2013 Southeast Asian History "Islamic-Imperial Encounters: Colonial Enclosure and Muslim Cosmopolitans in Island Southeast Asia, 1800-1940" 2013-2014
Taylor Easum Winichakul, Thongchai 8/1/2012 Southeast Asian History "Urban Transformation in the Colonial Margins: Chiang Mai from Lanna to Siam" 2011-2012
Laura Steckman McCoy, Alfred W. 8/1/2011 Southeast Asian History "Shaped by the State: Formation of Dayak Identity in Indonesia's Borneo" 2010-2011
Ruth de Llobet McCoy, Alfred W. 5/1/2011 Southeast Asian History "Orphans of Empire: Bourbon Reforms, Constitutional Impasse, and the Rise of Filipino Creole Consciousness in an Age of Revolution" 2010-2011
Amelia Liwe McCoy, Alfred W. 8/1/2010 Southeast Asian History "From Crisis to Footnote: The Ambiguous Permesta Revolt in Post-Colonial Indonesia" 2009-2010
Francis Bradley Winichakul, Thongchai 5/1/2010 Southeast Asian History "The Social Dynamics of Islamic Rivalism in Southeast Asia: The Rise of the Patani School, 1785-1909" 2009-2010
Shane Strate Winichakul, Thongchai 8/1/2009 Southeast Asian History "The Lost Territories: The Role of Trauma and Humiliation in the Formation of National Consciousness in Thailand" 2008-2009
Trung Nguyen Winichakul, Thongchai 8/1/2009 Southeast Asian History "Marginalizing Practices: Bureaucracy, Ethnography and Becoming Chinese in Colonial Vietnam" 2008-2009
Yosef Djakababa McCoy, Alfred W. 8/1/2009 Southeast Asian History "The Construction of History Under Indonesia's New Order: The Making of the Lubang Buaya Official Narrative" 2008-2009
Thanapol Limapichart Winichakul, Thongchai 8/1/2008 Southeast Asian History "Prescription of Good Books: The Formation of Discourse and Cultural Authority of Literature in Modern Thailand (1860s-1950s) 2007-2008
Mai Na Lee McCoy, Alfred W. 8/1/2005 Southeast Asian History "The Dream of the Hmong Kingdom: Resistance, Collaboration, and the Question of Leadership Legitimation Under French Colonialism, 1893-1955" 2004-2005
Sorasak Ngamcachonkulkid Winichakul, Thongchai 5/1/2005 Southeast Asian History "The Seri Thai Movement:The First Alliance against Military Authoritarianism in Modern Thai History" 2004-2005
Maria Lanzona McCoy, Alfred W. 12/1/2000 Southeast Asian History "Gender, Sex, Family, and Revolution: Women in the Huk Rebellion in the Philippines, 1942-1956" 2000-2001
David Streckfuss Winichakul, Thongchai 8/1/1998 Southeast Asian History "The Poetics of Subversion: Civil Liberty and Lése-Majesté in the Modern Thai State" 1997-1998
Edward Nyhus Smail, John R. W. 12/1/1987 Southeast Asian History "An Indonesian Church in the Midst of Social Change: The Batak Protestant Christian Church, 1942-1957" 1987-1988
Laurie Sears Smail, John R. W. 8/1/1986 Southeast Asian History "Text and Performance in Javanese Shadow Theatre: Changing Authorities in an Oral Tradition" 1985-1986
Chieu Vu Smail, John R. W. 5/1/1984 Southeast Asian History "Political and Social Change in Viet Nam between 1940 and 1946" 1983-1984
Terance Bigalke Smail, John R. W. 12/1/1981 Southeast Asian History "A Social History of 'Tana Toraja', 1870-1965" 1981-1982
Jean Taylor Smail, John R. W. 5/1/1978 Southeast Asian History "The Social World of Batavia: A History of Mestizo Culture in Dutch Asia" 1977-1978
Robert Cruikshank Smail, John R. W. 12/1/1975 Southeast Asian History "A History of Samar Island, the Philippines, 1768-1898" 1975-1976
Guy Gran Smail, John R. W. 5/1/1975 Southeast Asian History "Vietnam and the Capitalist Route to Modernity: Village Cochinchina, 1880-1940" 1974-1975
Jane Ragsdale Smail, John R. W. 12/1/1974 Southeast Asian History "Coping With the Yankees: The Filipino Elite, 1898-1903" 1974-1975
Craig Lockard Smail, John R. W. 12/1/1973 Southeast Asian History "The Southeast Asian Town in Historical Perspective: A Social History of Kuching, Malaysia, 1820-1970" 1973-1974
Elizabeth Graves Smail, John R. W. 6/1/1971 Southeast Asian History "The Ever-Victorious Buffalo: How the Minangkabau of Indonesia Solved Their 'Colonial Question'" 1970-1971
Roy Suelflow Boardman, Eugene 1/1/1971 Southeast Asian History "The Mission Enterprise of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod in Mainland China 1913-1952" 1970-1971
Suebsaeng Promboon Boardman, Eugene 1/1/1971 Southeast Asian History "Sino-Siamese Tributary Relations, 1282-1853" 1970-1971
David Radcliffe Smail, John R. W. 6/1/1970 Southeast Asian History "Education and Cultural Change Among the Malays 1900-1940" 1969-1970
John Leonard Frykenberg, Robert 6/1/1970 Southeast Asian History "Kandukuri Viresalingam 1848-1919: A Biography of an Indian Social Reformer" 1969-1970
Brianna Lafoon Reese, William J. Nelson, Adam R. 5/1/2023 United States History "Island Chains: The American Imperial Education Web in the Early Twentieth Century" 2022-2023
Joy Block Cheng, Cindy I-Fen 8/1/2023 United States History "Visitors, Citizens, and the Paths Between: South Asians in the United States, 1946-1965" 2022-2023
Qing Liu Cheng, Cindy I-Fen Nelson, Adam R. 5/1/2023 United States History 2022-2023
Rachel Seablom Cheng, Cindy I-Fen 8/1/2023 United States History “Women Servicemembers of the 1980s: Integration of the American Military through Presence, Persistence, and Advocacy” 2022-2023
Simon Fisher Enke, A. Finn 12/1/2022 United States History "Trans Nonviolence and Queer Intimacies in Pauli Murray’s Early Civil Rights Movement" 2022-2023
Brian North Hall, John W. 8/1/2022 United States History The Army You Have: History of US Military Preparedness for War_x000D_ 1945–1961 2021-2022
Karma Palzom Cheng, Cindy I-Fen 8/1/2022 United States History Political Transformations in the Tibetan Freedom Movement: Resettlement and Political Activism in India, Nepal, and the United States 2021-2022
Keith McNamara Reese, William J. Nelson, Adam R. 5/1/2022 United States History Testing Bias in Psychology, Law, and Public Policy, 1920-1970 2021-2022
Leslie Bellais Hall, John W. 5/1/2022 United States History “Traitor State”: A Crisis of Loyalty in World War I Wisconsin 2021-2022
Dylan Kaufman-Obstler Michels, Anthony E. 8/1/2021 United States History Language for a Revolution: Yiddish Schools in the United States and the Making of Jewish Proletarian Culture 2020-2021
Cori Simon Johnson, Susan L. Kantrowitz, Stephen 8/1/2020 United States History "Shadowland: Indian Territory's Contested Past and Uncertain Future, 1800-1910" 2019-2020
Daniel Guadagnolo Enstad, Nan 8/1/2020 United States History "Segmenting America: Consumer Marketing from Mass to Niche after 1945" 2019-2020
Francis Gourrier Enstad, Nan 5/1/2020 United States History "Civil Rights Husbands: A New History of Manhood in the Black Freedom Movement" 2019-2020
Jillian Jacklin Johnson, Susan L. 8/1/2020 United States History "Paper Dreams: Working-Class Cultures and Political Drift in the Fox River Valley, 1850s-1950s" 2019-2020
John (Erik) Hmiel Ratner-Rosenhagen, Jennifer 5/1/2020 United States History "Beyond the Senses: Arthur C. Danto and the Theorization of Contemporary Art" 2019-2020
Meggan Bilotte Johnson, Susan L. 5/1/2020 United States History "Becoming Native: Family Labor and Belonging in the Sugar Beet Fields of Northern Colorado, 1901-1969" 2019-2020
Brendon George Johnson, Susan L. 5/1/2019 United States History "Mile High Metropole: Denver and the U.S. Empire" 2018-2019
Jeanne Essame Plummer, Brenda Gayle 5/1/2019 United States History "Diaspora as Detour: Haitian Émigrés during the Duvalier Years, 1950s-1980s" 2018-2019
Kate Wersan Cronon, William J. 8/1/2019 United States History "Between the Calendar and the Clock, an Environmental History of American Timekeeping Practices, 1660-1920" 2018-2019
Kevin Walters Hall, John W. Ratner-Rosenhagen, Jennifer 12/1/2018 United States History "Experiments in Democracy: A New Institutional History of the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation, 1925-2000" 2018-2019
Matthew Reiter Michels, Anthony E. Jones, William 6/1/2019 United States History "The Rustbelt Right: The Midwestern Origins of Modern Conservatism" 2018-2019
Megan Stanton Cohen, Charles L. 12/1/2018 United States History "All in the Family: Ecclesiastical Authority and Family Theology in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints" 2018-2019
Spring Greeney Cronon, William J. 5/1/2019 United States History "What Cleanliness Smells Like: An Environmental History of Doing the Wash, 1842-1996" 2018-2019
Athan Biss Plummer, Brenda Gayle 8/1/2018 United States History "Race Diplomacy: African American International Diplomacy, 1855-1955" 2017-2018
Erin Kramer Cohen, Charles L. 5/1/2018 United States History "The entire trade to themselves': Contested Authority, Intimate Exchanges, and the Political Economy of the Upper Hudson River Region, 1626-1713" 2017-2018
John Suval Cronon, William J. 8/1/2018 United States History "Dangerous Ground: Squatters, Statesmen, and the Rupture of American Democracy, 1830-1860" 2017-2018
Libby Tronnes Johnson, Susan L. 12/1/2017 United States History "Corn Moon Migrations: Ho-Chunk, Belonging, Removal, and Return in the Early Nineteenth-Century Western Great Lakes" 2017-2018
Nicholas Strohl Nelson, Adam R. Reese, William J. 5/1/2018 United States History "The Truman Commission and the Promise of American Higher Education" 2017-2018
Sergio Gonzalez Cheng, Cindy I-Fen 5/1/2018 United States History “‘I Was a Stranger and You Welcomed Me’: Latino Immigration, Religion, and Community Formation in Milwaukee, 1920-1990” 2017-2018
Aaron Dowdall Plummer, Brenda Gayle 5/1/2017 United States History "'We Saw Israel': American and Israeli Workers in the Middle East and Africa, 1948-1972" 2016-2017
Bradley Baranowski Ratner-Rosenhagen, Jennifer 8/1/2017 United States History "America's Moral Conscience: John Rawls and the Making of Modern Liberalism" 2016-2017
Camden Hutchison Dunlavy, Colleen A. 8/1/2017 United States History "Regulating the Corporation: Legal and Economic Policy Development in Twentieth-Century America" 2016-2017
Christopher Hommerding Enke, A. Finn 8/1/2017 United States History "The Pixies of Pendarvis: History, Performance, and Queerness in Twentieth-Century Small-Town Wisconsin" 2016-2017
