Themes in Chinese Politics, Literature and History: The concept of “political party” and Chinese reformers in the Americas, 1898-1911

Event PosterProfessor Pablo Ariel Blitstein
University of Heidelberg

Wednesday, March 25, 2015
12:00 – 1:15 PM
Red Gym’s “Maisley Media Room,” 716 Langdon Street

Pablo Ariel Blitstein studied ancient Greek and Roman Literature and Philosophy at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA, Argentina) and Chinese history at the Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO, France). He is co-founder and co-organizer of the Chinese history section of the Research Centre on the Slavic and Chinese Worlds (CEMECH) at the University of San Martín (Argentina) and a member of the “Asia and Europe in a Global Context” cluster at the University of Heidelberg. His current research focuses on the shifting relations between social experience, uses of writing, and political imagination among late imperial and early republican Chinese elites. His forthcoming book is titled, “Les Fleurs du royaume: savoirs lettrés et pouvoir impérial dans la Chine du Sud aux Ve-VIe siècles (The flowers of the realm: literary knowledge and imperial power in Southern China, 5th-6th centuries).”

Sponsored by: Department of History, Center for East Asian Studies, Wisconsin Chinese Initiative, and Division of International Studies