Paige Glotzer Selected as Urban History Association Member of the Week

Paige GlotzerProfessor Paige Glotzer, a scholar of urban history and political economy, has been selected as the Urban History Association’s member of the week! She is profiled on The Metropole, the official blog of the Urban History Association, here: Asked about her advice for young scholars who are preparing for a career related to urban history or urban studies, Glotzer states: “The beauty of urban studies, like cities themselves, is that it contains many possibilities. Think broadly about what interests you and all the ways you can stretch and apply that into something that makes you happy. You might not know all those somethings yet, but that’s ok. Find people who can and will support you on your journey. Meet the folks who supported them. Learn what networks they are part of. I have been fortunate to be welcomed into urban studies by a lot of extremely supportive people who guided me along. They are out there.”