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- Khalid Abdl-haleem
“’Tyranny of the weak:’ Eisenhower, the Arab, and the Suez Crisis”
Advisor: John Hall - Andrew Bartch
“The Romanization of Britain: acculturation and its effects on Celtic society
Advisor: Marc Kleijwegt - Kevin Dlugos
“Stuck on the sidelines: a history of cheerleading labor in the National Football League”
Advisor: Sean Dinces - Riley Sexton
“Counterinsurgency and genocide in Guatemala: reverberations of Vietnam”
Advisor: Florencia Mallon - Claire Steffen
“The white man’s burden: British oppression during the decolonization of Kenya”
Advisor: Daniel Ussishkin - Eva Tao
“Embracing the misunderstood world: early-modern European imaginations of China”
Advisor: Johann Somerville - Shuang Wu
“Growing up in the occupied Heimat: German Youths and American GIs, 1946-1956”
Advisor: Mary Louise Roberts - Dan Tagliarini
“The Goldwater-Nichols Act: Creating an Uncertain Future for Civil-Military Relations”
Advisor: John Hall
- Teo Diaconesco
Jokes and Networks: Everyday Resistance in Nicolae Ceausescu’s Romania
Advisor: Kathryn Ciancia - Peter Geppert
The Dean of Chastity: An Enforcement History of the NCAA
Advisor: Sean Dinces - Ryan Gesme
Schleswig-Holstein: A Conflict in Nationalism
Advisor: Rudy Koshar - Leah Hans
Clash of Popes and Kings: The Development of Papal Authority in the Eleventh Century
Advisor: Leonora Neville - Theodore Heckel
Unfamiliar Road, Familiar Roadmap
Advisor: John Sharpless - Max Lykins
A constructivist reading of Livy
Advisor: Marc Kleiwegt - Matt McElroy
Barth and Bonhoeffer: religious opposition to Nazism
Advisor: Rudy Koshar - David Meyerson
Unlikely Coalition: How Blacks and Whites Organized to Dismantle the Racist Housing Market in Oak Park, Illinois
Advisor: John Sharpless - Abigail Miller
Congress vs. Veterans’ Organizations on the Medical Care of Veterans
Advisor: John Sharpless - John Rizner
Supermen on the Silver Screen: Nietzschean thought and postwar memory in Stanley Kubrick’s unmade “Napoleon”
Advisor: Suzanne Desan - Julia Robles
Vietnamese Buddhist Activism and U.S. Foreign Policy, 1963-1966
Advisor: John Sharpless - Milada Vannarath
Changes in Lao Buddhist Rituals due to Migration
Advisor: Michael Cullinane - Haochen Wang
A Spectacle of Good and Bad: British Press on Germany, 1870-1914
Advisor: Daniel Ussishkin - Chenguang Zhu
The Raj in the Imperial Metropolis: Display of India in Expositions and Museums of Victorian London
Advisor: Daniel Ussishkin
- Jamie Botter
An Accepted Difference: The Marvel Comics Concept and American Culture, 1950-1975)
Advisor: Cindy Cheng - Corina Cheng
Beyond the Fog of Silence
Advisor: Judd Kinzley - Alex Craver
The Soviets Go Shopping
Advisor: Francine Hirsch - Jonathon Davies
Victorian Patent Abolitionism
Advisor: Daniel Ussishkin - Liyao Lu
Unignorable pressure with inconsistency–US impact on Taiwanese democratization in the era of Chiang Chin-kuo
Advisor: Judd Kinzley - Laura Luo
Vanishing Mountains: A History of the Ceramic Industry in Jiajiang, China
Advisor: Judd Kinzley - Gretchen Miron
Seneca’s Epistle 47: An Instructional Attempt for Improved Treatment of Slaves in the Roman Institution of Slavery
Advisor: Marc Kleijwegt - Megan Ness
Children at Work: Childhood Labor in the Ancient Greek World
Advisor: Claire Taylor - Michael Podgers
Berlin Means Boys: The Queer Topography of Berlin
Advisor: Rudy Koshar - Amanda Roush
Ulpian: The Legal Voice of Human Rights in Ancient Rome
Advisor: Marc Kleijwegt - Robert Sass
From Monarchy to Republic and Back: England the Anglo-Dutch Wars
Advisor: Johann Sommerville - Claire Siedow
The Queen Caroline Affair
Advisor: Daniel Ussishkin - Ben Siegel
The Congressman’s Novel and the Evolution of Northern Opposition in the Civil War
Advisor: Steve Kantrowitz - John Wendt
The Second Way of War: Genteel Honor, Martial Glory, and Frustration in the Antebellum Officer Corps, along the American Frontier
Advisor: John Hall - Greg Yax
Ivan Kireevsky and the Peasant Commune
Advisor: David McDonald
- Joseph Fitzgibbon
We’re Number One”: The Summit Series of 1972 and Canadian Identity
Advisor: David McDonald - Chelsey Wilson
Servilia and Atia: The Role of Maternal Power in Late Republican Rome
Advisor: Marc Kleijwegt
- Ede Bundity
From Horthy to Ra’kosi: Political Anti-Semitism under Fascism and Communism
Advisor: David Sorkin - Chris Callahan
China and Congo: A Relationship of Equals?
