Pyle Center (702 Langdon St, Madison WI) Room 225 @ 6:00 pm
“Chivalry, Stoicism, and the Way of the Samurai in Modern Japan” Sarah Thal (UW-Madison, Department of History) The Way of the Samurai (bushido) is often seen as a centuries-old traditional code of Japan’s elite warrior …
Curti Lounge, 5233 Mosse Humanities Building (455 N Park St) @ 4:00 pm
“Indian Wars Everywhere: Colonial Violence and the Shadow Doctrines of Empire” Stefan Aune (Williams University) Stefan Aune is a Professor of American Studies at Williams University. Professor Aune is an interdisciplinary historian of the global …
Ingraham Hall, Room 206 @ 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
“Vanishing Vienna: Modernism, Philosemitism, and Jews in a Postwar City” Frances Tanzer (Rose Professor of Holocaust History and Jewish Culture, Clark University) Frances Tanzer will discuss her new book, Vanishing Vienna: Modernism, Philosemitism, and Jews …