UW Alumna Rachel Gross Wins Best Dissertation Prize

The Business History Conference has awarded the 2018 Herman E. Krooss Prize for Best Dissertation in Business History to Dr. Rachel Gross (Ph.D. 2017) (https://rachel-gross.com/). Enterprise and Society published a summary of the project, “From Buckskin to Gore-Tex: Consumption as a Path to Mastery in Twentieth-Century American Wilderness Recreation.”

The prize citation noted that “the committee has decided to confer the 2018 Krooss Dissertation Prize on a dissertation that makes great strides towards explaining the connection between our contemporary understanding of the environment and the business of outdoor recreation, a dissertation that demonstrated that even we, three urban academics who don’t own hiking shoes nor dream of camping holidays, share in the transformation of a business that has literally evolved from ‘Buckskin to Gore-Tex.'”

Rachel Gross is a Postdoctoral Teaching, Research, and Mentoring Fellow at the Davidson Honors College of the University of Montana.