Faculty Profile Update Form

"*" indicates required fields


  • Complete the form below to add any new information or to revise what already appears online. You must submit your name and email with every update. The bio field is a required field; if there are no changes, please enter "no change."
  • To add or change your picture, please attach a high-res, forward-facing, color photo of just you (no pets or other people). Note: All photos will be cropped from shoulders up--do not submit small or distant photos!

To update your faculty photo, please attach a high-res, forward-facing, color photo.
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 24 MB, Max. files: 3.
    Biography. In this section, please describe your research interests and provide any other information you would like to include. We encourage you to write narratively rather than list your interests. Use first person and write in full sentences. If you have already submitted a biography and don't want to edit it, please enter "No Change" in this field.
    B.A. institution, M.A. institution (Note: Proper use periods when listing your degrees--i.e. B.A./B.S./M.A./Ph.D./etc.)
    Please list book title, publisher, and the link to the book on the publisher's website.
    A listing of videos and podcasts you are apart of or featured in. Please include links.
    Please list publications in descending order, beginning with the most recent. Please include a URL if you would like us to link directly to your work.
    A listing of talks and research presentations that you have given. List by date with the most recent on top.
    Please include course numbers and list courses in numerical order beginning with the lowest number.
    Please be wary of including too much personal information.
    Max. file size: 24 MB.
    This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.