David Fields Reese, William J. 5/1/2017 United States History "The Influence of Korean Lobbying on U.S.-Korean Relations, 1905–1945" 2016-2017
Debbie Sharnak Stern, Steve J. Ratner-Rosenhagen, Jennifer 5/1/2017 United States History "De Luz y Lucha in Uruguay: Contesting the International History of Human Rights" 2016-2017
Derek Taira Reese, William J. Nelson, Adam R. 12/1/2016 United States History "Imua Me Ka Hopo Ole - 'Forward, Without Fear': Native Hawaiians and American Schooling in Territorial Hawaiʻi, 1900-1941" 2016-2017
Kyle Steele Reese, William J. Nelson, Adam R. 8/1/2017 United States History "Making a Mass Institution: Indianapolis and the American Public High School, 1900-1954" 2016-2017
Rachel Gross Cronon, William J. 8/1/2017 United States History "From Buckskin to Gore-Tex: Consumption as a Path to Mastery in Twentieth-Century American Wilderness Recreation" 2016-2017
Samuel Gale Jones, William 5/1/2017 United States History "'It's a Press Victory': African American Newspaper Coverage of Black Sports and the Struggle for Racial Equality" 2016-2017
Arthur Scott Mobley Hall, John W. 12/1/2015 United States History “Progressives in Navy Blue: Maritime Strategy, American Empire, and the Transformation of U.S. Naval Identity, 1873-1898” 2015-2016
Ashley Barnes-Gilbert Enke, A. Finn 5/1/2016 United States History "River Town Brothel Culture: Sex Worker Mobility, Policing, and Agency, 1870-1940" 2015-2016
Brittany Tevis Michels, Anthony E. 8/1/2016 United States History "May It Displease the Court: Jewish Lawyers and the Democratization of American Law" 2015-2016
Daniel Hummel Ratner-Rosenhagen, Jennifer 5/1/2015 United States History "A Covenant of the Mind: American Evangelicals, Israel, and the Construction of a Special Relationship, 1948-1980" 2015-2016
Gregory Jones-Katz Ratner-Rosenhagen, Jennifer 8/1/2016 United States History "’The Hermeneutical Mafia’ and the Age of Deconstruction" 2015-2016
Jed Woodworth Reese, William J. 8/1/2016 United States History "Horace Mann and the Revolution in American Childhood" 2015-2016
Jerome Dotson Kantrowitz, Stephen 5/1/2016 United States History "Consuming Bodies, Producing Race: Slavery and Diet in the Antebellum South, 1830-1865" 2015-2016
Ariana Horn Cohen, Charles L. 5/1/2015 United States History "Paved with Good Intentions: The Rise and Fall of the 'Human Relations' Movement in Milwaukee, 1934-1980" 2014-2015
Ariel Eisenberg Cronon, William J. 12/1/2014 United States History "'Save Our Streets and Shelter Our Homeless': The Homeless Crisis in New York City in the 1980s" 2014-2015
James McKay Reese, William J. 5/1/2015 United States History "The Spiritual Allure of Laissez-Faire: Christian Capitalists and the Ideological Roots of the Enduring Conservative Movement" 2014-2015
Simon Balto Plummer, Brenda Gayle 8/1/2015 United States History "'The Law Has a Bad Opinion of Me': Policing and Politics in Twentieth-Century Black Chicago" 2014-2015
Vaneesa Cook Ratner-Rosenhagen, Jennifer 5/1/2015 United States History "Thy Kingdom Community: Spiritual Socialists and Local to Global Activism, 1920-1970" 2014-2015
Brian Leech Archdeacon, Thomas J. 12/1/2013 United States History "The City that Ate Itself: A Social and Environmental History of Open-Pit Mining in Butte, Montana" 2013-2014
David Rodriguez Sharpless, John 8/1/2014 United States History "Listen, Yankee! The Influence of Castro, Trujillo, and the Puerto Rican Democratic Left on U.S.-Latin American Relations during the Early Cold War" 2013-2014
Haley Pollack Johnson, Susan L. 5/1/2014 United States History "Theaters of Memory: Placing the Past on the San Francisco Bay" 2013-2014
Jennifer Holland Johnson, Susan L. 12/1/2013 United States History "Making Babies: Social Conservatism and Abortion Politics in the Four Corners States, 1967-2000" 2013-2014
John Coakley Cohen, Charles L. 8/1/2014 United States History "Agents of Empire: Privateers and Political Relations in English Jamaica, 1655-1701" 2013-2014
Naomi R. Williams Jones, William 8/1/2014 United States History "Workers United: The Labor Movement and the Shifting U.S. Economy, 1950s - 1980s" 2013-2014
Campbell Scribner Reese, William J. 5/1/2013 United States History "The Exurban Exchange: Local Control of Education on the Metropolitan Fringe, 1945-1980" 2012-2013
Crystal Moten Enstad, Nan 8/1/2013 United States History "’More Than a Job’: Black Women’s Economic Citizenship in the Twentieth Century Urban North" 2012-2013
Jennifer Martin Cronon, William J. 8/1/2013 United States History "Slicing Fins: The Transformation of Sharks from Killing Machines to Endangered Species in Twentieth-Century American Culture" 2012-2013
John Hogue Enstad, Nan 12/1/2012 United States History "Cruise Ship Diplomacy: Making American Leisure and Power in the Anglophone Caribbean, 1900-1973" 2012-2013
Maia Surdam Guerin-Gonzalez, Camille Enstad, Nan 5/1/2013 United States History "Families on Farms: Migrants, Farmers, and the Transformation of Wisconsin's Countryside, 1920s-1960s" 2012-2013
Robert Gross Reese, William J. 5/1/2013 United States History "A Marketplace of Schooling: Education and the American Regulatory State, 1870-1930" 2012-2013
Adam Malka Kantrowitz, Stephen 5/1/2012 United States History "The Rights of Men: Power, Policing, and the Making of the Liberal State, 1812-1870" 2011-2012
Andrew Case Cronon, William J. 8/1/2012 United States History "Looking for Organic America: J.I. Rodale, The Rodale Press, and the Popular Culture of Environmentalism" 2011-2012
Charles Hughes Jones, William 8/1/2012 United States History "Country-Soul: Race and the Recording Industry in the U.S. South, 1960-1980" 2011-2012
Christine Lamberson Suri, Jeremi 8/1/2012 United States History "In the Crucible of Violence: The Remaking of American Political Culture in the 1960s and 1970s" 2011-2012
David Bernstein Cronon, William J. Blackhawk, Ned C. 12/1/2011 United States History "How the West Was Drawn: Mapping, Indians, and the Creations of the Trans-Mississippi West" 2011-2012
Douglas Kiel Cronon, William J. 5/1/2012 United States History "The Oneida Resurgence: Modern Indian Renewal in the Heart of America" 2011-2012
Hannah Nyala West Cronon, William J. 8/1/2012 United States History "At Sea in the World (Or, A Dissertation on the UnNatural Histories of a Ship): The Cruise of U.S. Frigate Essex, 1798-1837" 2011-2012
Hyun Hur Kantrowitz, Stephen 8/1/2012 United States History "The Radical Antislavery and Personal Liberty Laws in Antebellum Ohio, 1803-1857" 2011-2012
Jennifer Hull Johnson, Susan L. Boydston, Jeanne 8/1/2012 United States History "Remapping Black Manhattan: Transformations of Space in the Early Republic City" 2011-2012
Jennifer Miller Suri, Jeremi 8/1/2012 United States History "Building a New Kind of Alliance: The United States, Japan, and the Cold War, 1950-1961" 2011-2012
Kellen Backer Johnson, Susan L. Schatzberg, Eric 8/1/2012 United States History "World War II and the Triumph of Industrialized Food" 2011-2012
Stephanie Westcott Enstad, Nan 12/1/2011 United States History "Producing Panic: Media, Morality, and American Sexuality, 1945-1970" 2011-2012
Vanessa Walker Suri, Jeremi 12/1/2011 United States History "Ambivalent Allies: Advocates, Diplomats, and the Struggle for an 'American' Human Rights Policy" 2011-2012
Brenna Greer Enstad, Nan 8/1/2011 United States History "Image Matters: Black Representation Politics and Civil Rights Work in the Mid-Twentieth Century United States" 2010-2011
Catherine Burns Archdeacon, Thomas J. 5/1/2011 United States History "American Identity and the Transatlantic Irish Nationalist Movement, 1912-1925" 2010-2011
David Gilbert Enstad, Nan 5/1/2011 United States History "'The Product of Our Souls': Ragtime, Race, and the Marketplace in James Reese Europe's New York" 2010-2011
Helen LaCroix Kantrowitz, Stephen 5/1/2011 United States History "In the Absence of Reconstruction: Race, Politics, and State Power in Kentucky, 1850-1872" 2010-2011
Holly McGee Plummer, Brenda Gayle 8/1/2011 United States History "When the Window Closed: Gender, Race, and (Inter)Nationalism, the United States, and South Africa, 1920s-1960s" 2010-2011
Keith Woodhouse Cronon, William J. 12/1/2010 United States History "A Subversive Nature: Radical Environmentalism in the Late-Twentieth-Century United States" 2010-2011
Kori Graves Enstad, Nan 8/1/2011 United States History "Domesticating Foreign Affairs: The African-American Family, Korean War Orphans, and Cold War Civil Rights" 2010-2011
Mark Goldberg Johnson, Susan L. 5/1/2011 United States History "The Health of Empires: Health Practices and Expansion in the Texas Borderlands, 1780-1861" 2010-2011
Maureen Mahoney Archdeacon, Thomas J. 8/1/2011 United States History "Fighting 'Addiction': African-American and Hispanic Activism and New York City's Illegal Drug Policies, 1946-1999" 2010-2011
Nicolaas Mink Sharpless, John 12/1/2010 United States History "The Restaurant: Food, Power, and Social Change" 2010-2011
Ronald Binzley Cohen, Charles L. 8/1/2011 United States History "Ganganelli's Disaffected Children: The Suppressed English Jesuit Province and The Shaping of American Catholicism, 1762-1817" 2010-2011
Todd Dresser Cronon, William J. 8/1/2011 United States History "Nightmares of Rural Life: Fearing the Future in the Transition from Country Life to the Family Farm, 1890-1960" 2010-2011
Ikuko Asaka Boydston, Jeanne Kantrowitz, Stephen 8/1/2010 United States History "Race Across Empire and Republic: Black Migration to Canada and Racial, National, and Gender Formations in Atlantic Context" 2009-2010
Margaret Lee Archdeacon, Thomas J. 5/1/2010 United States History "Ethnic Limits: Negotiating Ethnicity, Race, and Community Boundaries in Suburban Chicago" 2009-2010
Ryan Quintana Kantrowitz, Stephen 8/1/2010 United States History "'The Plantation All in Disorder': Black Carolinians'Spatial Practices and the Contstruction of the Lowcountry Landscape, 1739-1830" 2009-2010
Sonja Mekel Archdeacon, Thomas J. 12/1/2009 United States History "'Herren from the Tribe of Juda': The Relationship between German and German-Jewish Immigrants in Milwaukee and Chicago, 1840-1900" 2009-2010
Eric Pullin Suri, Jeremi 5/1/2009 United States History "'Noise and Flutter': India, Propaganda, and Global Ideological Conflict, 1942-1963: 2008-2009
