Request for Department of History Funding "*" indicates required fields Please submit the following information in order to request financial support from the Department of History. Submission of this form does not guarantee that your request will be granted.Please describe the event or endeavor for which you are requesting funding. If this is for an event, please include an event title, date(s), and description of the scope and purpose.*Is this an “Official University Function”?*Please note that Official University Functions require a pre-approval process at the University level. It is the responsibility of the primary event sponsor to complete the pre-approval process. Yes No Amount Requested:*Main contact/sponsor of the event:* Are you requesting any support from the Department of History staff to administer these funds? If so, check all that apply:* I am not requesting Department administrative support Lodging Airfare Honorarium/Travel Incidentals Publicity (Poster Design, Advertising, etc.) Space Reservation Event Tech Support Food/Refreshment Arrangements Ordering Supplies Student Hourly Assistance Other (please explain below) Other: Reminder: Administrative support and Department funding are not guaranteed, and may be granted separately.Request Submitted By:* Email* Consent* I understand my information is being used for Department Funding purpose(s).PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.