History Graduate Students Release Podcast Interview about “Missionary Photography in Republican China”

Joseph HoHistory graduate students Galen Poor and Joshua Tan interviewed Joseph Ho for the TransAsia and the World podcast about his intersecting interests in the modern history of Christianity in China and the history of photography. Learn about cultural encounters between Americans and China in the early twentieth century, the unique position of American missionaries in early twentieth century China, the history of photography and film-making in China, and how photographs and other visual materials are a rich and unique archival source to do history.

Joseph Ho is Assistant Professor of History at Albion College and a Center Associate at the University of Michigan’s Lieberthal-Rogel Center for Chinese Studies. He completed his PhD in history from the University of Michigan in 2017. Ho is the co-editor of War and Occupation in China: The Letters of an American Missionary from Hangzhou, 1937-1938 (Lehigh University Press (October 2017).

The listen to the podcast, see TransAsia and the World: Looking at Asia through a transnational lens.