Gregory Bond Schultz, Stanley K. 12/1/2008 United States History "Jim Crow at Play: Race, Manliness, and the Color Line in American Sports, 1876-1916" 2008-2009
John Harper Boydston, Jeanne 12/1/2008 United States History "Revolution and Conquest: Politics, Violence, and Social Change in the Ohio Valley, 1765-1795" 2008-2009
Margaret Hogan Cohen, Charles L. 12/1/2008 United States History "Sister Servant: Catholic Women Religious in Antebellum Kentucky" 2008-2009
Matthew Levin Michels, Anthony E. 5/1/2009 United States History "The Sixties and the Cold War University: Madison, Wisconsin and the Development of the New Left" 2008-2009
Michel Hogue Johnson, Susan L. 8/1/2009 United States History "Between Race and Nation: The Plains Metis and the Canada-United States Border" 2008-2009
Nicole Kvale Archdeacon, Thomas J. 8/1/2009 United States History "Emigrant Trains: Migratory Transportation Networks through Germany and the United States, 1847-1914" 2008-2009
Regan Rhea Schultz, Stanley K. 12/1/2008 United States History "Teen Obsession: Competing Images of Adolescents in American Culture, 1945-1963" 2008-2009
Story Matkin-Rawn Reese, William J. 8/1/2009 United States History "'We Fight for the Rights of our Race': Black Arkansans in the Era of Jim Crow" 2008-2009
Dorothea Browder Enstad, Nan 5/1/2008 United States History "From Uplift to Agitation: Working Women, Race, and Coalition in the Young Women's Christian Association, 1908-1950" 2007-2008
Heather Stur Plummer, Brenda Gayle 5/1/2008 United States History "Dragon Ladies, Gentle Warriors and Girls Next Door: Gender and Ideas that Shaped the Vietnam War" 2007-2008
Jennifer Turner Cronon, William J. 5/1/2008 United States History "From Savagery to Slavery: Upper Louisiana and the American Nation" 2007-2008
Marienka Sokol Cronon, William J. 5/1/2008 United States History "Illusions of Abundance: Culture and Urban Water Use in the Arid Southwest" 2007-2008
Stacey Smith Johnson, Susan L. 5/1/2008 United States History "California Bound: Unfree Labor, Race, and the Reconstruction of the Far West, 1848-1870" 2007-2008
Tyina Steptoe Kantrowitz, Stephen 5/1/2008 United States History "Dixie West: Race, Migration, and the Color Lines in Jim Crow Houston" 2007-2008
William Walker Cooper Jr., John M. 5/1/2008 United States History "Only the Heretics are Burning: Democracy and Repression in World War I America" 2007-2008
Adam Laats Reese, William J. 12/1/2006 United States History "Roots of the Culture Wars: Fundamentalists and American Education in the 1920s" 2006-2007
Gil Ribak Michels, Anthony E. 8/1/2007 United States History "'What the American can do in his anger': The Images of Gentiles Among Jewish Immigrants in New York City, 1890-1920." 2006-2007
Karen Benjamin Reese, William J. 5/1/2007 United States History "Progressivism Meets Jim Crow: Segregation, School Reform, and Urban Development in the Interwar South" 2006-2007
Kendra Smith-Howard Cronon, William J. 8/1/2007 United States History "Perfecting Nature's Food: A Cultural and Environmental History of Milk in the United States, 1900-1970" 2006-2007
Michelle Morgan Reese, William J. 8/1/2007 United States History "'A Model of Womanhood or Manhood': City Teachers in the Far West, 1890-1930." 2006-2007
Shawn Peters Numbers, Ronald 5/1/2007 United States History "Religious Convictions: Spiritual Healing, Children, and the Law in the United States" 2006-2007
Shelby Balik Cohen, Charles L. 12/1/2006 United States History "The Religious Frontier: Church, State, and Settlement in Northern New England, 1780-1830" 2006-2007
Abigail Markwyn Enstad, Nan 8/1/2006 United States History Constructing "an epitome of civilization": Local Politics and Visions of Progressive Era America at San Francisco's Panama-Pacific International Exposition. 2005-2006
Cynthia Poe McEvoy, Arthur 5/1/2006 United States History "Reconstructing the Levees: The Politics of Flooding in Nineteenth-Century Louisiana." 2005-2006
Dominic Cerri McCormick, Thomas 12/1/2005 United States History "Missionary Zeal: The Jesuits and United States-British Honduran Relations, 1894-1958" 2005-2006
Honor Sachs Boydston, Jeanne 8/1/2006 United States History "Not the Best Poor Man's Country: The Social World of the Eighteenth-Century West." 2005-2006
J Spencer Fluhman Cohen, Charles L. 5/1/2006 United States History "Anti-Mormonism and the Making of Religion in Antebellum America." 2005-2006
John Gripentrog Cooper Jr., John M. 8/1/2006 United States History Pacific Illusions: American Perceptions of Japan and the Making of U.S. Foreign Policy, 1931-1941. 2005-2006
Kyoko Fujisaka Archdeacon, Thomas J. 12/1/2005 United States History "Japanese Immigrant Women in Los Angeles, 1914-1942." 2005-2006
Thomas Robertson Cronon, William J. 12/1/2005 United States History "The Population Bomb: American Globalization, Environmentalism, and _x000D_ American Culture, 1945-1980" 2005-2006
William Barnett Cronon, William J. 12/1/2005 United States History "From Gateway to Getaway: Labor, Leisure, and Environment in American _x000D_ Maritime Cities" 2005-2006
Christine Damrow Cronon, William J. 8/1/2005 United States History "'Every Child in a Garden': Radishes, Avocado Pits, and The Education of American Children in the 20th Century" 2004-2005
David Herzberg Boyer, Paul S. 8/1/2005 United States History "Designer Consciousness: Psychotropic Medicines and American Culture from Miltown to Prozac" 2004-2005
Julianne Unsel Dunlavy, Colleen A. 5/1/2005 United States History "Woman's Hour: Suffrage and American Citizenship in War and Reconstruction, 1914-1924" 2004-2005
Lisa Tetrault Boydston, Jeanne 12/1/2004 United States History "The Memory of a Movement: Woman Suffrage and Reconstruction America, 1865-1890" 2004-2005
Michael Rawson Cronon, William J. 5/1/2005 United States History "Nature and the City: Boston and the Construction of the American Metropolis, 1820-1920" 2004-2005
Christopher Wells Boyer, Paul S. 8/1/2004 United States History "Car Country: Automobiles, Roads, and the Shaping of the American Landscape, 1890-1929" 2003-2004
Daniel Graff Boydston, Jeanne 5/1/2003 United States History "Forging an American St. Louis: Labor, Race, and Citizenship from the Louisiana Purchase to Dred scott" 2003-2004
Hiroshi Kitamura Boyer, Paul S. 8/1/2004 United States History "Globalizing Entertainment: Hollywood and the Cultural Reconstruction of Defeated Japan, 1945-1952" 2003-2004
James Feldman Cronon, William J. 8/1/2004 United States History "Rewilding the Islands: Nature, History, and Wilderness at Apostle Islands National Lakeshore" 2003-2004
Joseph Cullon Cronon, William J. 12/1/2003 United States History "Colonial Shipwrights and Their World: Men, Women, and Markets in Early New England" 2003-2004
Eric Morser Dunlavy, Colleen A. 5/1/2003 United States History "Manufacturing Pioneers: Frontier Mythology, Manhood, and Government in La Crosse, Wisconsin, 1840-1900" 2002-2003
Jonathan Kasparek Cooper Jr., John M. 5/1/2003 United States History "Philip La Follette and the End of the Progressive Movement in Wisconsin, 1925-1945" 2002-2003
Katherine Engel Cohen, Charles L. 5/1/2003 United States History "Of Heaven and Earth: Religion and Economic Activity among Bethlehem's_x000D_ Moravians, 1741-1800" 2002-2003
Natasha Larimer Lee, Jean B. 8/1/2003 United States History "Step Forth Like Men: Negotiating Manhood and Military Service in Revolutionary Pennsylvania, 1775-1790" 2002-2003
Stephen Kolman Archdeacon, Thomas J. 12/1/2002 United States History "The Commodification of Immigrant Space: Neighborhoods and the_x000D_ Transformation of Urban Geography in Manhattan, 1925-1975" 2002-2003
Thomas Andrews Cronon, William J. 5/1/2003 United States History "The Road to Ludlow: Work, Environment, and Industrialization in Southern Colorado, 1870-1915" 2002-2003
William Philpott Cronon, William J. 12/1/2002 United States History "The West and the Tourist Way of Life: Consuming Landscape and Leisure in the Colorado High Country, 1860-1970" 2002-2003
Anthony Gaughan Cooper Jr., John M. 8/1/2002 United States History "The Origins of Militant Patriotism in the New South, 1865-1918" 2001-2002
David Chang Gordon, Linda 5/1/2002 United States History "From Indian Territory to White Man's Country: Race, Gender, and the Politics of Land Ownership in Eastern Oklahoma, 1889-1950" 2001-2002
David Grace Boyer, Paul S. 8/1/2002 United States History "Agricultural Gentility as a Revolutionary Social Vision: The Livingston Family and the New York Manor Class, 1660-1813" 2001-2002
Edward Frantz Cooper Jr., John M. 5/1/2002 United States History "Goin' Dixie: Republican Presidential Tours of the South, 1877-1933" 2001-2002
Eric Daniels Boyer, Paul S. 12/1/2001 United States History "The Whig Ideal: Politics and Character in Antebellum America" 2001-2002
Flannery Burke (Haug) Cronon, William J. 5/1/2002 United States History "Finding What They Came For: The Mabel Dodge Luhan Circle and the Making of a Modern Place, 1912-1930" 2001-2002
Joseph Hall Cohen, Charles L. 12/1/2001 United States History "Making An Indian People: Creek Formation in the Colonial Southeast, 1590-1735" 2001-2002
Katherine Benton Gordon, Linda 8/1/2002 United States History "What About the Women in the White Man's Camp?: Gender, Class, Nation, and the Redefinition of Race in Cochise County, Arizona, 1853-1941" 2001-2002
Lisa Levenstein Gordon, Linda 5/1/2002 United States History "The Gendered Roots of Modern Urban Poverty: Poor Women and Public Institutions in Post-World War II Philadelphia." 2001-2002
Patrick Jones Boyer, Paul S. 5/1/2002 United States History "Race Relations and Civil Rights Insurgency in the 'Selma of the North', 1958-1970" 2001-2002
Timothy Thering Dunlavy, Colleen A. 12/1/2001 United States History "Co-operative Capitalism: The Story of the Minneapolis Coopers, 1868-1890" 2001-2002
Anne Foster Boyer, Paul S. 5/1/2001 United States History "Moral Visions and Material Ambitions: Republican Culture, The Market Economy, and the Loss of an Ideal in Philadelphia" 2000-2001
Brett Barker Kantrowitz, Stephen 8/1/2001 United States History "Not of Arms, but of Argument: The Battle for the Northern Home Front" 2000-2001
