Dissertator: Abbott, Nicholas J.
Dissertation title: “Household, Family, and State: Negotiating Sovereignty and Sarkar in the Awadh Nawabi, 1775-1840”
Advisor: Wink, Andre
Dissertator: Allen, Grace
Dissertation title: “France’s Postwar Emporium: French Commercial Expositions from 1945 to 1975”
Advisor: Roberts, Mary Louise and Laird Boswell
Dissertator: Baranowski, Bradley
Dissertation title: “America’s Moral Conscience: John Rawls and the Making of Modern Liberalism”
Advisor: Ratner-Rosenhagen, Jennifer
Dissertator: Blanc, Jacob
Dissertation title: “The Price of Peace: Itaipu and the Meanings of Land and Opposition in Brazil, 1957-1984”
Advisor: Stern, Steve J. and Florencia E. Mallon
Dissertator: Casals, Marcelo
Dissertation title: “Middle Class and Dictatorship in Chile: Consent, Negotiation, and Crisis, 1970-1983”
Advisor: Stern, Steve J.
Dissertator: Duros, Staci
Dissertation title: “Mourning an Emperor: The Sociopolitical Spectacle of Death, Dynasty, and the Funeral during the Transformation of the Roman Republic to Principate”
Advisor: Kleijwegt, Marc
Dissertator: Dowdall, Aaron
Dissertation title: “‘We Saw Israel’: American and Israeli Workers in the Middle East and Africa, 1948-1972”
Advisor: Plummer, Brenda Gayle
Dissertator: Fields, David
Dissertation title: “The Influence of Korean Lobbying on U.S.-Korean Relations, 1905–1945”
Advisor: Reese, William J.
Dissertator: Gale, Samuel E.
Dissertation title: “‘It’s a Press Victory’: African American Newspaper Coverage of Black Sports and the Struggle for Racial Equality”
Advisor: Jones, William P.
Dissertator: Grant, Paul G.
Dissertation title: “Mutual Religious Change in an African-European Encounter: Ghanaian Christians and their Germans, 1835-1935”
Advisor: Koshar, Rudy J.
Dissertator: Gross, Rachel
Dissertation title: “From Buckskin to Gore-Tex: Consumption as a Path to Mastery in Twentieth-Century American Wilderness Recreation”
Advisor: Cronon, William J.
Dissertator: Harrisville, David
Dissertation title: “Fabricating a Righteous Cause: The Wartime Origins of the Wehrmacht Myth, 1941-1944”
Advisor: Koshar, Rudy J.
Dissertator: Holzman, MayaLisa
Dissertation title: “The Front Within: The Soviet Partisan Movement, the Komsomol, and the Ideological War on the Eastern Front, 1941-44”
Advisor: Hirsch, Francine R.
Dissertator: Hommerding, Christopher
Dissertation title: “The Pixies of Pendarvis: History, Performance, and Queerness in Twentieth-Century Small-Town Wisconsin”
Advisor: Enke, A. Finn
Dissertator: Hutchison, Camden
Dissertation title: “Regulating the Corporation: Legal and Economic Policy Development in Twentieth-Century America”
Advisor: Dunlavy, Colleen A.
Dissertator: Iwai, Shuma
Dissertation title: “Power and Money in Modern Japan: An Economic Perspective from Yamaji Aizan’s Writings”
Advisor: Young, Louise C.
Dissertator: Kim, Daniel
Dissertation title: “Intelligentsia under Empire: Proletarian Authors, Socialist Feminists, and the Fate of Korean Intellectuals in Japan, 1920-1945”
Advisor: Young, Louise C.
Dissertator: McGrath, Elena
Dissertation title: “Drinking and Dynamite: Revolution and Social Struggle in a Bolivian Mining Town, 1900-1992”
Advisor: Mallon, Florencia E. and Steve J. Stern
Dissertator: Medrano, Anthony
Dissertation title: “Following Fish: Science, Industry, and the Asian Marine Environment, 1822 -1941”
Advisor: McCoy, Alfred W.
Dissertator: Olson, Alexander
Dissertation title: “Between the Oak and the Olive: Environment and Society in Byzantium, 650-1150”
Advisor: Neville, Leonora
Dissertator: Ortiz, Alberto
Dissertation title: “Redeeming Bodies and Souls: Penitentiary Science and Spirituality in Twentieth-Century Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic”
Advisor: Scarano, Francisco A.
Dissertator: Sharnak, Debbie
Dissertation title: “De Luz y Lucha in Uruguay: Contesting the International History of Human Rights”
Advisor: Stern, Steve J. and Jennifer Ratner-Rosenhagen
Dissertator: Slaight, Jillian
Dissertation title: “Seduction: Sexuality, Authority, and Enlightenment in Eighteenth-Century France”
Advisor: Desan, Suzanne
Dissertator: Steele, Kyle
Dissertation title: “Making a Mass Institution: Indianapolis and the American Public High School, 1900-1954”
Advisor: Reese, William J.
Dissertator: Taira, Derek
Dissertation title: “Imua Me Ka Hopo Ole – ‘Forward, Without Fear’: Native Hawaiians and American Schooling in Territorial Hawaiʻi, 1900-1941”
Advisor: Reese, William J.
Dissertator: Tamboli, Vikram
Dissertation title: “Black Powers and Bush Talk: Histories of Race, Radicalism, and Violence in Twentieth-Century Guyana”
Advisor: Mallon, Florencia E. and Steve J. Stern
Dissertator: Warner, H. William
Dissertation title: “Mobility and Muscle: Afghan Migration and the Frontiers of British India, c. 1800-1947”
Advisor: Wink, Andre