David Kuenzi
Position title: Board of Visitors

David Kuenzi majored in History and Political Science and graduated from UW in 1989. He was fortunate to be mentored by several UW history luminaries including David MacDonald, who helped foster for David an enduring fascination with Russia. He also had the good fortune of studying with Thomas Skidmore, Alfred Senn, Maurice Meisner, Melvin Croan (Political Science) and Edward Friedman (Political Science). Kuenzi went on to a career in finance, working in London, Moscow and New York City, before returning to Madison and founding Thun Financial Advisors. Thun Financial was sold in 2020 to Creative Planning, one of the largest independent wealth managers in the United States. Kuenzi now serves as the Director of International Wealth Management for Creative Planning, leading its international expansion.