The Ottoman Empire Through a Greek Lens

Molly Greene HeadshotMolly Greene

Professor of History and Hellenic Studies
Princeton University

Wednesday, Novemeber 30, 2016
5:00-7:00 PM
Rm 225 Pyle Center

Molly Greene studies the history of the Mediterranean Basin, the Ottoman Empire, and the Greek world. Her interests include the social and economic history of the Ottoman Empire, the experience of Greeks under Ottoman rule, Mediterranean piracy, and the institution of the market. After earning a B.A. in political science at Tufts University (1981), Professor Greene spent several years living in Greece and then completed a Ph.D. in the Department of Near Eastern Studies at Princeton (1993), where she studied Ottoman history. Upon graduating she joined the Princeton faculty with a joint appointment in the History Department and the Program in Hellenic Studies.

Co-sponsored by MATS (Madison Association of Turkish Students) and the Center for Turkish Studies

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