Leslie Abadie

Position title: Department Administrator

Email: abadie@wisc.edu

Phone: 608.263.1810

Office: 3211L Mosse Humanities
Mailbox: 3211 Mosse Humanities

Leslie Abadie headshot

The Department Administrator provides professional administrative leadership for the department. Assuming delegated authority from the Department Chair to administer the day to day operations of the department and manage the academic and administrative responsibilities, fiscal operations, and provide administrative leadership. Is liaison between faculty, staff and students and ensures that departmental needs are served and supported either directly or through delegation in the following areas: personnel supervision; guidance and direction of employees; instruction; governance issues; gift and grant administration; strategic planning; budget management and forecasting; financial administration; purchasing; payroll and personnel; recruitment, hiring, contracting, retention, promotion, tenure, merit, dismissal, etc.; record management; and the interpretation and implementation of policies and procedures.