Cathryn Wright Sewell, Richard 12/1/2000 United States History "The Home of the Army: Union Soldiers, Gender and the Response to Suffering During the U.S. Civil War" 2000-2001
Daniel Blinka Lee, Jean B. 5/1/2001 United States History "Trial by Jury in Revolutionary Virginia: Old-Style Trials in the New Republic" 2000-2001
Gregory Summers Cronon, William J. 8/1/2001 United States History "A Place for Nature: The Industrial Origins of Environmental Politics" 2000-2001
Jeewon Schally Kutler, Stanley 5/1/2001 United States History "The Search for Equality: The Legal Strategies of the NAACP and Women's Organizations, 1869-2000" 2000-2001
Jeffrey Engel McCormick, Thomas 8/1/2001 United States History "Cold War at 30,000 Feet: Anglo-American Technology Controls, Aircraft Sales, and Trading with the Enemy at the Dawn of the Jet Age" 2000-2001
Luis Rodrigues McCormick, Thomas 12/1/2000 United States History "To the 'Top of the Mountain' and 'Down to the Valley': The United States and Portugal During the Kennedy Presidency" 2000-2001
Sarah Marcus Cronon, William J. 5/1/2001 United States History "Up From the Prairie: Depictions of Chicago and the Middle West in Popular Culture, 1865-1983" 2000-2001
Sarah Fatherly Boydston, Jeanne 12/1/2000 United States History "Gentlewomen and Learned Ladies: Gender and the Creation of an Urban Elite in Colonial Philadelphia" 2000-2001
Tracey Deutsch Dunlavy, Colleen A. 5/1/2001 United States History "Making Change at the Grocery Store: Government, Grocers, and the Problem of Women's Autonomy in the Creation of Chicago's Supermarkets, 1920-1950" 2000-2001
Andrew Rieser Boyer, Paul S. 12/1/1999 United States History "Canopy of Culture: Chautauqua and the Renegotiation of Middle-Class Authority, 1874-1919" 1999-2000
Charlotte Haller Boydston, Jeanne 5/1/2000 United States History "Taking Liberties: Households, Race, and Black Freedom in Revolutionary North Carolina" 1999-2000
Daniel Margolies McCormick, Thomas 12/1/1999 United States History "God's Promise Redeemed" Marse Watterson and the Compromises of American Empire" 1999-2000
David Park Cooper Jr., John M. 5/1/2000 United States History "Compensation or Confiscation?: Workmen's Compensation and Legal Progressivism, 1898-1917" 1999-2000
Ellen Baker Gordon, Linda 12/1/1999 United States History "Salt of the Earth: The Mine, Mill, and Smelter Worker's Union and the Hollywood Blacklist in Grant County, 1941-1953" 1999-2000
Joanne Passet Gordon, Linda 12/1/1999 United States History "Grassroots Feminists: Women, Free Love, and the Power of Print, 1853-1910" 1999-2000
Jonathan Pollack Boyer, Paul S. 12/1/1999 United States History "Race, Recordings, and Rock 'n' Roll: The American Federation of Musicians and the Popular Music Challenge, 1940-1970" 1999-2000
Kevin Smith Boyer, Paul S. 12/1/1999 United States History "'In God We Trust': Religion, The Cold War, and Civil Rights in Milwaukee, 1947-1963" 1999-2000
Louise Pubols Cronon, William J. 5/1/2000 United States History "The De La Guerra Family: Patriarchy and the Political Economy of California, 1800-1850" 1999-2000
Lucy Mathiak McCormick, Thomas 5/1/2000 United States History "American Jihad: The Reagan Doctrine as Policy and Practice" 1999-2000
Marsha Weisiger Cronon, William J. 8/1/2000 United States History "Dine Bikeyah: Environment, Cultural Identity, and Gender in Navajo Country" 1999-2000
Monica Najar Boydston, Jeanne 8/1/2000 United States History "Evangelizing the South: Gender, Race, and Politics in the Early Evangelical South, 1765-1815" 1999-2000
Shannon Petersen McEvoy, Arthur 5/1/2000 United States History "The Modern Ark: A History of the Endangered Species Act" 1999-2000
Anthony Harkins Boyer, Paul S. 12/1/1999 United States History "The Hillbilly in 20th Century American Culture: The Evolution of a Contested National Icon" 1998-1999
Bethel Saler Boydston, Jeanne 8/1/1999 United States History "Negotiating the Treaty Polity: Gender, Race, and the Transformation of Wisconsin from Indian Country into an American State, 1776-1854" 1998-1999
David McDaniel Schultz, Stanley K. 8/1/1999 United States History "A Century of Progress?: Cultural Change and the Rise of Modern Chicago, 1893-1933" 1998-1999
James Spiller Boyer, Paul S. 8/1/1999 United States History "Constructing America at the Peripheries: The Cultural Politics of US Science and Exploration in Outer Space and Antarctica" 1998-1999
Jared Orsi McEvoy, Arthur 8/1/1999 United States History "Hazardous Metropolis: Flooding and Urban Ecology in Los Angeles" 1998-1999
John Kestner McCormick, Thomas 8/1/1999 United States History "Through the Looking Glass: American Perceptions of the Soviet Economy, 1941-1964" 1998-1999
Julianna Barr Boydston, Jeanne 8/1/1999 United States History "The Seduction of Texas: The Political Language of Gender in the Conquests of Texas, 1690-1803" 1998-1999
Mark Van Ells Cooper Jr., John M. 8/1/1999 United States History "To Hear Only Thunder Again: The Readjustment of World War II Veterans to Civilian Life in Wisconsin" 1998-1999
Maureen Conklin Cohen, Charles L. 12/1/1998 United States History "Power in the Piedmont: Litigation and Political Culture in 18th Century Central Virginia" 1998-1999
Sean Adams Dunlavy, Colleen A. 8/1/1999 United States History "Old Dominion and Industrial Commonwealth: The Political Economy of Coal in Virginia and Pennsylvania, 1810-1875" 1998-1999
Steven Burg Gordon, Linda 8/1/1999 United States History "The Gray Crusade: The Townsend Movement, Old Age Politics, and the Development of Social Security" 1998-1999
Yoneyuki Sugita McCormick, Thomas 5/1/1999 United States History "The Limits of American Hegemony in Occupied Japan: Japan-IS Relations during the Occupation, 1945-1952" 1998-1999
Alfred Skerpan Boyer, Paul S. 8/1/1998 United States History "A Place for God: Religion, State Universities, and American Society, 1865-1920" 1997-1998
Elizabeth Jozwiak Schultz, Stanley K. 12/1/1997 United States History "'The City For the People': Milwaukee Municipal Recreation and the Socialists, 1890-1917" 1997-1998
Glen Gendzel Cooper Jr., John M. 8/1/1998 United States History "Vigilantes and Boosters: Social Memory and Progressive Political Cultures in San Francisco and Los Angeles, 1900-1920" 1997-1998
Janet Davis Gordon, Linda 8/1/1998 United States History "Instruct the Minds of All Classes: The Circus and American Culture at the Turn of the Century" 1997-1998
Kimberly Little Cooper Jr., John M. 8/1/1998 United States History "To Conquer or Submit: State and Local Organizations in the American Woman Suffrage Movement, 1905-1920" 1997-1998
Tie Han Kutler, Stanley 12/1/1997 United States History "The Ford Foundation and Chinese Studies, 1950-1979" 1997-1998
Ayesha Shariff Boyer, Paul S. 5/1/1997 United States History "Gendering the National Past-Time: Representations of Femininity and Masculinity 1996-1997
Hal Hansen Hollingsworth, J. Rogers 5/1/1997 United States History "Caps and Gowns: Historical Reflections on the Institutions that Shaped Learning for and AT Work in Germany and the United States, 1800-1945" 1996-1997
Jonathan Rees Hollingsworth, J. Rogers 8/1/1997 United States History "Managing the Mills: Labor Policy in the American Steel Industry, 1892-1937" 1996-1997
Lian Partlow Leavitt, Judith 8/1/1997 United States History "'To Win Recognition and Accomplish Results': Women Physicians and Maternal and Child Health Programs in California, 1890-1930" 1996-1997
Mark Solovey Dunlavy, Colleen A. 12/1/1996 United States History "The Politics of Intellectual Identity and American Social Science, 1945-1970" 1996-1997
Mark Davis Cronon, William J. 5/1/1997 United States History "An Empire in Waiting: Northern Wisconsin's Lake Country, 1880-1940" 1996-1997
Martin Verhoeven McCormick, Thomas 5/1/1997 United States History "Americanizing the Buddha: The Worls's Parliament of Religions, Paul Carus, and the Making of Modern Buddhism" 1996-1997
Paul Taillon Dunlavy, Colleen A. 8/1/1997 United States History "Culture, Politics, and the Making of the Railroad Brotherhoods, 1863-1916" 1996-1997
Richard Priest McCormick, Thomas 12/1/1996 United States History "Strategies of Access: Manganese Ore and US Relations with Brazil, 1894-1953" 1996-1997
Stephen Weldon Boyer, Paul S. 5/1/1997 United States History "The Humanist Enterprise From John Dewey to Carl Sagan: A Study of Science and Religion in American Culture" 1996-1997
Benjamin Labaree McCormick, Thomas 5/1/1996 United States History "Adevertising the 'Good Society': Unites States Propaganda in Great Britain during World War II" 1995-1996
David Stradling Cronon, William J. 8/1/1996 United States History "Civilized Air: Coal, Smoke, and Environmentalism in America, 1880-1920" 1995-1996
Jennifer Frost Gordon, Linda 5/1/1996 United States History "Participatory Politics: Community Organizing, Gender, and the New Left on the 1960s" 1995-1996
Katherine Tinsley Kaestle, Carl 12/1/1995 United States History "Continuing Ties: Relations Between Middle Class Parents and their Children in Midwestern Families, 1870-1920" 1995-1996
Laura McEnaney Gordon, Linda 5/1/1996 United States History "'Civil Defense Begins at Home': Domestic Political Culture in the Making of the Cold War" 1995-1996
Susan Traverso Gordon, Linda 12/1/1995 United States History "The Politics of Welfare: Boston, 1910-1940" 1995-1996
Andrea Friedman Gordon, Linda 5/1/1995 United States History "Prurient Interests: Anti-Obscenity Campaigns in New York City, 1909-1945" 1994-1995
Anne Osler-Lewis Boydston, Jeanne 5/1/1995 United States History "'That Damned Mob': Northern and Southern Women Writers and the Coming of the American Civil War" 1994-1995
Deirdre Moloney Archdeacon, Thomas J. 8/1/1995 United States History "Reclaiming Reform: Catholic Lay Groups and American Society, 1880-1925" 1994-1995
Earl Mulderink Sewell, Richard 5/1/1995 United States History ""'We Want A Country': African-American and Irish-American Community Life in New Bedford, Massachusetts, during the Civil War Era" 1994-1995
Henry Wend McCormick, Thomas 8/1/1995 United States History "The Impact of US Foreign Policy on the Reconstruction of the West German Electrical Manufacturing and Ship Construction Industries, 1945-1955" 1994-1995
