All History of Science Department Events for Fall 2009

September 4 (Friday) at Noon

Judy Kaplan, UW-Madison
Introductions followed by a brown bag talk by Judy, topic “The Long Rangers: pre-historical linguistics from Moscow to Michigan.”

September 11 (Friday) at Noon

Sarah Pfatteicher, UW-Madison
“Lessons Amid the Rubble: 8 Years After the World Trade Center.”

September 18 (Friday) at Noon

“Discussion – Michael Pollan’s In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto.”

September 22 (Tuesday) at 4:00 pm

Colloquium: Lynn Nyhart, UW-Madison
“Isolation in Biogeography and Evolution from Moritz Wagner to Ernst Mayr.”

Location: 976 Memorial Library (Special Collections). Cookies & coffee will be available at 3:45pm.

September 25 (Friday) at Noon

Judy Houck and Meridith Beck Sayre, UW-Madison
“Technology in Teaching.”

October 2 (Friday) at Noon

No History of Science Brown Bag this week due to these excellent alternatives:

1) Fall 2009 “What is Human?” Conference

2) From the Department of Medical History and Bioethics:

Dr. Stuart J. Youngner
Case Western Reserve, Chair of the Bioethics Department
“The Dead Donor Rule and the Definition of Death: Should We Keep Playing Cat and Mouse?”
Friday Oct 2, 2009 – 12:00 noon – 1:00 pm.
K4/745 CSC

October 9 (Friday) at Noon

Adam Shapiro, Huntington Library
“The Credible Audiences of the Natural Theology.”

October 16 (Friday) at Noon

Bridget Collins, UW-Madison
“The Transformation of Domestic Medicine in America, 1900-1960.”

October 20 (Tuesday) at 4:00 pm

Colloquium: Emily Grosholz, Pennsylvania State University
“The Representation of Time: Awareness, Mathematics, and the Puzzle of Asymmetry.”

Location: 976 Memorial Library (Special Collections). Cookies & coffee will be available at 3:45pm.

October 23 (Friday) at Noon

Megan Raby, UW-Madison
“Placing the idea of biodiversity: US tropical biology in the Caribbean after 1898.”

October 27 (Tuesday) at 4:00 pm

Colloquium: Hugh Slotten, University of Otago
“Communication Satellites, Global History, and the Cold War.”

Location: 976 Memorial Library (Special Collections). Cookies & coffee will be available at 3:45pm. Cosponsored by the School of Journalism and Mass Communication and the Department of Communication Arts.

October 30 (Friday) at Noon

Eva Wirtén, Uppsala University
“Branding Science: the Intellectual Properties of Marie Curie.”

November 6 (Friday) at Noon

George Stoney, Director, All My Babies, How the Myth Was Made, and Planning for Floods, and Judith Leavitt and Gregg Mitman, UW-Madison
“Documentary Film and History.”

Note: Special location for this talk: Bradley 123

November 13 (Friday) at Noon

Peter Susalla, UW-Madison
“Demos and Cosmos in the Twentieth Century.”

November 17 (Tuesday) at 6:30 pm

Colloquium: J. L. Heilbron, University of Oxford
“Don Quixote among the Stars: Galileo Transformed by his Telescope.”

Please note the 6:30pm start time.

Location: 976 Memorial Library (Special Collections). Cookies & coffee will be available at 6:15pm. University Lecture, cosponsored by the Department of Astronomy, Isthmus Society, UW Space Place, the Department of Special Collections, and the Center for Renaissance and Early Modern Studies.

November 20 (Friday) at Noon

No Brown Bag – HSS meeting in Phoenix

November 27 (Friday) at Noon

No Brown Bag – Thanksgiving Holiday

December 1 (Tuesday) at 4:00 pm

Colloquium: Cynthia Connolly, Yale University
“TB or not TB: Children and Tuberculosis Prevention in the United States, 1900-1945.”

Location: 976 Memorial Library (Special Collections). Cookies & coffee will be available at 3:45pm.

December 4 (Friday) at Noon

Kellen Backer, Lynn Nyhart, and Eric Schatzberg, UW-Madison
“Reflections on Professional Meetings.”

December 11 (Friday) at Noon

Sam Schweber, History of Science, Brandeis University
“Writing the biography of Hans Bethe.”