Intellectual History Group Meeting with Elizabeth Minnich

The Intellectual History Group invites you to attend a special round table on the moral imperative of thinking


Elizabeth Minnich
Professor of Moral Philosophy and Senior Scholar
Association of American Colleges & Universities

Thursday, November 9, 2017
4:00 – 5:30 PM
212 University Club

Elizabeth Minnich is a professor of moral philosophy and Senior Scholar at the Association of American Colleges & Universities (AACU). She chaired the North Carolina Humanities Council and the Committee on Public Philosophy of the American Philosophical Association, and helped found the international Public Philosophy Network. Since earning her Ph.D., during which time she served as Hannah Arendt’s teaching assistant, she has practiced what she calls her “fieldwork philosophizing” through many projects that bring people together to think, talk, and act. She is the author of Transforming Knowledge (Temple University Press, 1990, 2005) and co-author with Si Kahn of The Fox in the Henhouse: How Privatization Threatens Democracy (Berrett-Koehler, 2005). Her most recent book, The Evil of Banality: On the Life and Death Importance of Thinking, was published in 2017 by Rowman & Littlefield. A reviewer for “Choice,” the journal of the American Library Association, called it “essential” for a range of audiences from undergraduates to faculty to the general public.

Suggested readings include:

  1. Norman Stockwell, “An Appeal for Thoughtfulness (pdf),” The Progressive.
  2. Jennifer Stitt, “Before you can be with others, first learn to be alone,” Aeon (
  3. Interview with Skye Cleary, APA Blog (
  4. Elizabeth Minnich, The Evil of Banality (2017).