Julienne Wood Bogue, Allan 12/1/1994 United States History "Becoming Republican: Bad Ax County, Wisconsin Politics, 1844-1861" 1994-1995
Kathryn Tomasek Boydston, Jeanne 8/1/1995 United States History "'The Pivot of the Mechanism': Women, Gender, and Discourse in Fourierism and the Antebellum United States" 1994-1995
Landon Storrs Gordon, Linda 12/1/1994 United States History "Civilizing Capitalism: The National Consumers' League and the Politics of 'Fair' Labor Standards in the New Deal Era" 1994-1995
Lon Kurashige Archdeacon, Thomas J. 12/1/1994 United States History "Made in Little Tokyo: Politics of Ethnic Identity and Festival In Southern California, 1934-1994" 1994-1995
Marc Goulden Kaestle, Carl 8/1/1995 United States History "From Country Club to Rat Race: A Social History of College Students, 1920-1960" 1994-1995
Marie Laberge Lerner, Gerda 8/1/1995 United States History "'Seeking a Place to Stand': Political Power and Activism Among Wisconsin Women, 1945-1963" 1994-1995
Mark Koerner Boyer, Paul S. 8/1/1995 United States History "The Menace of Labor: Anti-Union Thought in the Progressive Era, 1901-1917" 1994-1995
Patricia Kelleher McCormick, Thomas 5/1/1995 United States History "Gender Shapes Ethnicity: Ireland's Gender Systems and Chicago's Irish-Americans" 1994-1995
Richard Leffler Risjord, Norman 12/1/1994 United States History "Political Parties in North Carolina before the Constitution, 1782-1787" 1994-1995
Richard Street McCormick, Thomas 5/1/1995 United States History 'We are not Slaves': A History of California Farm workers, 1769-1895-The Formative Tears" 1994-1995
Robert Buchanan McCormick, Thomas 5/1/1995 United States History "Deaf Students and Workers in the United States, 1800-1950" 1994-1995
Rupert Loucks Archdeacon, Thomas J. 5/1/1995 United States History "'Let the Oppressed Go Free': Reformation and Revolution in English Connecticut, 1764-1775" 1994-1995
Stephen Kretzmann Boyer, Paul S. 8/1/1995 United States History "A House Built Upon the Sand: Race, Class, Gender, and the Galveston Hurricane of 1900" 1994-1995
Timothy Messer-Kruse Boyer, Paul S. 12/1/1994 United States History "The Yankee International: Marxism and the American Reform Tradition, 1831-1876" 1994-1995
John Pettegrew Boyer, Paul S. 5/1/1994 United States History "The Origins of the Masculine Mystique: Turn-of-the-Century Conceptions of American Manhood in Middle-Class Thought and Culture" 1993-1994
Suzanne Moranian Cooper Jr., John M. 5/1/1994 United States History "The American Missionaries and the Armenian Question: 1915-1927" 1993-1994
Victor Jew Kutler, Stanley 8/1/1994 United States History "'The Meanest Man in the World': Arson in the United States, A History of Legal and Social Responses to Incendism, 1870-1920" 1993-1994
Edward Pearson Cohen, Charles L. 12/1/1992 United States History "From Stono to Vesey: Slavery, Resistance, and Ideology in South Carolina, 1739-1822" 1992-1993
Leisa Meyer Gordon, Linda 5/1/1993 United States History "Creating GI Jane: The Women's Army Corps During World War II" 1992-1993
Paul Pehrson Coffman, Edward 5/1/1993 United States History "James Harrison Wilson: The Post-War Years, 1865-1925" 1992-1993
Brian Cannon Bogue, Allan 5/1/1992 United States History "Remaking the Agrarian Dream: The New Deal's Rural Resettlement Program in the Mountain West" 1991-1992
Harold Mahan Boyer, Paul S. 5/1/1992 United States History "More Than a Historian: Benson J Lossing and Historical Writing in the United States, 1830-1890" 1991-1992
John Squibb Kutler, Stanley 5/1/1992 United States History "Roads to Plessy: Blacks and the Law in the Old Northwest, 1860-1896" 1991-1992
Joyce Follet Lerner, Gerda 12/1/1991 United States History "Gender and Community: Kenosha, Wisconsin, 1835-1913" 1991-1992
Mark Grandstaff Coffman, Edward 5/1/1992 United States History "A Great Way of Life: Personnel Policy, Professionalism, and the Creation of a Career Enlisted Corps in the United States Air Force, 1914-1956" 1991-1992
Maureen Fitzgerald Gordon, Linda 8/1/1992 United States History "Irish-Catholic Nuns and the Development of New York City's Welfare System, 1840-1900" 1991-1992
Michael McManus Sewell, Richard 12/1/1991 United States History "'A Redeeming Spirit is Busily Engaged': Political Abolitionism and Wisconsin Politics, 1840-1861" 1991-1992
Bruce Fehn Gordon, Linda 5/1/1991 United States History "Striking Women: Gender, Race, and Class in the United Packinghouse Works of America (UPWA), 1938-1968" 1990-1991
Eleanor Fulton Boyer, Paul S. 5/1/1991 United States History "Sartre In America: The Impact of Sartrean Thought in American Philosophers, 1945-1963" 1990-1991
Leslie Reagan Leavitt, Judith 8/1/1991 United States History "When Abortion Was A Crime: The Legal and Medical Regulation of Abortion, Chicago, 1880-1973" 1990-1991
Leslie Schwalm Gordon, Linda 8/1/1991 United States History "The Meaning of Freedom: African-American Women and their Transition from Slavery to Freedom in Low country South Carolina" 1990-1991
Pamela Riney-Kehrberg Bogue, Allan 5/1/1991 United States History "In God We Trusted, In Kansas We Busted...Again: A Social History of Dust Bowl Kansas" 1990-1991
Rex Price Bogue, Allan 5/1/1991 United States History "The Mormon Missionary of the 19th Century" 1990-1991
Roger Horowitz McCormick, Thomas 12/1/1990 United States History "The Path Not Taken: A Social History of Industrial Unionism in Meatpacking, 1930-1960" 1990-1991
Susan Smith Leavitt, Judith 8/1/1991 United States History "'Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired': Black Women and the National Negro Health Movement, 1915-1950" 1990-1991
Brooks Simpson Sewell, Richard 12/1/1989 United States History "Let US Have Peace: General Ulysses S Grant and the Politics of War and Reconstruction, 1861-1868" 1989-1990
Colin Gordon McCormick, Thomas 8/1/1990 United States History "New Deal, Old Deck: Business, Labor, and Politics, 1920-1935" 1989-1990
Douglas Ley McCormick, Thomas 8/1/1990 United States History "Expansionists All?: Southern Senators and American Foreign Policy, 1841-1860" 1989-1990
Florence Deacon, O.S.F. Lerner, Gerda 12/1/1989 United States History "Handmaids or Autonomous Women: The Charitable Activities, Institution Building, and Communal Relationships of Catholic Sisters in Nineteenth Century Wisconsin" 1989-1990
James Hunt Cooper Jr., John M. 5/1/1990 United States History "Marion Butler and the Populist Ideal, 1863-1938" 1989-1990
Kathleen Brown Lerner, Gerda 8/1/1990 United States History "Gender and Genesis of a Race and Class System in Virginia, 1630-1750" 1989-1990
Monys Hagen Lerner, Gerda 5/1/1990 United States History "Industrial Harmony through Sports: The Industrial Recreation Movement and Women's Sports" 1989-1990
Nancy Isenberg Lerner, Gerda 8/1/1990 United States History "Co-Equality of the sexes: The Feminist Discourse of the Antebellum Women's Rights Movement in America" 1989-1990
Thomas Huffman Bogue, Allan 12/1/1989 United States History "Protectors of the Land and Water: The Political Culture of Conversation and the Rise of Environmentalism in Wisconsin, 1958-1970" 1989-1990
Nancy Mac Lean Gordon, Linda 8/1/1989 United States History "Behind the Mask of Chivalry: Gender, Race, and Class in the Making of the Ku Klux Klan of the 1920s in Georgia" 1988-1989
Peter Knupfer Sewell, Richard 12/1/1988 United States History "The Union as it Was: The Civic Tradition of Compromise Before the Civil War" 1988-1989
David Lewis Bogue, Allan 8/1/1988 United States History "Plowing a Civilized Furrow: Subsistence, Environment, and Social Change Among the Northern Ute, Hupa, and Papago Peoples" 1987-1988
Margaret Hedstrom McCormick, Thomas 5/1/1988 United States History "Automating the Office: Technology and Skill in Women's Clerical Work, 1940-1970" 1987-1988
Michael Engh Bogue, Allan 12/1/1987 United States History "Frontier Religion in an Era of Transition: Los Angeles, 1846-1885" 1987-1988
Robert Weems Schultz, Stanley K. 12/1/1987 United States History "The History of the Chicago Metropolitan Mutual Assurance Company: An Examination of the Business as a Black Community Institution" 1987-1988
Timothy Dillon Risjord, Norman 12/1/1987 United States History "Jedidiah Morse's Christian Republicanism: Reform and the Young Nation" 1987-1988
Allen Ruff Schultz, Stanley K. 8/1/1987 United States History "'We Called Each Other Comrade!': Charles Kerr and the Charles F Kerr & Company, Publishers, 1886-1928" 1986-1987
Charles Schoenleber Bogue, Allan 12/1/1986 United States History "The Rise of the New West: Frontier Political Pressure, State-Federal Conflict and the Removal of the Choctaws, Creeks, and Cherokees" 1986-1987
David Beito Bogue, Allan 12/1/1986 United States History "Striking Against the State: Taxpayers Revolts During the American Great Depression, 1930-1935" 1986-1987
Edward Agran Boyer, Paul S. 12/1/1986 United States History "'Too Good A Town': William Allen White and the Emerging Rhetoric of Middle America" 1986-1987
Mary Neth Boyer, Paul S. 8/1/1987 United States History "Preserving the Family Farm: Farm Families and Communities in the Midwest, 1900-1940" 1986-1987
David Blight Sewell, Richard 12/1/1985 United States History "Keeping Faith in Jubilee: Frederick Douglass and the Meaning of the Civil War" 1985-1986
Edwin Karn Bogue, Allan 5/1/1986 United States History "Pre-Railroad Transportation in the Upper Mississippi Valley" 1985-1986
Joanne Brown Kaestle, Carl 12/1/1985 United States History "The Semantics of Profession: Metaphor and Power in the History of Psychological Testing, 1890-1929" 1985-1986
Lisa Fine Kaestle, Carl 12/1/1985 United States History "'The Record Keepers of Property': The Making of a Female Clerical Force in Chicago, 1870-1930" 1985-1986
Thaddeus Seymour Schultz, Stanley K. 12/1/1985 United States History "A Progressive Partnership: Theodore Roosevelt and the Reform Press: Riis, Steffens, Baler, and White" 1985-1986
Arnold Sparr Boyer, Paul S. 5/1/1985 United States History "The Catholic Literary Revival in America, 1920-1960" 1984-1985
Charles Bolles Coffman, Edward 5/1/1985 United States History "The Search for an American Strategy: The Origins of the Kennedy Doctrine, 1936-1961" 1984-1985
