Jennifer Stitt


Advisor: Jennifer Ratner-Rosenhagen

Jennifer Stitt


My specialization is U.S. intellectual and cultural history. My research interests range widely and include the history of philosophy, literature, and politics; print and visual cultures; rallies, riots, and revolutions; the meaning of citizenship and community; exclusion and isolation in the American republic; and the transnational trafficking of ideas.

I am currently working on a popular history of the idea and practice of solitude in nineteenth- and twentieth-century American thought and politics. My research explores the paradoxes inherent in ideas about “aloneness” in the past to better understand how and why we ought to seek solitude in the present, and asks questions about how we ought to live as we face an increasingly uncertain future.


M.A., 2014, American History, University of Alabama at Birmingham
B.A., 2007, History and Philosophy, University of Alabama at Birmingham


  • U.S./North American History

MA Title

  • “‘Duty for to-day, hope for the morrow’: Alexander Crummell’s Communitarian Ideal”

Working Dissertation title

  • “Seeking Solitude: Imagining Self and Society in America”

Selected Publications

Selected Awards

  • Minna Grotophorst Willis Fellowship, History Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Fall 2019
  • Graduate School Fellowship, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Academic Year 2018-2019
  • Summer Research Scholarship, History Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Summer 2017
  • Graduate School Fellowship, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Academic Year 2015-2016
  • College of Arts and Sciences Outstanding Graduate Student in History, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 2014
  • David Hart White Prize in History, History Department, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 2014

Courses Taught as TA

  • History 461 – The American West to 1850

Courses Taught as Instructor

  • History 102 — Western Civilization, 1450-Present, University of Alabama at Birmingham
  • History 120 — U.S. History to 1877, University of Alabama at Birmingham