William Cronon

Position title: Emeritus Professor

Email: wcronon@wisc.edu

Curriculum Vitae (pdf) | Website

William Cronon


My teaching and research specializations focus principally on the environmental history, landscape history, and historical geography of North America, concentrating mainly on the United States with a secondary interest in Canada. I am committed to history that makes the past come alive for public audiences, both in the form of written storytelling and the many new media that have become available in this digital age. My current projects include a book on The Making of the American Landscape and a history of Portage, Wisconsin since the last Ice Age.


Ph.D., Yale
D.Phil., Oxford
M.A., Yale
B.A., University of Wisconsin – Madison


Selected Publications

  • Storytelling” (AHA Presidential Address), American Historical Review 118:1 (February 2013), 1-19.

History Courses

  • History/Geography/Environmental Studies 460 – American Environmental History – Course Webpage
  • History/Geography/Environmental Studies 469 – The Making of the American Landscape – Course Webpage
  • History/Geography 932 – Topics in American Environmental History – Course Webpage