Dexter Arnold McCormick, Thomas 5/1/1985 United States History "'A Row of Bricks': Worker Activism in the Merrimac Valley Textile Industry, 1912-1922" 1984-1985
William Trollinger Kaestle, Carl 12/1/1984 United States History "One Response to Modernity: Northwestern Bible School and the Fundamentalist Empire of William Bell Riley" 1984-1985
Donald Hoke Rothstein, Morton 5/1/1984 United States History "Ingenious Yankees: The Rise of the American System of Manufactures in the Private Sector" 1983-1984
Joseph Glatthaar Coffman, Edward 12/1/1983 United States History "Union Soldiers and Their Attitudes on Sherman's Savannah and Carolinas Campaigns" 1983-1984
Kenneth Winkle Bogue, Allan 5/1/1984 United States History "The Politics of Community: Migration and Politics in Antebellum Ohio" 1983-1984
Richard Pifer Cooper Jr., John M. 12/1/1983 United States History "A Social History of the Home Front: Milwaukee Labor During World War II" 1983-1984
Robin Wilder Cronon, E. David 5/1/1984 United States History "The Mind of Heywood Broun, 1921-1934" 1983-1984
Yoko Yasuhara McCormick, Thomas 8/1/1984 United States History "Myth of Free Trade: Cocom and Chincom, 1945-1952" 1983-1984
Donald Rogers Kutler, Stanley 8/1/1983 United States History "The Rise of the Administrative Process: Industrial Safety Regulation in Wisconsin, 1880-1940" 1982-1983
Michael Starr Lindstrom, Diane L. 8/1/1983 United States History "The Political Economy of American Institutionalism" 1982-1983
Robert Bliss Lovejoy, David 5/1/1983 United States History "English Politics and the Origins of the First Empire, 1625-1689" 1982-1983
Robert Burk Cooper Jr., John M. 12/1/1982 United States History "Symbolic Equality: The Eisenhower Administration and Black Civil Rights, 1953-1961" 1982-1983
Stephen Brown McCormick, Thomas 8/1/1983 United States History "The Power of Influence in US-Chilean Relations" 1982-1983
Bennett Stark Schultz, Stanley K. 5/1/1982 United States History "The Political Economy of State Public Finance: A Model of the Determinants of Revenue-The Illinois Case, 1850-1970" 1981-1982
Montgomery Meigs Cooper Jr., John M. 5/1/1982 United States History "Managine Uncertainty: Vannevar Bush, James B Conant, and the Development of the Atomic Bomb, 1940-1945" 1981-1982
Charles Stephenson Bogue, Allan 12/1/1980 United States History "Migration and Mobility in 19th and Early 20th Century America" 1980-1981
Daniel Feller Sewell, Richard 5/1/1981 United States History "The West, the Union, and the Public Domain, 1815-1837" 1980-1981
David Shepard Kutler, Stanley 8/1/1981 United States History "Reconversion: Images, Plans, and Realities, 1939-1946" 1980-1981
Janet Heininger Cooper Jr., John M. 8/1/1981 United States History "The American Board in China: The Missionaries' Experiences and Attitudes, 1911-1952" 1980-1981
John Hollitz Cooper Jr., John M. 8/1/1981 United States History "The Challenge of Abundance: Reactions to the Development of a Consumer Economy, 1890-1920" 1980-1981
Robert Browning Coffman, Edward 5/1/1981 United States History "Shielding the Republic: American Seacoast Defense Policy in the 19th Century" 1980-1981
William Borden Archdeacon, Thomas J. 5/1/1981 United States History "The Pacific Alliance: The United States and Japanese Trade Recovery, 1947-1954" 1980-1981
Chester Bowie Cooper Jr., John M. 5/1/1980 United States History "Redfield Proctor: A Biography" 1979-1980
David Peeler Rodgers, Daniel 5/1/1980 United States History "America's Depression Culture: Social Art and Literature of the 1930s" 1979-1980
James Schneider Cooper Jr., John M. 12/1/1979 United States History "The Anxiety of Neutrality: Chicago Public Opinion and American Foreign Policy, 1939-1941" 1979-1980
Margaret Thompson (Echols) Bogue, Allan 12/1/1979 United States History "The 'Spider Web': Congress and Lobbying in the Age of Grant" 1979-1980
Nathan Godfried DeNovo, John 8/1/1980 United States History "An American Development Policy for the Third World: A Case Study of the United States and the Arab East, 1942-1949" 1979-1980
Samuel Shepherd Cooper Jr., John M. 5/1/1980 United States History "Churches at Work: Richmond, Virginia, White Protestant Leaders and Social Changes in a Southern City, 1900-1929" 1979-1980
Timothy Bosworth Archdeacon, Thomas J. 5/1/1980 United States History "Those Who Moved: Internal Migrants in America Before 1840" 1979-1980
Alan Levy Rodgers, Daniel 5/1/1979 United States History "The Unintegrated Personality: American Music and the Muses of Europe, 1865-1930" 1978-1979
Daniel Czitrom Rodgers, Daniel 5/1/1979 United States History "Media and the American Mind: The Intellectual and Cultural Reception of Modern Communication, 1838-1965" 1978-1979
George Lipsitz McCormick, Thomas 8/1/1979 United States History "A Rainbow at Midnight: Strategies of Independence in the Postwar Working Class" 1978-1979
Jay Coughtry Lovejoy, David 12/1/1978 United States History "The Notorious Triangle: Rhode Island and the African Slave Trade, 1700-1807" 1978-1979
John O'Keefe Hollingsworth, J. Rogers 5/1/1979 United States History "The Bond of Perfection: Empirical Method in American Social Reform, 1860s-1880s" 1978-1979
Joseph Lukonic Conkin, Paul K. 5/1/1979 United States History "Evangelicals in the City: Evangelical Protestant Social Concerns in Early Chicago, 1837-1860" 1978-1979
Robert Pierce Glad, Paul W. Kutler, Stanley 5/1/1979 United States History "Liberals and the Cold War: Union for Democratic Actions and Americans for Democratic Action, 1940-1949" 1978-1979
Susan Grigg Bogue, Allan 12/1/1978 United States History "The Dependent Poor of Newburyport 1800-1830" 1978-1979
Takeshi Matsuda McCormick, Thomas 5/1/1979 United States History "Woodrow Wilson's Dollar Diplomacy in the Far East: The New Chinese Consortium, 1917-1921" 1978-1979
Thomas Kaplan Conkin, Paul K. 8/1/1979 United States History "From Theory to Practice in American Educational Reform, 1900-1925" 1978-1979
William O'Brien Jensen, Merrill 5/1/1979 United States History "Challenge to Consensus: Social, Political, and Economic Implications of Maryland Sectionalism, 1776-1789" 1978-1979
George Roeder Conkin, Paul K. 12/1/1977 United States History "Forum of Uncertainty: Confrontations with Modern Painting in Twentieth Century American Thought" 1977-1978
Michael Stevens Lovejoy, David 5/1/1978 United States History "The Ideas and Attitudes of Protestant Missionaries to the North American Indians, 1643-1776" 1977-1978
Paul Richards Rothstein, Morton 5/1/1978 United States History "The History of the Textile Workers Union of America, CIO, in the South, 1937-1945" 1977-1978
Paul Stuart Bogue, Allan 5/1/1978 United States History "The US Office of Indian Affairs, 1865-1900: The Institutionalization of a Formal Organization" 1977-1978
Robert Levy Glad, Paul W. 5/1/1978 United States History "Art for the Public's Sake, 1920-1943" 1977-1978
William Colby Bogue, Allan 12/1/1977 United States History "Route to Rainy Mountain: A Biography of James Mooney, Ethnologist" 1977-1978
Andrew King Kutler, Stanley 12/1/1976 United States History "Law and Land Use in Chicago: A Prehistory of Modern Zoning" 1976-1977
Edgar Raines Coffman, Edward 12/1/1976 United States History "Major General J. Franklin Bell and Military Reform: The Chief of Staff Years, 1906-1910" 1976-1977
Glenn Jacobsen Jensen, Merrill 12/1/1976 United States History "Politics, Parties, and Propaganda in Pennsylvania, 1776-1788" 1976-1977
Harold Moser Sewell, Richard 8/1/1977 United States History "Subtreasury Politics and the Virginia Conservative Democrats, 1835-1844" 1976-1977
John King Rodgers, Daniel 12/1/1976 United States History "The Ascetic Self: Mental Pathology and the Protestant Ethic in America, 1879-1914" 1976-1977
Joyce Peterson (Shaw) Glad, Paul W. 12/1/1976 United States History "A Social History of Automobile Workers Before Unionization, 1900-1933" 1976-1977
Kenneth Greenberg Conkin, Paul K. 12/1/1976 United States History "The Second American Revolution: South Carolina Politics, Society and Sucession, 1776-1860" 1976-1977
Richard Bernard Bogue, Allan 8/1/1977 United States History "The Melting Pot and the Alter: Marital Assimilation in Wisconsin, 1850-1920" 1976-1977
Robert Goldberg Cooper Jr., John M. 8/1/1977 United States History "Hooded Empire: The Ku Klux Klan in Colorado, 1921-32" 1976-1977
Ann Gordon Katz, Stanley Nider 12/1/1975 United States History "The College of Philadelphia, 1749-1779: The Impact of an Institution" 1975-1976
Carolyn Mattern Coffman, Edward 5/1/1976 United States History "The Man on the Dark Horse: The Presidential Campaigns for General Douglas MacArthur, 1944 and 1948" 1975-1976
Curtis Hinsley Conkin, Paul K. 5/1/1976 United States History "The Development of a Profession: Anthropology in Washington DC, 1846-1903" 1975-1976
Jacqueline Jones (Halstead) Kaestle, Carl 5/1/1976 United States History "The 'Great Opportunity': Northern Teachers and the Georgia Freedmen, 1865-1873" 1975-1976
Joel Shufro Jensen, Merrill 5/1/1976 United States History "Boston in Massachusetts Politics 1730-1760" 1975-1976
John Churchman Kutler, Stanley 5/1/1976 United States History "Federal Regulation of Railroad Rates, 1880-1898" 1975-1976
John Kern Archdeacon, Thomas J. 5/1/1976 United States History "The Politics of Violence: Colonial American Rebellions, Protests, and Riots, 1676-1747" 1975-1976
Miriam Feingold Kutler, Stanley 5/1/1976 United States History "The King-Ramsay-Conner Case: Labor, Radicalism, and the Law in California, 1936-1941" 1975-1976
Moses Musoke Rothstein, Morton 5/1/1976 United States History "Technical Change in Cotton Production in the Unisted States, 1925-1960" 1975-1976
Stanley Remsberg Coffman, Edward 12/1/1975 United States History "United States Administration of Alaska: The Army Phase, 1867-1877: A Study in Federal Governance of an Overseas Possession" 1975-1976
Thomas McMullin Hollingsworth, J. Rogers Schultz, Stanley K. 5/1/1976 United States History "Industrialization and Social Change in a Nineteenth Century Port City: New Bedord, Massachusetts, 1865-1900" 1975-1976