Advisor: Florence Bernault - Carissa Carroll
‘Like Sons of Immortal Spain’: An examination of motivations for American volunteers in the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939
Advisor: Laird Boswell - Sean Crocker
How the Vietnam War Changed Air Power Thinking
Advisor: John Hall - Catherine Diao
The Heren XVII: Dutch East India Company Management in the 17th century
Advisor: Lee Wandel - Natasha Dockter
Searching for Home: The Role of Place in the Life of Simon Dubnow
Advisor: David Sorkin - Jeff Eversman
Germany’s ‘Political Power Factor’: Tirpitz, the Second Navy Law, and the Genesis of an Anti-British Fleet
Advisor: Jeremi Suri - Diana Haidar
Assyrian Iron Working Technology and Civilization
Advisor: Marc Kleijwegt - Jenni Hedeman
Protest and Violence: A Comparative Study of the 1965 Teach-In and the 1967 Dow Chemical Company Protest at UW-Madison
Advisor: Jennifer Ratner-Rosenhagen - Matthew Hoadley
The Anglo-Saxon Inheritance: Legal Continuity in England after the Norman Invasion of 1066
Advisor: Karl Shoemaker - Robert Howard
How Playboy and Castro Helped Redefine 1950s American Masculinity
Advisor: Cindy Cheng - Jake Israel
British Multiculturalism: A Study of Integration Policy in the Context of Muslim Immigration & Post-War Minority Relations
Advisor: Laird Boswell - Jordan Kook
Claudius Redefined
Advisor: Marc Kleijwegt - Maura Kudronowicz
The Goddess Isis and the Appeal of Suffering in the Greco-Roman World
Advisor: Marc Kleijwegt - Will Marx
Francophone Reactions to Defeat at Nicopolis, 1396 CE
Advisor: Karl Shoemaker - Ryan Panzer
Defying Secularization: Protestant Political Theology and Church Relevance in Post-WWII Germany
Advisor: Rudy Koshar - Laura Stewart
Crime and Settlement: Extra-Judicial Dispute Resolution in Medieval England
Advisor: Karl Shoemaker - Leila Walker
Monarchical Identity in Early Modern Britain and its Role in the Development of English Nationalism
Advisor: Johann Sommerville
- Paul Axel
The Evil You Know: How China’s Nuclear Ambitions Changed the Cold War and the World
Advisor: Jeremi Suri - Robin Bates
Gendered Justice: Women on Trial During the French Revolution
Advisor: Suzanne Desan - Adam Breihan
Triumphant Insurgency: Meyer Adelman and the Emergence of Wisconsin SWOC
Advisor: William Jones - Anthony Canales
Sinking Hope, The Virtuous One, And The Developing Letter:The Struggle for U.S. Neutrality during the First World War
Advisor: John Cooper - Kristen Cassarini
West Point in War: The Influence of Antebellum USMA Curriculum on the Use of Hard War
Advisor: John Hall - Daniel Cohen
Rejecting Eugenics: Franz Boas and the American Jewish Committee, 1906-1935
Advisor: David Sorkin - Kelly Creech
The American Occupation: The Early Years: A Tale of Two Leaders
Advisor: Jeremi Suri - Sarah Dowd
Tensions in Tory Ideology: 1685-1690
Advisor: Johann Sommerville - Madeleine Dungy
French Farm Unions and the Political and Ideological Foundations of the Common Agricultural Policy
Advisor: Laird Boswell - Alexandria Dziamski
City Poles: The Building Blocks that Created and Supported Chicago’s Polish Triangle
Advisor: Tom Archdeacon - Nikita Ernst
Haole Historians: How the First Writers Transformed the History of Polynesia
Advisor: John Sharpless - Jack Garigliano
A Question of Authority: Class Consciousness and Scientific Expertise in Wisconsin Agriculture, 1878-1890
Advisor: John Sharpless - Joshua Hartman
Evaluating the Ideal: Roman Influence on Chivalric Ethos
Advisor: Marc Kleijwegt - Saad Jaka
Bhutto and the Bomb
Advisor: Jeremi Suri - Jacob Jurss
Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker’s Movement: Personalsim and the Seamen Strike of 1936
Advisor: William Jones - Gerald Kapinos
Enemy Prisoners of Wisconsin: A Comparative Study of the German and Japanese POW Systems
Advisor: John Hall - David Morris
