Anna Zeide Receives University Exceptional Service Award

December 2011

Congratulations to Anna Zeide who has received a University Exceptional Service Award. This award recognizes outstanding graduate student teaching assistants who, in addition to their regular teaching duties, perform exceptional service related to the education mission of their departments in the form of volunteerism, committee work, mentoring, and more.

Anna’s considerable service includes: work with the Nelson Institute’s Center for Culture, History, and Environment (CHE) as a Project Assistant; helping with Community GroundWorks, a local nonprofit that connects people to nature and food; acting as a liaison with the UW GreenHouse Environmental Learning Community; assisting in her own department on brownbag panels and other committees; and giving her time in work across campus — serving as a panelist for new graduate student orientation; panelist for the 40th Earth Day celebration; teaching a course on food for the PEOPLE (Pre-College Enrichment Opportunity Program for Learning Excellence) program, which is a pre-college pipeline for students of color and low-income students; organizing an oral history workshop; and contributing to a Slow Food UW handbook.

Well done Anna!