Brian Beltman Bogue, Allan 12/1/1974 United States History "Rural Renaissance In An Urban Age: The Country Life Movement in Wisconsin, 1895-1918" 1974-1975
Clay McShane Schultz, Stanley K. 8/1/1975 United States History "American Cities and the Coming of the Automobile, 1870-1910" 1974-1975
David Allen Kutler, Stanley 12/1/1974 United States History "In English Ways: The Movement of Societies and the Transferal of English Local Law and Custom to Massachusetts Bay, 1600-1690" 1974-1975
Donald Marks Schultz, Stanley K. 12/1/1974 United States History "Polishing the Gem of the Prairie: The Evolution of Civic Reform Consciousness in Chicago, 1874-1900" 1974-1975
Ellen Langill Conkin, Paul K. 5/1/1975 United States History "Alice Brown: A Critical Study" 1974-1975
Elliot Johnson Coffman, Edward 5/1/1975 United States History "The Military Experiences of General Hugh A. Drum from 1898-1918" 1974-1975
Ernest Isaacs Conkin, Paul K. 5/1/1975 United States History "A History of 19th Century American Spiritualism as a Religious and Social Movement" 1974-1975
Francine Cary Cronon, E. David 5/1/1975 United States History "Utopian Novels in the Age of Reform, 1877-1914 1974-1975
Joseph Fitzharris Rothstein, Morton 5/1/1975 United States History "A Model of Urban Growth and Transition: The Twin Cities, 1870-1930" 1974-1975
Kay Johnson (Hornbuckle) Glad, Paul W. 12/1/1974 United States History "Playwrights as Patriots: A History of the Playwrights Producing Company, 1938-1960" 1974-1975
Nancy Dye Glad, Paul W. 12/1/1974 United States History "The Women's Trade Union League of New York, 1903-1930" 1974-1975
Paul Buhle Rodgers, Daniel 5/1/1975 United States History "Marxism in the United States, 1900-1940" 1974-1975
Peter Iverson Bogue, Allan 5/1/1975 United States History "The Evolving Navajo Nation: Dine Continuity Within Change" 1974-1975
Raymond White Bogue, Allan 5/1/1975 United States History "The Inter-War Factors of Change in Wisconsin Dairying, 1919-1941" 1974-1975
Robert Berry DeNovo, John 5/1/1975 United States History "The Limits of Community: American Foreign Policy and Finland, 1941-1945" 1974-1975
Roger Keeran Conkin, Paul K. 12/1/1974 United States History "Communists and Auto Workers: The Struggle for a Union, 1919-1941" 1974-1975
Russell Gilmore Cronon, E. David 12/1/1974 United States History "Crack Shots and Patriots: The National Rifle Association and America's Military-Sporting Tradition, 1871-1929" 1974-1975
Thomas Dunlap Glad, Paul W. 5/1/1975 United States History "DDT: Scientists, Citizens, and Public Policy" 1974-1975
Allan Reznick Cronon, E. David 12/1/1973 United States History "Lillian D. Wald: The Years at Henry Street" 1973-1974
Armand La Potin Smith, James 5/1/1974 United States History "The Minisink Patent: A Study in Colonial Landholding and the Problems of Settlement in Eighteenth Century New York" 1973-1974
Donald De Bats Hollingsworth, J. Rogers 12/1/1973 United States History "Elites and Masses: Political Structure, Communication and Behavior in Ante-bellum Georgia" 1973-1974
James Armstrong Schultz, Stanley K. 5/1/1974 United States History "The Labor Temple: A Social Gospel in action in the Presbyterian Church, 1910-1957" 1973-1974
James Thorpe DeNovo, John 12/1/1973 United States History "The Mission of Arthur C Millspaugh to Iran, 1943-1945" 1973-1974
John Raimo Lovejoy, David 5/1/1974 United States History "Spiritual Harvest: The Anglo-American Revival in Boston, Massachusetts, and Bristol, England, 1739-1742" 1973-1974
John Rollins McCormick, Thomas 5/1/1974 United States History "Frederick Theodore Frelinghuysen and the Politics and Diplomacy of Stewardship" 1973-1974
Judah Ginsberg Sewell, Richard 5/1/1974 United States History "The Tangled Web: The New York Democratic Party and the Slavery Controversy, 1844-1860" 1973-1974
Marc Egnal Jensen, Merrill 5/1/1974 United States History "The Pennsylvania Economy: An Analysis of Short-Run Fluctuations in the Context of Long-Run Changes in the Atlantic Trading Company, 1748-1762" 1973-1974
Mari Jo Buhle Cooper Jr., John M. 5/1/1974 United States History "Feminism and Socialism in the United States. 1820-1920" 1973-1974
Paul Clemens Lovejoy, David 5/1/1974 United States History "From Tobacco to Grain: Economic Development on Maryland's Eastern Shore, 1660-1760" 1973-1974
Richard Werking DeNovo, John 12/1/1973 United States History "The Master Architects: Designing and Building the US Foreign Service, 1890-1913" 1973-1974
Richard Johnson Conkin, Paul K. 12/1/1973 United States History "Anthony Comstock: Reform, Vice and the American Way" 1973-1974
Stephen Davis Risjord, Norman 12/1/1973 United States History "From Plowshares to Spindles: Dedham, Massachusetts, 1790-1840" 1973-1974
Steven Crow Lovejoy, David 5/1/1974 United States History "'Left at Libertie': The Effects of the English Civil War and Interregnum on the American Colonies, 1640-1660" 1973-1974
Steven Boyd Jensen, Merrill 5/1/1974 United States History "The Constitution in State Politics: From the Calling of the Constitutional Convention to the Calling of the First Federal Elections" 1973-1974
Terrence Barragy McCormick, Thomas 5/1/1974 United States History "American Maritime Otter Diplomacy" 1973-1974
Theodore Fetter Conkin, Paul K. 5/1/1974 United States History "Waging War Under the Separation of Powers: Executive-Congressional Relations During World War II" 1973-1974
Timothy Nenninger Coffman, Edward 5/1/1974 United States History "The Fort Leavenworth Schools: Post Graduate Military Education and Professionalization in the U.S. Army, 1880-1920" 1973-1974
William Scott Conkin, Paul K. 12/1/1973 United States History "Every Man Under His Own Vine and Fig Tree: American Conceptions of Property From the Puritans to Henry George 1973-1974
Anne Boylan Conkin, Paul K. 5/1/1973 United States History "'The Nursery of the Church': Evangelical Protestant Sunday Schools, 1820-1880" 1972-1973
David Macleod Glad, Paul W. 5/1/1973 United States History "Good Boys Made Better: The Boy Scouts of America, Boys' Bridages, and YMCA Boys' Work, 1880-1920" 1972-1973
David Walker Bogue, Allan 5/1/1973 United States History "Discovery and Explotation of Iron Ore Resources in Northeastern Minnesota: The Formative Years, 1865-1901" 1972-1973
Donald Bluestone McCormick, Thomas 5/1/1973 United States History "Steamboats, Sewing machines, and Bibles: The Roots of Anti-Slavery in Illinois and the Old Northwest, 1818-1860" 1972-1973
Ena Farley Kutler, Stanley 5/1/1973 United States History "The Black Equality Issue in New York State, 1865-1873" 1972-1973
Gerald Haines DeNovo, John 5/1/1973 United States History "Monroeism, Regionalism and the Quest for Security: A Comparison of the U.S. Position in the Western Hemisphere with Japanese and German Regional Policies 1932-1942" 1972-1973
James Smith Hollingsworth, J. Rogers 5/1/1973 United States History "Lumbertowns in the Cutover: A Comparative Study of the Stage Hypothesis of Urban Growth" 1972-1973
John Miller Glad, Paul W. 5/1/1973 United States History "Governor Philip F. La Follette,The Wisconsin Progressives, And the New Deal, 1930-1939" 1972-1973
John Salapatas Glad, Paul W. 5/1/1973 United States History "America's Response to Collective Security, 1929-1936" 1972-1973
Jon Teaford Kutler, Stanley 5/1/1973 United States History "The Municipal Revolution in America: Origins of Modern Urban Government, 1650-1825" 1972-1973
Kathleen Conzen Rothstein, Morton 12/1/1972 United States History "The German Athens: Milwaukee and the Accommodation of its Immigrants, 1836-1860" 1972-1973
Michael Levine Berkhofer, Robert F. 5/1/1973 United States History "The Americanization of the Intellectual: From Reconstruction to the Red Scare" 1972-1973
Michal Belknap Kutler, Stanley 8/1/1973 United States History "The Smith Act and the Communist Party: A Study in Political Justice" 1972-1973
Morton Sosna Cronon, E. David 12/1/1972 United States History "In Search of the Silent South: White Southern Racial Liberalism, 1920-1950" 1972-1973
Paul Black Rothstein, Morton 12/1/1972 United States History "The Development of Management Personnel Policies on the Burlington Railroad, 1860-1900" 1972-1973
Richard Bremer Bogue, Allan 5/1/1973 United States History "Furrows Along the Loup: The Social and Economic History of a Great Plains Farming Region, 1910-1970" 1972-1973
Richard Zeitlin McCormick, Thomas 5/1/1973 United States History "Brass Buttons and Iron Rails: US Army and American Involvement in Mexico, 1868-1881" 1972-1973
Richard Orsi Curti, Merle 5/1/1973 United States History "Selling the Golden State: A Study of Boosterism in Nineteenth Century Califronia" 1972-1973
Sidney Bolton Lovejoy, David 5/1/1973 United States History "The Anglican Church of Colonial South Carolina: A Study in Americanization, 1704-1754" 1972-1973
Thomas Nevin Glad, Paul W. 5/1/1973 United States History "Irving Babbitt: Thematic Aspects of His Humanism" 1972-1973
Charles Wright DeNovo, John 5/1/1972 United States History "George F Kennan, Scholar-Diplomat: 1926-1946" 1971-1972
Daniel Madden Kutler, Stanley 6/1/1972 United States History "City-State Relations in Wisconsin, 1835-1901: The Origins of the Milwaukee Home Rule Movement" 1971-1972
David Maas Jensen, Merrill 8/1/1972 United States History "The Return of the Massachusetts Loyalists" 1971-1972
David Lamoreaux Conkin, Paul K. 6/1/1972 United States History "Owen Johnson: An Intellectual Biography" 1971-1972
Dennis Phillips DeNovo, John 6/1/1972 United States History "The American Presence in Morocco, 1880-1904" 1971-1972
Eugene Sheridan Lovejoy, David 6/1/1972 United States History "Politics in Colonial America: The Career of Lewis Morris, 1671-1746" 1971-1972
Evan Metcalf Rothstein, Morton 8/1/1972 United States History "Economic Stablization by American Business in the Twentieth Century" 1971-1972
Frank Emspak Glad, Paul W. 5/1/1972 United States History "The Break-up of the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), 1945-1950" 1971-1972
George Parkinson Kutler, Stanley 6/1/1972 United States History "Antebellum State Constitution-Making: Retention, Circumvention, Revision" 1971-1972
Gordon Den Boer Jensen, Merrill 8/1/1972 United States History "The House of Delegates and the Evolution of Political Parties in Virginia, 1782-1792" 1971-1972
