The legendary University of Wisconsin-Madison professor George Mosse taught courses in European cultural history, providing unique insight into racism and fascism. Mosse retired in 1987, but his work couldn’t be more relevant in an era plagued by increasing intolerance and authoritarianism. That helps explain the appeal of What History Tells, an online course featuring Mosse’s original lectures.
UW-Madison offers a new installment of the course on March 26-May 4, focusing on “European Racism, Anti-Semitism, and the Fate of Liberalism, 1890-1945.” Participants will listen to recordings of Mosse’s lectures from 1971-94, watch a new video adapted from one of his slide presentations, and read his revelatory works. Skye Doney, a historian with UW-Madison’s George L. Mosse Program in History, will introduce weekly topics and facilitate online discussions to place the archival material in the context of current events.
Read full article and course information on UW Continuing Studies Website.