Robert Koehl, Emeritus 1997 age 93 died from prostate cancer on July 6 after a year long fight. Bob was an early founder of Ed Policy Studies and was also a colleague in History, arriving …
ARCHIVE: Volume 18
ARCHIVE is UW-Madison’s undergraduate journal of history. The newest edition of ARCHIVE is now available to read online. Here’s a look at the contents: Molly Coleman, “Means to an End: A Study of Women in …
Florencia Mallon on WNIJ Northern Public Radio
Professor Florencia Mallon was on WNIJ Northern Public Radio on Friday, June 26th. She discussed her book, Beyond the Ties of Blood, as part of WNIJ’s 2015 Summer Book Series. The discussion with Mallon and …
AAHN H-31 Research Grant to Daniel
May 2015 Doctoral candidate Vicki Fama Daniel has been awarded an H-31 Research Grant from the American Association for the History of Nursing. This pre-doctoral grant is designed to encourage and support graduate training and …
Commencement Address to the Graduating History Majors of the University of Wisconsin-Madison Class of 2015
Delivered by Prof. John W. Hall, May 15, 2015 Thank you to the graduating seniors for the invitation to offer a few remarks on this special day. I’m especially glad to see in attendance so …
All History of Science Department Events for Spring 2015
January 23 (Friday) at Noon Brown Bag Welcome to Spring Semester! BB organization and scheduling. Special Guest: Jay Malone, History of Science Society Location: 204 Bradley Memorial January 30 (Friday) at Noon Brown Bag: Dana …
A. Finn Enke wins Chancellor’s Distinguished Teaching Award
Finn Enke’s approach to teaching the history of sexuality and gender includes a focus on critical thinking, creating a classroom experience in which students say they are transformed, respected and educated. During 13 years of …
William Reese selected for Vilas Research Professorship
Professor William Reese was recently selected for a prestigious Vilas Research Professorship. The Vilas Professorship is one of the highest honors bestowed by UW-Madison. Selection criteria demand that candidates “be of proven research ability and …
Emily Callaci receives ACLS fellowship
The ACLS Fellowship Program awards fellowships to individual scholars working in the humanities and related social sciences. Institutions and individuals contribute to the ACLS Fellowship Program and its endowment, including The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, …
City/State/Nation: Historians on Twentieth Century Urbanism
East Asian Connections The Transnational Humanities at the UW-Madison and Beyond Friday, April 17, 2015 1:00 – 3:00 PM Curti Lounge (Rm 5243 Humanities) “The Socialization of Risk in the Neoliberal City” Sean Dinces / …