History Department Book Workshop Awards

These awards will fund workshops wherein up to 3 external readers are brought together to discuss a faculty member’s book manuscript. The goal of the discussion will be to allow the faculty member to make sound choices about the revisions and adjustments needed to transform the manuscript into a first-rate book.

The department will award $6,000 for 3 honoraria of $2,000 each to 3 readers for your workshop. You may choose to invite a UW-Madison employee to be a reader, in which case they will receive $2,000 in research funds instead of an honorarium. You will also receive funding of up to $400 for group meal(s) during the visit.

Readers are responsible for making and paying for their own travel arrangements including airfare, lodging, travel incidentals, etc. The department will make every effort to have honoraria checks available on arrival, provided that the faculty member has submitted the appropriate honoraria information at least 6-8 weeks prior to the visit.

  • Eligibility for 1st book workshop: Faculty member must have applied for the Center for the Humanities 1st book project funding awards without success.
  • Eligibility for 2nd book workshop: All faculty working on 2nd book project.
  • Eligibility for 3rd or subsequent book workshop: All faculty working on next book project without sufficient additional funding (Romnes, Vilas, named professorship, etc.).

Workshop proposals: Submit to the chair a one-page summary of the book in development, including a schedule for completion. Include a statement indicating whether the work is under contract with a publisher and a list of prospective invitees to the workshop. Also include a tentative agenda for the workshop including prospective dates and meeting location.