History Alumna Katie Jarvis Receives Major Book Prize

Katie JarvisAlumna Katie Jarvis (Ph.D. 2014) has received the Louis Gottschalk Prize from the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ASECS). The Louis Gottschalk Prize recognizes an outstanding historical or critical study on the eighteenth century. For the year 2020, this prize has been awarded to Katie Jarvis for her book Politics in the Marketplace: Work, Gender, and Citizenship in Revolutionary France (Oxford University Press, 2019). In the award announcement, the judges noted: “This book about the French revolution is, well, revolutionary. For our scholarly community, it shifts our collective academic gaze to the influential role of ordinary people, showing by example just how the hard work of historical recovery might be performed in our own archives and subfields.” Jarvis is currently Assistant Professor of History at the University of Notre Dame. During her time at UW-Madison, Jarvis completed her dissertation “‘Politics in the Marketplace’: The Popular Activism and Cultural Representation of the Dames des Halles during the French Revolution” under the mentorship of Professor Suzanne Desan.

To read more of the award announcement, see the ASECS spring newsletter (pdf).

View Katie’s University of Notre Dame faculty page.