Timeline – 1960 – Science + Medicine + Technology

Vaccinating the Poor, print by Sol Eytinge, Jr., 1873.
Vaccinating the Poor, print by Sol Eytinge, Jr., 1873. U.S. National Library of Medicine.

The teaching of medical history at the UW was formalized in 1950 when the Department of the History of Medicine was created in the UW School of Medicine. History of Medicine faculty held joint appointments in the History of Science Department.

In the 1960s, responding to public criticism of the engineering profession, the College of Engineering appointed two historians of technology. They, too, held joint appointments in the History of Science Department.

In recognition of its expanded scope, the History of Science degree programs were renamed “History of Science, Medicine, and Technology” ca. 2007-2008.

Source: Victor L. Hilts, “History of Science at the University of Wisconsin,” Isis 75 (March 1984): 79, 91.