Jennifer (JJ) Reynolds-Strange


Advisor: Florence C. Hsia
Curriculum Vitae (pdf)

JJ Reynolds Strange headshot


My interests include the translation of nomenclature, constructing scientific disciplines, and scientists’ participation in nationalist rhetoric in China during the early twentieth century. My research focuses on modern Chinese history (late imperial to 1950) and the history of Chemistry (carbon-based chemistry or organic chemistry) and pharmaceuticals. My dissertation project will span the first half of the twentieth century and consider the role of political rhetoric in constructing a scientific community and the role of standardization in discipline formation.


M.A., University of Wisconsin Madison
M.A., Columbia University
B.A., University of Nevada, Reno
B.S., University of Nevada, Reno


  • History of Science, Medicine, and Technology
  • East Asian History

M.A. Title

  • “Building Molecules out of Characters: The Development of Organic Chemistry Nomenclature in China from 1850-1920”

Working Dissertation Title

  • “Defined by Molecules: chemical discipline(s) formation in China from 1900-1949 “

Selected Awards

  • Fulbright US Student 2023-24

Courses Taught as TA

  • History of Science 201 – The Origins of Scientific Thought (F21, F22)