Judith A. Houck. Looking Through the Speculum: Examining the Women’s Health Movement. University of Chicago Press, 2024.
Gregg Mitman. Empire of Rubber: Firestone’s Scramble for Land and Power in Liberia. The New Press, 2021.
Pablo F. Gómez (Editor), and Diego Armus (Editor). The Gray Zones of Medicine: Healers and History in Latin America. University of Pittsburgh Press, 2021.
Elizabeth Hennessy. On the Backs of Tortoises: Darwin, the Galapagos, and the Fate of an Evolutionary Eden. Yale University Press, 2019.
Daniel Stolz. The Lighthouse and the Observatory: Islam, Science, and Empire in Late Ottoman Egypt. Cambridge University Press, 2018.
Nicole C. Nelson. Model Behavior: Animal Experiments, Complexity, and the Genetics of Psychiatric Disorders. University of Chicago Press, 2018.
Gregg Mitman (Co-editor), Marco Armiero (Co-editor), and Robert S. Emmett (Co-editor). Future Remains: A Cabinet of Curiosities for the Anthropocene. University of Chicago Press, 2018.
Pablo F. Gómez. The Experiential Caribbean: Creating Knowledge and Healing in the Early Modern Atlantic. University of North Carolina Press, 2018.
Gregg Mitman (Co-editor), and Kelley Wilder (Co-editor). Documenting the World: Film, Photography, and the Scientific Record. University of Chicago Press, 2016.
Richard C. Keller. Fatal Isolation: The Devastating Paris Heat Wave of 2003. University of Chicago Press, 2015.
Warwick Anderson (Co-editor), Deborah Jenson (Co-editor), and Richard C. Keller (Co-editor). Unconscious Dominions: Psychoanalysis, Colonial Trauma, and Global Sovereignties. Duke University Press, 2011.
Richard C. Keller (Editor), Robert Dingwall (Editor), and Carine Vassy (Editor). Enregistrer Les Morts, Identifier Les surmortalités Une Comparaison Angleterre, États-Unis Et France. Presses de l’EHESP, l’Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Santé Publique, 2010.
Florence C. Hsia. Sojourners in a Strange Land: Jesuits and Their Scientific Missions in Late Imperial China. University of Chicago Press, 2009.
Susan E. Lederer. Flesh and Blood: Organ Transplantation and Blood Transfusion in 20th Century America. Oxford University Press, 2008.
Judith A. Houck. Hot and Bothered: Women, Medicine, and Menopause in Modern America. Harvard University Press, 2008.
Gregg Mitman. Breathing Space: How Allergies Shape Our Lives and Landscapes. Yale University Press, 2007.
Richard C. Keller. Colonial Madness: Psychiatry in French North Africa. University of Chicago Press, 2007.
Hasok Chang (Co-editor), and Catherine M. Jackson (Co-editor). An Element of Controversy: The Life of Chlorine in Science, Medicine, Technology and War. British Society for the History of Science, 2007.
Lorraine Daston (Editor), and Gregg Mitman (Editor). Thinking With Animals: New Perspectives on Anthropomorphism. Columbia University Press, 2005.
Gregg Mitman (Co-editor), Michelle Murphy (Co-editor), and Christopher Sellers (Co-editor). Landscapes of Exposure: Knowledge and Illness in Modern Environments. University of Chicago Press, 2004.
Gregg Mitman. Reel Nature: America’s Romance With Wildlife on Film. Harvard University Press, 1999.
Susan E. Lederer. Subjected to Science: Human Experimentation in America before the Second World War. Johns Hopkins University Press, 1995.
Gregg Mitman. The State of Nature: Ecology, Community, and American Social Thought, 1900-1950. University of Chicago Press, 1992.