How the U.S. lost Iran: Washington’s Destabilization of the Shah’s Regime in the 1960’s
Advisor: Jeremi Suri - Andrew Myszewski
Responsible Riches: The Intellectual Development of Corporate Social Responsibility, 1920-1960
Advisor: Colleen Dunlavy - Andrew O’Connor
The Shifting Shape of al-Qahira: The Question of Change and Continuity in High Medieval Egypt Through the Evidence of Urban Form in Cairo
Advisor: Michael Chamberlain - Mark Otto
Machiavelli’s Influence on Republican Theory in Early Stuart England
Advisor: Johann Sommerville - Nicole Powers
Contested Rosies: Portrayals of Women Workers in World War II Magazines
Advisor: Nan Enstad - Neil Sharma
Mamluk Studies: A State of the Art
Advisor: Michael Chamberlain - Kate Siberine
Publishers of Truth: The Inner Light and Quaker Autobiography
Advisor: William Reese - Alex Truong
Ticklers and Songwriters: American Acculturation in the Harlem Renaissance
Advisor: Nan Enstad - Kevin Vrevich
Federalist Death Nail: A Reanalysis of the Demise of the Federalist Party
Advisor: Jean Lee - Yongqing Douglas Yang
The Panamanian Paradox: A President’s Struggle to Remove Manuel Noriega
Advisor: Jeremi Suri
- Matthew Costello
Early American Intelligence: Race and Gender Tactics in the American Revolution
Advisor: Jean Lee - Staci Duros
Unnatural Parents: Parent-Child Relationships in the Roman World
Advisor: Marc Kleijwegt - Sarah Klentz
The Education of John Quincy Adams
Advisor: Bill Reese - Laura McCabe
Pope Pius and the Catholic church in WWII: Communications to the World and Direct Actions in Italy
Advisor: Rudy Koshar - Arlen McCann
Short-Lived Correspondence: Gamal Abdel Nasser and John F. Kennedy
Advisor: Jeremi Suri - Peter McGarraugh
The Scholar, the Poet and the Technocrat: Cuban and Filipino Nationalism and the Formation of American Colonial Policy
Advisor: Francisco Scarano - Monica Meyer
Indecision 1655: The Debate Surrounding the Readmission of Jews to England
Advisor: Johann Sommerville - Lindsay Miller
Contributions of the Postal Service to Victory in the American Revolution
Advisor: Jean Lee - Andrew Myszewski
Responsible Riches: A History of Corporate Social Responsibility in the United States, 1918-1968
Advisor: Colleen Dunlavy - Robb Nelson
Radical Democracy in the Midwest: The Formation of the Minnesota Farmer-Labor Party
Advisor: Camille Guérin-Gonzales - Evan Nordgren
Broken Treaties: The Impact of Land Use Change in Sawyer County, Wisconsin on the Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe
Advisor: Susan Johnson - Daniel Rebholz
Be a Person of Today: The Selling of ‘Modernity’ in Early Postcolonial Kenyan Newspaper Advertisements
Advisor: Neil Kodesh - James Reuter
Rendering Unto Caesar: The Catholic Church and its Confrontation with German National Socialism
Advisor: Rudy Koshar - Stephanie Sokolowski
Charles Wilson Peale: A Revolutionary Marketer
Advisor: Jean Lee - William Thomson
The Making of the Writ of Liberty: Habeas Corpus, 1200-1628
Advisor: Johann Sommerville - Lance Vest
The 1830 Trial of Chief Oshkosh and the Career of James Doty
Advisor: Ned Blackhawk
- Michael Albrecht
Spectre of Sedition: The Okhrana, the Cheka, and Suppression as a Means of Bolshevik Statecraft
Advisor: David McDonald - Taylor Anvid
Prostitutes, Pomegranates, and Patriarchy: The Role of Contraceptives and Abortifacients in Sixth-Century Byzantine Society
Advisor: John Scarborough - Carolyn Arena
The Hat Act of 1732: American Manufacture and International Competition in Atlantic Markets
Advisor: John Sharpless - Kerry Bryan
No Sick Call for the Negro: How Segregation in the United States Army Negatively Affected African American Soldiers’ Health During World War II
Advisor: William Van DeBurg - Kristin Czubkowski
Wrong Place, Wrong Time: Central-American Asylum-Seekers in the Post-Refugee Act Era
Advisor: Thomas Archdeacon - Benjamin Emmrich
