January 22 (Friday) at Noon
Friday Brown Bag
Town Hall Meeting
January 29 (Friday) at Noon
Tom Broman, UW-Madison
“Narratives of Modernity: History of Science in a Post-European World.”
February 5 (Friday) at Noon
Anna Zeide, Sarah Potratz, and Peter Susalla, UW-Madison
“The MA Paper”
February 12 (Friday) at Noon
James Sweet, History Dept., UW-Madison
Topic: “‘Today he cures; tomorrow he kills’: Domingos Alvares and the Politics of Healing in Dahomey, Brazil, and Portugal, 1710-1750.”
February 16 (Tuesday) at 4:00 pm
Colloquium: Shannon Withycombe, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Title: “Deciphering Clots: The Science of Pregnancy Loss in Nineteenth-Century America.”
Location: 976 Memorial Library (Special Collections). Cookies & coffee will be available at 3:45pm.
February 19 (Friday) at Noon
Barbara Baumgartner, Washington University, St. Louis
Topic: “Anatomy Lessons: Reading the Body in Emily Dickinson’s Poetry.”
February 26 (Friday) at Noon
Diane Paul, UW-Madison
Topic: “Beyond Galton: The 19th-Century British Debate over Inherited Differences.”
March 5 (Friday) at Noon
Erika Milam, University of Maryland, College Park
Topic: “Race, Violence, and Secular Humanism? A Fifth-Grade Social Studies Curriculum from the 1960s.”
March 12 (Friday) at Noon
Sarah Potratz, UW-Madison
Topic: “Rickets in Dairyland: The Changing Uses of Sunlight, Cod Liver Oil and Vitamin D Milk in Wisconsin in the 1920s and 1930s.”
March 16 (Tuesday) at 4:00 pm
Colloquium: Andrew Ruis, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Title: “In Defense of (School) Food: Public Health, Private Rights, and the Law, 1900-1946.”
Location: 976 Memorial Library (Special Collections). Cookies & coffee will be available at 3:45pm.
March 19 (Friday) at Noon
Shannon Withycombe, Kellen Backer, and Amrys Williams, UW-Madison
Topic: “CSIence 101: What Forensic Dramas Teach Us About Science, Medicine, and Technology.”
March 26 (Friday) at Noon
Speaker: Amrys Williams, UW-Madison
Topic: “’Whither, Rural Youth?’: 4-H at Home and Abroad after WWII.”
April 2 (Friday) at Noon
No Brown Bag Talk
Spring Break
April 9 (Friday) at Noon
Paul Kelleher, UW-Madison
Topic: “The Capabilities Approach and the Social Model of Disability: Ethics at the Intersection.”
April 13 (Tuesday) at 4:00 pm
Colloquium: Jorge Cañizares-Esguerra, University of Texas at Austin
Title: “The Iberian Roots of 17th-Century British and Dutch Cosmographic Knowledge.”
Location: 976 Memorial Library (Special Collections). Cookies & coffee will be available at 3:45pm.
April 16 (Friday) at Noon
Dayle DeLancey, UW-Madison
Topic: “Marks of Order: Slavery, Smallpox Inoculation, and Print Culture in 18th-Century Philadelphia.”
April 23 (Friday) at Noon
Andrew Stuhl, UW-Madison
Topic: “’Turning Kogmollik’ for Science.” Anthropological fieldwork during the Stefansson-Anderson Arctic Expedition of 1908-12 and its consequences.
April 30 (Friday) at Noon
No Brown Bag (due to AAHM meeting in Rochester, MN)
May 4 (Tuesday) at 4:00 pm
Colloquium: Charlotte Bigg, Centre Alexandre Koyré, Paris
(Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique)
Title: “A Visual History of Jean Perrin’s Brownian Motion Curves.”
Location: 976 Memorial Library (Special Collections). Cookies & coffee will be available at 3:45pm.
May 7 (Friday) at Noon
Mitch Aso, UW-Madison
Topic: “Health and Ecology on Rubber Plantations in French Colonial Indochina.”