“Daughters of the Trade: Atlantic Slavers and Interracial Marriage on the Gold Coast”

Pernille Ipsen HeadshotPernille Ipsen
University of Wisconsin–Madison
History and Gender & Women’s Studies

Friday, April 10, 2015
3:30 – 5:00 PM
80 Science Hall

Part of the Yi-Fu Tuan Lecture Series

Pernille Ipsen will discuss her new book about the production of race in the Atlantic world. When European and West African slave traders married one another on the Gold Coast, they gave rise to generations of descendants — families who benefited from the Atlantic slave trade and lived with the violence it produced. As generations passed these families participated in linking slavery to blackness and producing race.

Co-sponsored by the Department of History, the Program in Gender and Women’s History, and the Department of Gender & Women’s Studies