January 27 (Friday) at Noon
Marcia Holmes, University of Chicago
“Pilot, Navigator, Bombardier, Psychologist: Measuring the Aptitudes of Bomber Crews in World War II and the Making of the US Army Air Forces’ Aviation Psychology Program.”
February 3 (Friday) at Noon
Felicity Turner, Law and Society Fellow, UW-Madison
“Narratives of Infanticide: Mothers, Murder, and the State in Nineteenth-Century America.”
February 10 (Friday) at Noon
Alexandra Rudnick, UW-Madison
“Disease and Development in the American South: Pellagra, Tropical Medicine, and Southern Distinctiveness, 1900 – 1938.”
February 17 (Friday) at Noon
Vicki Fama, UW-Madison
“Bodies Behind the Glass: Identity at the United States Army Medical Museum, 1862-1888.”
February 17 (Friday) at 3:00 pm
Colloquium: Bradley Matthys Moore, UW-Madison
“Czechoslovak Hygiene Services and the Struggle for Comprehensive Environmental Health under Communism.”
February 24 (Friday) at Noon
Noah Feinstein, Curriculum & Instruction and Community & Environmental Sociology, UW-Madison
“Culture Contact and the Competent Outsider – How should we think about public engagement with science?”
March 2 (Friday) at Noon
Jamie Cohen-Cole, Harvard University
“Information Technology and Human Nature.”
March 8 (Thursday) at 7:30 pm
Colloquium: Peter Galison, Harvard University
“Wastelands and Wilderness,” followed by a 9:00 PM screening of the clips, with commentary, from the forthcoming film Nuclear Underground (2013).
Location: Marquee Theater, Union South
This event is co-sponsored with the Wisconsin Union Directorate Film Committee, the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies and Center for Culture, History and Environment, and the Robert F. and Jean E. Holtz Center for Science and Technology Studies.
March 9 (Friday) at Noon
Peter Galison, Harvard University
“Building Crashing Thinking: The Reciprocal Historical Action between Scientific Self and Technologies.”
Location: Memorial Union, check TITU for location
March 16 (Friday) at Noon
Stephen Neal, UW-Madison
“Public Discoveries and Secret Science: James Van Allen and Atmospheric Nuclear Research.”
March 23 (Friday) at Noon
Molly Laas, UW-Madison
“Making Rickets Visible: Race, Migration, and the Discovery of Rickets in 19th-Century America.”
March 23 (Friday) at 3:00 pm
Colloquium: Brent Ruswick, University of Central Arkansas
“Re-visiting the Visitors: The Friendly Enforcement of Citizenship and Manners among the American Poor, 1880–1900.”
March 30 (Friday) at Noon
“Forum on Teaching Strategies”
April 6 (Friday) at Noon
No Brown Bag – Spring Break
April 13 (Friday) at Noon
“A discussion on preparing for the job market.”
Location: Bradley Memorial 204
April 13 (Friday) at 3:00 pm
Natalia Molina, University of California, San Diego
“Scientific Racialization and Its Influence on Mexican Immigration Policy throughout the Twentieth Century.”
April 20 (Friday) at Noon
Steven Feierman, University of Pennsylvania
“Popular Initiatives for Medicine in Africa: Sociality, Meaning and Efficacy.”
Location: Union South, 5th Quarter Studio, on the Second Floor.
Professor Feierman’s talk is cosponsored with the African Studies department as part of their 50th anniversary celebration, 50/Forward: A Half-Century of African Studies at Wisconsin.
April 20 (Friday) at 3:00 pm
Colloquium: Bruce Wheaton, Principal, Technology & Physical Science History Associates
“Atomic Waves in Paris: The de Broglie You Do Not Know.”
Location: Union South, Landmark (3rd Floor).
April 27 (Friday) at Noon
Anna Zeide, UW-Madison
“From the Imagined Consumer to the Controlled Consumer or Thinking on Narrative Turning Points.”
Location: Bradley Memorial 204
May 4 (Friday) at Noon
Town Hall Meeting
Location: Bradley Memorial 204
May 4 (Friday) at 4:00 pm
Colloquium: Erik Peterson, University of Wisconsin-Madison
“Socialism, Christianity, and ‘Mathematico-physico-chemical Morphology’: The Strange Case of British Biology Between the Wars.”
Location: 976 Memorial Library (Special Collections).
May 11 (Friday) at Noon
Javier Arango, Director, The Aeroplane Collection
“Learning About Technology Through Building and Flying WW I Airplanes.”
Location: Bradley Memorial 204