Mitch Aso to be awarded DHST Young Scholars Prize

February 2013

The Division of History of Science and Technology (DHST), a division under the International Union of the History and Philosophy of Science, has selected Mitch Aso’s dissertation, Forests without birds: A history of ecology and health on the rubber plantations of French colonial Vietnam, 1858-1954, for a Young Scholars Prize. The prize is awarded every four years to up to five historians of science and technology for outstanding doctoral dissertations completed within last four years. Mitch’s prize, which will be awarded at the IUHPS Congress in Manchester in July 2013, consists of a certificate, assistance with travel and accommodation, and a waiver of registration fees.

Aso received his Ph.D. in 2011 and is now an Assistant Professor in the History Department at SUNY-Albany. Nicely done Mitch!