Congratulations to senior History major Emma Strenski!! Emma has received a Fulbright U.S. Student Program award to Bosnia and Herzegovina in Modern History from the U.S. Department of State and the J. William Fulbright Foreign …
Caitlin Tyler-Richards wins Mellon University Press Diversity Fellowship
Caitlin Tyler-Richards, History PhD candidate in African History, has won a Mellon University Press Diversity Fellowship at the University of Washington Press for 2018-2019. This prestigious fellowship will allow Caitlin to continue work on her …
Lecture: Christopher P. Loss
“Whatever Happened to the Educational Left? San Diego in the 1960s” Christopher P. Loss Vanderbilt University Monday, May 7, 2018 3:30-5:00 pm Education 245 Sponsored by the Educational Policy Studies department
Kantrowitz-Led Committee Releases Report on the Ku Klux Klan at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
After months of research, a study group convened by Chancellor Blank to study the history of racism and exclusion on the UW-Madison campus released its final report. Our own Stephen Kantrowitz co-chaired the committee along …
Roundtable – European Antisemitism
The state of the field on European antisemitism Hosted by Renato Moro and John Connolly Tuesday, May 29, 2018 4:00 PM Curt Lounge (Rm 5233 Mosse Humanities Bldg.) Co-sponsored by the Mosse Program and the …
MA Thesis Research Presentation: Nicholas Seay
“REVOLUTION LOCALIZED: PORTRAYALS OF TAJIKISTAN IN SOVIET LITERATURE, 1927-1941” MA candidate Nicholas Seay presents his master’s thesis. Thursday, May 3, 2018 4:00-5:30 PM 336 Ingraham Hall
Charles Cohen gives talk in Milwaukee
Badger Café: “Jews and Muslims in Christian America” Charles Cohen, an award-winning professor emeritus in the UW–Madison Department of History and the founding director of the Lubar Institute for the Study of Abrahamic Religions, teaches …
Performing History
“Performing History: Documenting and Enacting the Asian American Midwest” Tuesday, May 1, 2018, Mitchell Theater, Vilas Hall 7:00 PM: “Our Stories, Our History”: Snapshots of Asian America in the Midwest A performance piece composed …
Africa At Noon – Julius Nziza
“Conservation, Prevention, and Rescue: Saving Gorilla Populations in Eastern and Central Africa” Julius Nziza Mountain Gorilla Veterinary Project & UC-Davis Wildlife Help Center Wednesday, April 25, 2018 12:00 PM 206 Ingraham Hall Dr. Julius Nziza …
Michael B. Petrovich Lecture – Sergei I. Zhuk
11th Annual Michael B. Petrovich Lecture supported by the Alice D. Mortensen/Petrovich Chair in Russian History “Soviet Americana: or How Russians Learned to Love and Hate America” Sergei I. Zhuk Professor of History, Ball State …