Livian Emphasis: The Role of Roman Moral Values in the Ab Urbe Condita
Advisor: Marc Kleijwegt - Marissa Floyd
The Growth of Hamas: An Examination of the Sociopolitical Conditions of the Occupied Territories in the 1980s
Advisor: Samer Alatout - Alex Gagnon
The Paris Agreement: The Diplomatic Joust Between Henry Kissinger and Le Duc Tho
Advisor: Jeremi Suri - William Glassman
Royalism, Resistance and Religion in Restoration Scotland: 1660-1688
Advisor: Johann Sommerville - Jason Heinen
The Federalism Argument in Civil War Wisconsin: How the State Rights Doctrine Was Debated and Used Between 1854 and 1864
Advisor: John Sharpless - Matthew Ho
Chinese Students in America: The Post-Tiananmen Square Campaign of Intimidation
Advisor: Jeremi Suri - Lisa Hodkiewicz
Breaking the Norms: Women and the Modern Olympic Games of Pierre de Coubertin
Advisor: Laird Boswell - Justin King
Partners and Rivals: Political Economy and American Diplomacy, 1969-1974
Advisor: Jeremi Suri - Thomas Kivi
Montaigne, Descartes, and the Malleable Augustine
Advisor: Lee Wandel - Alex Leites
Myth and Restoration in the Axial Age: How Writers in Ancient China, Greece and Israel Preserved Oral Teachings through Sociopolitical Decline
Advisor: Marc Kleijwegt - Peter Lund
Beyond Mantinea: The Theban Tactical Revolution and the Epaminondas Tradition
Advisor: Marc Kleijwegt - Mike Malone
Reconceptualizing the Roman Soldier: Social Movement in the Late Republican Army as the Foundation for the Roman Revolution
Advisor: Marc Kleijwegt - Benjamin McCready
From Factories to Fields: The Rise and Fall of Whitewater, WI, 1837-1900
Advisor: Colleen Dunlavy - Jaclyn Mich
I Was a Suburbanite for the FBI: How the Postwar G-Man Fought Communism in Popular Culture
Advisor: John Sharpless - Matthew Niemet
No Place Left for Byzantium: Diplomatic Urgency during the Reign of Emperor Manuel II Palaeologus (AD 1391-1413)
Advisor: Michael Chamberlain - Caitlyn Pisarski
The Plight of Legal Immigrants: Resistance and Resilience after the 1996 Welfare Reform
Advisor: Thomas Archdeacon - Yolanda Purdy
A Boat for the Lwa
Advisor: James Sweet - Corey Sheahan
Byzantium in the early years of Alexius: From Crisis to Stability
Advisor: Marc Kleijwegt - Pavel Sternberg
Separating Apartheid: The Division Between Rhetoric and Action Toward Apartheid South Africa in the Kennedy Administration
Advisor: Jeremi Suri - Jesse Zarley
Settling the Mapuche Question: Concessionary Colonization in Chile, 1900-1912
Advisor: Florencia Mallon - Lisbeth Zeggane
Beyond Barbed Wires: The Deterioration of the Japanese American Family
Advisor: Jeremi Suri
- Talal Al-Rashoud
Democracy in the Writings of the Ideologues of the Muslim Brotherhood
Advisor: Michael Chamberlain - Sandra Brasda
Joseph McCarthy and the Wisconsin Republican Party, 1946-1954
Advisor: John Cooper - Joel Feingold
Red (White and Blue): Communism, Finnishness, and America in the Upper Midwest, 1907-1940
Advisor: Tony Michels - Meryl Hoeft
Cultural Critics and Reformers: Refining the Greek Ideal in German Education, 1870 – 1914
Advisor: Rudy Koshar - Michael Johnson
Douglas MacArthur and the Fall of the Philippines, 1941-1944
Advisor: John Cooper - Jason Karnosky
Nikita S. Khrushchev Visits America, September 1959: Analyzing Khrushchev’s Time in America, and the Attempt to use Personal Diplomacy to Overcome Cold War Ideological Differences
Advisor: Francine Hirsch - Dan Katz
The My Lai Massacre: Psychological Effects of Guerilla Warfare
Advisor: John Cooper - Patrick Kelly
Of Pawns and Players: U.S.-British Politics vis-à-vis Jewish Refugess, 1945-1948
Advisor: Thomas Archdeacon - Katrina Kobor
Transnational Rights Struggles: Aboriginal Australians and the Influence of African-American Movements, 1925-1972
Advisor: Warwick Anderson - John Koczela
Behold the Man: The Western Search for Muhammad in the “Clear Light of History”
