Prof. Shank helps Univ. of Vienna celebrate 650th birthday

March 2015

2015 marks the 650th birthday of the University of Vienna. The foundation was celebrated by a host of events, including an exhibition of 14th-15thC manuscripts and artifacts in the splendid Prunksaal of the Austrian National Library, one of the most beautiful libraries in the world. Mike Shank was the only non-European contributor to the commemorative volume, Wien 1365: Eine Universitat Entsteht, ed. Heidrun Rosenberg. His article surveys science in the early university and its context (the lively 15thC astronomical activities of Vienna included the works of John of Gmunden, George Peuerbach, and Johannes Regiomontanus). Both Professor and Carol Shank attended the festive opening of the exhibition and the book release on March 5-6.