James Turner Wyllie, Irvin G. 12/1/1971 United States History "The American Prohibition Movement, 1869-1897" 1971-1972
John Coatsworth Rothstein, Morton 5/1/1972 United States History "The Impact of Railroads on the Economic Development of Mexico, 1877-1910" 1971-1972
John Kaminski Jensen, Merrill 1/1/1972 United States History "Paper Politics: The Northern State Loan Offices During the Confederation: 1783-1790" 1971-1972
Joseph Davis Jensen, Merrill 8/1/1972 United States History "Sections, Factions, and Political Centralism in Confederation America, 1774-1787" 1971-1972
Larry Bland DeNovo, John 5/1/1972 United States History "W. Averell Harriman: Businessman and Diplomat, 1891-1945" 1971-1972
LeGrand Baker Jensen, Merrill 8/1/1972 United States History "The Board of Treasury, 1784-1789; Responsibility Without Power" 1971-1972
Margaret Morley Williams, William A. McCormick, Thomas 6/1/1972 United States History "The Edge of Empire: Henry Clay's American System and the Formulation of American Foreign Policy, 1810-1833" 1971-1972
Richard Latner Sewell, Richard 1/1/1972 United States History "Andrew Jackson and his Advisors: White House Politics, 1829-1837" 1971-1972
Steven Gelber Cronon, E. David 6/1/1972 United States History "Black Men and Businessmen: Business Attitudes Toward Negro Employment, 1945-1967" 1971-1972
William Messner Starobin, Robert 6/1/1972 United States History "The Federal Army and Blacks in the Gulf Department, 1862-1865" 1971-1972
William Paul Rothstein, Morton 1/1/1972 United States History "The Shadow of Equality: The Negro in Baltimore, 1864-1910" 1971-1972
Andrew Ford DeNovo, John 5/1/1971 United States History "The diplomacy of the Boxer Uprising, with Special Reference to American Foreign Policy" 1970-1971
Ballard Campbell Bogue, Allan 5/1/1970 United States History "Political Parties, Cultural Groups and Contested Issues: Voting in the Illinois, Iowa, and Wisconsin House of Representatives, 1886-1895" 1970-1971
Benjamin Spence Cronon, E. David 6/1/1971 United States History "The National Career of John Wingate Weeks" 1970-1971
Carl Krog Nesbit, Robert 1/1/1971 United States History "Marinette: Biography of a Nineteenth Century Lumbering Town, 1850-1910" 1970-1971
Charles Biebel Boardman, Eugene 6/1/1971 United States History "Politics, Pedagogues, and Statesmanship: James B. Conant and the Public Schools, 1933-1948" 1970-1971
David Krikun Curti, Merle 6/1/1971 United States History "An Economic and Political History of the Public Utility Act of 1935" 1970-1971
Dennis East Bogue, Allan 5/1/1971 United States History "Water Power and Forestry in Wisconsin: Issues of Conservation, 1890-1915" 1970-1971
Edward McKinley DeNovo, John 1/1/1971 United States History "American Relations with Tropical Africa, 1919-1939" 1970-1971
Frederick Hoyt DeNovo, John 6/1/1971 United States History "Americans in China and the Formation of American Policy, 1925-1937" 1970-1971
Gerald Markowitz Williams, William A. 1/1/1971 United States History "Progressive Imperialism: Consensus and Conflict in the Progressive Movement on Foreign Policy, 1898-1917" 1970-1971
Hugh Knapp Conkin, Paul K. 6/1/1971 United States History "Samuel Hopkins and the New Divinity" 1970-1971
Irwin Klibaner Williams, William A. Glad, Paul W. 6/1/1971 United States History "Southern Conference Educational Fund: A History" 1970-1971
James O'Brien Cronon, E. David 6/1/1971 United States History "The Development of a New Left in the United States, 1960-1965" 1970-1971
James George DeNovo, John 12/1/1970 United States History "United States Postwar Relief Planning: The First Phase, 1940-1943" 1970-1971
Jerald Levine Hollingsworth, J. Rogers 6/1/1971 United States History "Police, Parties, and Polity: The Bureaucratization, Unionization, and Professionalization of the New York City Police, 1870-1917" 1970-1971
Jerry Cooper Coffman, Edward 12/1/1970 United States History "The Army and Civil Disorder: Federal Military Intervention in American Labor Disputes, 1877-1900" 1970-1971
John Syrett Kutler, Stanley 8/1/1971 United States History "The Confiscation Acts: Efforts at Reconstruction During the Civil War" 1970-1971
Lee Warner Sewell, Richard 12/1/1970 United States History "The Silver Grays: New York State Conservative Whigs, 1846-1856" 1970-1971
Marion Casey Conkin, Paul K. 5/1/1971 United States History "Charles McCarthy: Policy Maker for an Era" 1970-1971
Mark Stoler DeNovo, John 6/1/1971 United States History "The Politics of the Second Front: American Military Planning and Diplomacy 1941-1944" 1970-1971
Michael Morrison Conkin, Paul K. 6/1/1971 United States History "Conceptions of Sin in American Evangelical Thought in the Early Nineteenth Century" 1970-1971
Michael O'Brien Cronon, E. David 1/1/1971 United States History "Senator Joseph McCarthy and Wisconsin: 1946-1957" 1970-1971
Nicholas Burckel Cronon, E. David 5/1/1971 United States History "Progressive Governors in the Border States: Reform Governors of Missouri, Kentucky, W Virginia, and Maryland, 1900-1918" 1970-1971
Patrick Hearden Williams, William A. 6/1/1971 United States History "The New South's Quest for Empire 1970-1971
Paul Faler Rothstein, Morton 5/1/1971 United States History "Working Men, Mechanics, and Social Change, Lynn, Massachusetts, 1800-1860" 1970-1971
Peter Barry Jensen, Merrill 5/1/1971 United States History "The New Hampshire Merchant Interest, 1609-1725" 1970-1971
Robert Van Meter Williams, William A. 5/1/1971 United States History The United States and European Recovery: A Study of Public Policy and Private Finance, 1918-1923" 1970-1971
Robert Becker Jensen, Merrill 5/1/1971 United States History "The Politics of Taxation in America, 1763-1783" 1970-1971
Robert Weber Wyllie, Irvin G. 12/1/1970 United States History "Rationalizers and Reformers: Chicago Local Transportation in the 19th Century" 1970-1971
Roger Simon Rothstein, Morton Lampard, Eric E. 6/1/1971 United States History "The Expansion of an Industrial City: Milwaukee, 1880-1910" 1970-1971
Roland Wagner Cronon, E. David 6/1/1971 United States History "Virtue Against Vice: A Study of Moral Reformers and Prostitution in the Progressive Era" 1970-1971
Sister Mary Quinlivan Katz, Stanley Nider 6/1/1971 United States History "Ideological Controversy over Religious Establishment in Revolutionary Virginia" 1970-1971
Thomas Hines Wyllie, Irvin G. 1/1/1971 United States History "Daniel H. Burnham: A Study in Cultural Leadership" 1970-1971
Walter Dunn Jensen, Merrill 5/1/1971 United States History "Western Commerce, 1760-1774" 1970-1971
Andrew Bergman Taylor, William J. 8/1/1970 United States History "Depression America and its Movies" 1969-1970
Carl Harris Hollingsworth, J. Rogers 1/1/1970 United States History "Economic Power and Politics: A Study of Birmingham, Alabama, 1890-1920" 1969-1970
Charles Twining Rothstein, Morton 12/1/1969 United States History "Orrin Ingram: Wisconsin Lumberman" 1969-1970
David Cady Glad, Paul W. 5/1/1970 United States History "The Influence of the Garden City Ideal on American Housing and Planning Reform, 1900-1940" 1969-1970
Donald Murphy Rothstein, Morton 6/1/1970 United States History "Professors, Publicists, and Pan Americanism, 1905-1917: A Study in the Origins of the Use of 'Experts' in Shaping American Foreign Policy" 1969-1970
Frank Chalk Williams, William A. 5/1/1970 United States History "The United States and the International Struggle for Rubber, 1914-1941" 1969-1970
George Curtis Jensen, Merrill 5/1/1970 United States History "The Virginia Courts during the Revolution" 1969-1970
Gordon Bakken Kutler, Stanley 12/1/1969 United States History "Constitution Making in the Rocky Mountain West, 1850-1912" 1969-1970
Ingrid Scobie Glad, Paul W. 6/1/1970 United States History "Jack B. Tenney: Molder of Anti-Communist Legislation in California, 1940-1949" 1969-1970
Ira Berlin Sewell, Richard 5/1/1970 United States History "Slaves Who Were Free: The Free Negro in the Upper South, 1776-1861" 1969-1970
Jack Blocker Glad, Paul W. 5/1/1970 United States History "From Party to League: Changes within the American Prohibition Movement, 1890-1913" 1969-1970
James Lorence Williams, William A. 6/1/1970 United States History "American Asiatic Association 1898-1925: Organized Business and the Myth of the China Market" 1969-1970
James McDonnell Rothstein, Morton 1/1/1970 United States History "The Rise of the CIO in Buffalo, New York, 1936-1942" 1969-1970
James McHale Williams, William A. 6/1/1970 United States History "The New Deal and the Origins of Public Lending for Foreign Economic Development, 1933-1945" 1969-1970
John Cook Cronon, E. David 5/1/1970 United States History "A History of Liberal Education at the University of Wisconsin, 1862-1918" 1969-1970
Jonathan Lurie Hollingsworth, J. Rogers 6/1/1970 United States History "The Chicago Board of Trade, 1874-1905" 1969-1970
Laurence Lerner Curti, Merle 6/1/1970 United States History "The Rise of the Impresario: Bernard Ullman and the Transformation of Musical Culture in 19th Century America" 1969-1970
Nelson Woodard Williams, William A. 5/1/1970 United States History "Postwar Reconstruction and International Order: A Study of the Diplomacy of Charles Evans Hughes, 1921-1925" 1969-1970
Peter Argersinger Bogue, Allan 5/1/1970 United States History "Populism and Politics: William Alfred Peffer and the People's Party" 1969-1970
Richard Haney Glad, Paul W. 1/1/1970 United States History "A History of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin since World War Two" 1969-1970
Richard Scheidenhelm Katz, Stanley Nider 6/1/1970 United States History "The Legal and Political Rhetoric of William H. Seward" 1969-1970
Robert Bittner Lovejoy, David 8/1/1970 United States History "The Definition of Economic Independence and the New Nation" 1969-1970
Roger Wyman Cronon, E. David 12/1/1969 United States History "The Wisconsin Progressives: A Study of Political Leadership and Voting Behavior in the Progressive Era, 1900-1914" 1969-1970
Roger Leemhuis Wyatt-Brown, Bertram 1/1/1970 United States History "James L. Orr: The Civil War and Reconstruction Years" 1969-1970
Stuart Brandes Cronon, E. David