Teaching Assistants

Fall 2024

David Advent

Position title: TA: History 136 with Professor Ashley Brown

Email: advent@wisc.edu

Selenay Aydin

Position title: TA: History 130 with Professor Mou Banerjee

Email: saydin@wisc.edu

James Barnes

Position title: TA: Hist Sci 212 with Lecturer Nick Jacobson

Email: jrbarnes2@wisc.edu

Natalie Belew

Position title: History Lab

Email: nbelew@wisc.edu

Teagan Benson

Position title: TA: History 201 with Professor Francine Hirsch

Email: trbenson2@wisc.edu

Srotaswini Bhowmick

Position title: History Lab

Email: sbhowmick2@wisc.edu

James Bjork

Position title: TA: History 154 with Professor Stephen Kantrowitz

Email: jabjork@wisc.edu

Berke Çetinkaya

Position title: TA: History 120 with Professor Brandon Bloch

Email: bcetinkaya@wisc.edu

Abigail Corcoran

Position title: TA: History 201 with Professor April Haynes

Email: atcorcoran@wisc.edu

Madeleine Culpepper

Position title: TA: History 101 with Lecturer Maggie Flamingo

Cameron Daddis

Position title: TA: Hist Sci 201 with Professor Florence Hsia

Email: daddis@wisc.edu

E. Mintah Danquah

Position title: TA: History 277 with Professor James Sweet

Email: edanquah@wisc.edu

Yadhav Deerpaul

Position title: TA: History 120 with Professor Brandon Bloch

Julia do Prado

Position title: TA: History 153 with Professor Marla Ramirez

Email: doprado@wisc.edu

Baiyi Du

Position title: TA: History 103 with Professor Joe Dennis

Email: baiyi.du@wisc.edu

Nilufer Duygu Eriten

Position title: History Lab Co-coordinator

Email: findik@wisc.edu

Ezra Gerard

Position title: TA: History 350 with Professor Daniel Ussishkin

Email: egerard2@wisc.edu

Maxwell Greenberg

Position title: History Lab

Email: maxwell.greenberg@wisc.edu

Christopher Herde

Position title: TA: Hist Sci 212 with Lecturer Nick Jacobson

Email: cherde@wisc.edu

David Hice

Position title: TA: History 345 with Professor John Hall

Email: dhice@wisc.edu

Jack Hynick

Position title: TA: History 151 with Professor Allison Powers Useche

Email: jhynick@wisc.edu

Kelly Kornell

Position title: TA: History 115 with Professor Elizabeth Lapina

Email: kkornell@wisc.edu

Emily Lobenstein

Position title: TA: History 201 with Professor Juan Fernandez Capiral

Email: elobenstein@wisc.edu

Yirui Ma

Position title: TA: Hist Sci 201 with Professor Florence Hsia

Email: yma352@wisc.edu

Doris Mbaka

Position title: TA: History 277 with Professor James Sweet

Email: mbaka@wisc.edu

Bennett McIntosh

Position title: TA: Hist Sci 150 with Professor Devin Kennedy

Email: bamcintosh@wisc.edu

James Meadows

Position title: TA: History 136 with Professor Ashley Brown

Email: jcmeadows@wisc.edu

Samuel Meyerson

Position title: TA: History 277 with Professor James Sweet

Email: semeyerson@wisc.edu

Kyle Miron

Position title: TA: History 102 with Professor Simon Balto

Email: kmiron@wisc.edu

Ethan J. Moreland

Position title: TA: History 375 with Professor Alfred McCoy

Email: ejmoreland@wisc.edu

Keely Mruk

Position title: TA: Hist Sci 201 with Professor Florence Hsia

Email: mruk@wisc.edu

Brand D. Nakashima

Position title: TA: History 160 with Professor Cindy Cheng

Email: bnakashima@wisc.edu

Yue Qiu

Position title: TA: History 160 with Professor Cindy Cheng

Email: qiu86@wisc.edu

Larissa Redditt

Position title: History Lab

Email: redditt@wisc.edu

Callie Rosenberg

Position title: TA: History 102 with Professor Simon Balto

Email: crosenberg7@wisc.edu

Suzanne Rubinstein

Position title: TA: Inter L&S 145 with Professor Leonora Neville

Email: smrubinstein@wisc.edu

Nicolás Felipe Rueda Rey

Position title: TA: History 460 with Visiting Professor Jim Feldman

Email: ruedarey@wisc.edu

Guy Russo

Position title: TA: History 246 with Dr. Michael Cullinane

Leslie Sabakinu

Position title: TA: History 201 with Professor Emily Callaci

Email: sabakinu@wisc.edu

Mariana Sarkis Olson

Position title: TA: History 151 with Professor Allison Powers Useche

Email: sarkisolson@wisc.edu

Aijie Shi

Position title: TA: Hist Sci 201 with Professor Florence Hsia

Email: ashi25@wisc.edu

Dane Smith

Position title: TA: History 119 with Professor Lee Palmer Wandel

Email: dssmith22@wisc.edu

Luke Sturm

Position title: TA: History 303 with Professor Claire Taylor

Email: lhsturm@wisc.edu

John Tobin

Position title: History Lab Co-coordinator

Email: jptobin@wisc.edu

Elizabeth Tulley

Position title: History Lab

Email: etulley@wisc.edu

Patrick Uphues

Position title: TA: History 101 with Lecturer Maggie Flamingo

Email: puphues@wisc.edu

Yu-Hsuan Wang

Position title: TA: Hist Sci 150 with Professor Devin Kennedy

Email: yuhsuan.wang@wisc.edu

Christopher Watkins

Position title: TA: History 154 with Professor Stephen Kantrowitz

Email: cowatkins@wisc.edu

Yuji Xu

Position title: TA: Hist Sci 150 with Professor Devin Kennedy

Email: yuji.xu@wisc.edu

Jieon Yoo

Position title: TA: History 104 with Professor Viren Murthy

Email: yoo62@wisc.edu

Saul Zuniga

Position title: TA: Hist Sci 150 with Professor Devin Kennedy

Email: sfzuniga@wisc.edu