Advisor: Michael Chamberlain - Lee Kujava
British Euroskepticism during the Membership Application Process for the European Community, 1969-1975
Advisor: Jonathan Zeitlin - Rich Langweber
“The Sanction of Law:” The Supreme Court and Civil Rights from Plessy to Brown
Advisor: John Cooper - Brenna Miller
‘Justice for Djilas’: The New York Times, Milovan Djilas, and the Fight for Free Speech, Human Rights, and Legality in Yugoslavia
Advisor: Francine Hirsch - Chandra Oroszváry
African-American Mortality in Philadelphia’s Eastern State Penitentiary
Advisor: Steve Kantrowitz - Eli Persky
The Commercialization of Political Control & The Militarization of Commerce
US Military Contracting After the Cold War
Advisor: John Sharpless - Liana Prescott
To Create a New Japan: ‘National Essence’ and the Critique of Modernity, 1880-1937
Advisor: Louise Young - Emily Schmitt
Rediscovering My Odyssey: An Analysis of One Creole’s Identity during the Haitian Revolution
Advisor: Suzanne Desan - Ann Slabosky
COYOTE Tricksters: Humor and a New Discourse on Sex Worker Identity San Francisco 1972-1990
Advisor: Nan Enstad - Matthew Tallant
They Washed Their Hands in the Sea: Origins of the Roman Navy
Advisor: Marc Kleijwegt - Russell Thompson
Russia, the Jews, and National Policy in the Nineteenth Century
Advisor: David McDonald - Steven von Horn
Re-conceptualizing Liberia: The Formative Period of 1800-1847
Advisor: Neil Kodesh - Steven M. Weber
‘Fighting Bob’ Stops Fighting: Senator Robert M. La Follette, Dissent, and Patriotism
During World War I
Advisor: John Cooper - Jonathan Wu
Gaining and Relinquishing the Text: Reading, Writing and Shaka
Advisor: Neil Kodesh - Emily Young
The Politicization of Lebanese Shiites: 1943-1995
Advisor: Michael Chamberlain
- Mei-Ling Anderson
Situationism in May 1968
Advisor: Laird Boswell - Carolyn Averill
From Remembrance to Conscience: A Study of the Goals of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum
Advisor: Rudy Koshar - Quilen Blackwell
Neighborhood Power: Neighborhood Organizing and Business Relations in the United States between 1940 and 1970
Advisor: Colleen Dunlavy - Joey Cienian
Advisor: Jeremi Suri - Benjamin Dahl
Help or Hindrance: The Role of Violence in the 1960s Student Movement in West Berlin
Advisor: Rudy Koshar - Daniel Deacon
The Art of Law: Artificial Reason and Equity in Seventeenth Century English Legal Theory
Advisor: Johann Sommerville - Adam Diederich
The Origins, Rise, and Transition of Conservative Ideas in American Politics: A Study of National Review Conservatism from 1955-1988
Advisor: Jeremi Suri - Emily Fransee
Victim to Executioner: French Torture and Response during the Algerian Revolution
Advisor: Lou Roberts - Shauna Fitzmahan
The Sixties Generation: Skepticism in Soviet Ukraine
Advisor: Jeremi Suri - Simon Ford
Creating the East: Antioch and the Empire, 195-347
Advisor: Marc Kleijwegt - Eric Gifford
The Unionization of Technicians during the French Popular Front, 1934-1938
Advisor: Laird Boswell - Dan Hudson
Saffron in the Mediterranean World
Advisor: Marc Kleijwegt - Annie Kahn
Supporting Reconstruction: Rebuilding Atlanta, 1864-1872
Advisor: Colleen Dunlavy - Trevor Leverson
The Economic Impact of the ‘Holy Man’ in Byzantium 300-600 C.E.
Advisor: Paul Stephenson - Trevor Owens
A Child’s Eye View of Life as a Scientist: Science, Society and Gender in the History of Children’s Biographies of Marie Curie and Albert Einstein
Advisor: History of Science - Mike Pangborn
Wounded Soldier, Disabled Veteran
Advisor: Thomas Archdeacon - Joseph Richie
Unintended Culture Clash: Temperance Motivations and the Resistance to Prohibition in Wisconsin, 1905-1920
Advisor: John Cooper - Jason Rozumalski
Vegetable Politick: Enlightenment and English Rural Life
Advisor: Jean Lee - Michelle Wagner
Six Day War: Questioning Israel’s Use of Force
Advisor: Michael Chamberlain